Tense Patterns (unit 4, 5, 6, 7) Invitation to English 4 CHSE Odisha | The CHSE Student

 Tense Patterns Question Answer (unit 4, 5, 6, 7)

Tense patterns question answer

Unit 4 Present Perfect and Past Simple

Activity 18

1. Complete the dialogue using the hints given.

(i) A: ever / see /a lion _______________?

B: Yes, _______________.

A: Where _______________?

B: In the zoo _______________.

A: What/look _______________?

B: terrible _______________.

A: You / afraid _______________?

B: No, _______________?

(ii) A : ever / be to / Dhauligiri ………………………?

B: Yes, _______________.

A: What! see /there _______________?

B: A temple I top/hill _______________.

A See / the inscriptions _______________?

B: Yes, _______________?

A: Able to read the inscriptions _______________?

B: No, _______________.


(i) A: Have you ever seen a lion?

B: Yes, I have.

A: Where did you see it?

B: I saw it in the zoo.

A: What did it look like?

B: Yes, it was very terrible to look at.

A: Were you afraid?

B: No, I wasn’t.

(ii) A: Have you ever been to Dhauligiri?

B: Yes, I have been two times.

A: What did you see there?

B: I saw a temple at the top of the hill.

A: Did you see the inscriptions there?

B: Yes, I saw the inscriptions there.

A: Were you able to read the inscriptions there?

B: No, I wasn’t.

Activity 19

Choose the right verb for each blank space and put it into the correct tense.

(do, wear, carry, ask, say, think)

A : _______________your grandfather _______________ something really crazy ?

B: He _______________ something really silly last summer. One one of the hottest days he _______________ a raincoat and _______________ an umbrella. Everyone _______________ him why. He _______________he _______________ it was going to rain.


A: Did your grandfather wear something really crazy?

B: He wore something really silly last summer. On one of the hottest days, he wore a raincoat and carried an umbrella. Everyone asked him why. He said he thought it was going to rain.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Tense Patterns Unit 5 Present perfect and Past Simple

Activity – 20

Complete the sentences, using the verbs in brackets either in Past Simple or Present Perfect form.

(a) She _______________ up her mind (made). She’s going to look for another college.

(b) Amulya : _______________me his pen but I’m afraid I _______________ it. (give, lose)

(c) A: It’s a little bit noisy in here, isn’t it?

B: Pardon? I can’t hear. What _______________ you _______________? (say)

(d) Where is my bike? It _______________ outside the classroom. It _______________! (be, disappear)

(e) Did you know that Umesh _______________ a new scooter? (buy)

(f) I did Sanskrit at school but I _______________ most of it. (forget)

(g) A : Sima, this is Rajesh.

B: Hello, Rajesh. Actually, we know each other. We _______________ already ___________ (meet).


(a) She has made up her mind. She’s going to look for another college.

(b) Amulya gave me his pen but I’m afraid I have lost it.

(c) A: It’s a little bit noisy in here, isn’t it?

B: Pardon? I can’t hear. What did you say?

(d) Where is my bike? It was outside the classroom. It has disappeared!

(e) Did you know that Umesh has bought a new scooter?

(f) I did Sanskrit at school but I have forgotten most of it.

(g) A : Sima, this is Rajesh.

B: Hello, Rajesh. Actually, we know each other. We have already met.

Unit 5 Past Simple and Past Progressive

Activity 21

Put the verbs into the correct form, Past Progressive or Past Simple.

(a) My friend ______________(meet) Anima and Amiya at the bus stop four days ago. They ______________(go) to Paradeep and my friend ______________ (go) to Bolangir. They ______________(have) a chat while they ______________(wait) for their buses.

(b) My brother ______________ (cycle) to school last Monday when suddenly an old woman ______________(step) out into the road in front of him. He ______________(go) quite fast but luckily he ______________ (manage) to stop in time and ______________(not / hit) her.


(a) My friend met Anima and Amiya at the bus stop four days ago. They were going to Paradeep and my friend was going to Bolangir. They had a chat while they were waiting for their buses.

(b) My brother was cycling to school last Monday when suddenly an old woman stepped out into the road in front of him. He was going quite fast but luckily he managed to stop in time and did not hit her.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Tense Patterns Unit 5 Past Simple and Past Progressive

Activity 22

Here is a true story.

An old couple …………………………living in a flat in Bhubaneswar. ………………………… locked up in one room ………………………….. Some unknown people took away everything ………………………… police arrived ………………………… climbed ………………………… rescued ………………………… broke open a door ………………………… one dacoit was killed ………………………… detective was called …………………………interviewed a witness.

Imagine that you are being questioned by the police as if you were a witness to the crime. A police Inspector is recording your statements in a notebook. Think about the situation and write the appropriate answers.

Inspector: Where were you standing at that time?

Answer: _____________________________.

Inspector: Why did you come here?

Answer: _____________________________.

Inspector: What was the old man doing at the time?

Answer: _____________________________.

Inspector: How did you see that?

Answer: _____________________________.

Inspector: How long were you standing there?

Answer: _____________________________.

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Tense Patterns Unit 5 Past Simple and Past Progressive


An old couple _____ living in a flat in Bhubaneswar, _____ Orissa locked up in one room _____. Some unknown people took away everything. _____ police arrived _____, limbed _____ rescued _____ , broke open a door _____one dacoit killed, _____detective was called _____ interviewed a witness.

Inspector: Where were you standing at that time?

Answer: I was standing near the flat.

Inspector: Why did you come here?

Answer: I came here to play.

Inspector: What was the old man doing at that time?

Answer: The old man was shouting and trembling out of fear.

Inspector: How did you see that?

Answer: I heard him shouting and saw him trembling.

Inspector: How long were you standing there?

Answer: I stood there till your arrival.

Unit 6 The Past The Past Simple and the Past Perfect

Activity 23

Combine each pair of sentences below into a single sentence, using the Past Perfect to show which action took place earlier. (You may have to use words like after; when etc.

(a) (i) I finished my homework.

(ii) Then I went to buy a pen.


(b) (i) Then the doctor gave some medicine to the patient,

(ii) Then the patient regained his senses.


(c) (i) I read a few pages from the book.

(ii) After that I returned it to the librarian.


(d) (i) I worked in the garden for some time.

(ii) After that I had my breakfast.


(e) (i) He left the place in a hurry.

(ii) After that his friend arrived.


(f) (i) The young girl finished shopping.

(ii) Then she met with an accident.


(g) (i) The thief ran away with the gold.

(ii) After that the police arrived.



(a) After I had finished my homework, I went to buy a pen.

(b) After the doctor had given some medicine to the patient, the patient regained his senses.

(c) After I had read a few pages from the book, I returned to the librarian.

(d) I had worked in the garden for some time before I had my breakfast.

(e) When he had left the place in a hurry. his friend arrived.

(f) After the young girl had finished shopping. she met with an accident.

(g) The thief had run away with the gold before the police arrived.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Tense Patterns Unit 6 The Past Simple and the Past Perfect

Activity 24

Jatin arrived late at different places yesterday. What did he find when he arrived

at each place