The Passive Question Answer Invitation to English 4 CHSE Odisha | The CHSE Student

 The Passive Question Answer

Activity 1

Change the sentences below into their passive forms.

1. The Head Master punished the student.

2. Foolish men build large houses.

3. The umpire declared the batsman out.

4. Did Vibhishan betray Ravana?

5. Van Gogh did not paint this picture.


1. The student was punished by the Head Master.

2. Large houses are built by foolish men.

3. The batsman was declared out by the umpire.

4. Was Ravana betrayed by Vibhisan?

5. This picture was not painted by Van Gogh.

Activity 2

Change the voice of the sentences below.

1. The dates for polling have been announced by the Election Commission.

2. Oriyas living in America have sent fifty crores for relief work.

3. The party has chosen a new president.

4. The plane was hijacked by five terrorists.

5. Can this cheque be cashed by my brother?


1. The Election Commission has announced the date for polling.

2. Fifty crores has been sent by Oriyas living in America for relief work.

3. A new president has been chosen (by the party).

4. Five terrorists hijacked the plane.

5. Can my brother cash this cheque?

Activity 3

Use the verbs (given in brackets) in the correct form.

(a) Originally, this novel (write) __________ in Hindi, but it (translate) _________ into Oriya in 1985.

(b) Cheese (make)- from milk.

(c) There was an accident this afternoon. Somebody called an ambulance but as nobody (injure) _________ the ambulance (not require) ________.

(d) The office is in a mess. The telephone (never answer)__________, no proper records (keep) __________ and worst of all, no reports(write)__________.

(e) A three-year-old girl who hid in a sack while her mother was picking potatoes (run over) _________ by a tractor at a farm in Karnataka.

(f) A tree is lying across the road. It (blow down)____________ in the storm.

(g) The letter (post) _________ a week ago and it arrived yesterday.

(h) Two people (report) ___________ injured in a bomb explosion at a factory in Calcutta early this morning.

(i) A new museum (build) _________ in the city. Work started last year and the museum (expect) ___________ to open next year.


(a) Originally, this novel was written in Hindi, but it was translated into Oriya in 1985.

(b) Cheese is made from milk.

(c) There was an accident this afternoon. Somebody called an ambulance but as nobody was injured, the ambulance was not required.

(d) The office is in a mess. The telephone is never answered, no proper records are kept and worst of all, no reports are written.

(e) A three-year-old girl who hid in a sack while her mother was picking potatoes was run over by a tractor at a farm in Karnataka.

(f) A tree is lying across the road, it is blown down in the storm.

(g) The letter was posted a week ago and it arrived yesterday.

(h) Two people are reported injured in a bomb explosion at a factory in Calcutta early this morning.

(i) A new museum is being built in the city. Work started last year and the museum is expected to open next year.

CHSE Odisha Board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) The Passive

Activity 4

Rewrite the following newspaper report using passive forms of the verbs.

Thieves held the manager of the Taj Hotel at gun point last night during a daring raid in which they took nearly Rs. 500,000 from the hotel safe. They also broke into several of the bedrooms and removed articles of value.

The thieves made their escape through the kitchen, where they damaged several pieces of equipment. They injured the chef when he tried to stop them and left him lying unconscious on the floor. Police arrested the thieves early this morning.


1. The manger of the Taj Hotel was held at gun point last night.

2. Nearly Rs. 5,00,000 was taken from the hotel safe (by them).

3. Several of the bedrooms were also broken into (by them).

4. Articles of value were also removed.

5. Several pieces of equipment were damaged by them.

6. The chef was injured by them when he tried to stop them.

7. He was left unconscious on the floor.

8. The thieves were arrested (by the police) early this morning.

Activity 5

The following is a part of a newspaper report. Use the verbs supplied in the blank spaces, in their appropriate forms.

(a) In Bhubaneswar yesterday a shopkeeper (force) ________ to hand over Rs. 10,000 after (threaten) ________ by a man with a knife. The man escaped in a car which (steal) _________ earlier in the day. Later, the car (find) ________ in a garage where it (abandon)- by the thief. A man who (suspect) _________ of (involve) __________ in the robbery (arrested) _________ and (question) _________ by the police.

(b) The state library (damage) __________ in a fire last Sunday. The fire, which (discover) _________ at about 11 p.m., spread very quickly. Nobody (injure) __________ but two people had to (rescue) __________ from a room upstairs. A number of valuable books (bum)__________. It (not know) __________ how the fire started.


(a) In Bhubaneswar yesterday a shopkeeper was forced to hand over Rs. 10,000 after being threatened by a man with a knife. The man escaped in a car which was stolen earlier in the day. Later, the car was found in a garage where it was abandoned by the thief. A man who was suspected of being involved in the robbery was arrested and questioned by the police.

(b) The state library was damaged in a fire last Sunday. The fire, which was discovered at about 11 p.m., spread very quickly. Nobody was injured but two people had to be rescued from a room upstairs. A number of valuable books were burnt. It was not known how the fire started.

Activity 6

Mrs. Mohanty went out for a while. When she came back, she soon realised that someone had been in the room while she was away. Given below a list of the things that had been disturbed. Write sentences to describe the room, using the following hints.

bookcase/move door/open wall clock/remove

food on the table/eat candle/light record player/smash

window/close flower vase/break television/switch off


1. The bookcase had been moved.

2. The food on the table had been eaten.

3. The window had been closed.

4. The flower vase had been broken.

5. The door had been open.

6. The candle had been lighted.

7. Television had been switched off.

8. The wall clock had been removed.

9. The record player had been smashed.

CHSE Odisha Board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) The Passive

Activity 7

Do you know how to prepare a cup of tea, using a tea bag? If you don’t, you can follow the ‘recipe’ (pronounced re-si-pi) below.

A recipe is a set of instructions which you follow when you are preparing some food. Usually, recipes are given in the form of “commands”, using sentences in the active form. The following recipe for making tea is an example.

1 . Use one tea bag to make each cup of tea.

2. Place the required number of tea bags in a kettle.

3. Add boiling water.

4. Stir the water, but make sure that the tea bags do not open up.

5. Allow the tea to stand for four minutes.

6. Pour the tea into cups.

7. Add sugar and milk to taste

The instructions in the recipe can be re-written, using sentences in the passive form. What you get now is a description of a process. Write the recipe given above, using sentences in the passive form. The first sentence has been done for you.

How tea is made, using tea-bags


1. One tea-bag is used for making each cup of tea.

2. The required number of tea bags are placed in a kettle.

3. Boiling water is added.

4. The water is stirred, but make sure that the tea bags do not be opened up

5. The tea is allowed to stand for four minutes.

6. The tea is poured into cups.

7. Sugar and milk is added to taste.

Activity 8

When you become a member of a library, you are supposed to obey certain library rules. Rules are generally stated in sentences using the passive form.

Here is a list of “Dos” and “Don’ts” for users of public library. Can you turn them into library rules, using the passive?


1. You should maintain strict silence inside the library.

2. You must bring your membership card with you when you visit the library.

3. You must leave your bags, books, note-books, etc. at the checking counter, outside the library.

4. You should ask the librarian to help you in case you are unable to find a book


1. Strict silence must be maintained inside the library.

2. Your membership card must be brought (required) when you visit the library.

3. Your bags, books, note-books, etc. must be left/kept outside the library, at the checking counter.

4. The librarian may/should be asked to help you in case you are unable to find a book.


1. You mustn’t write anything inside a book which you borrow from the library.

2. You shouldn’t damage the book in any way.

3. You mustn’t keep the book longer than the due date.

4. You shouldn’t lend the book to anyone who is not a member of the library.


1. Anything inside a book mustn’t be written which you borrow from the library.

2. The book shouldn’t be damaged in any way.

3. The book mustn’t be kept longer than the due date.

4. The book shouldn’t be lent to anyone who is not a member of the library

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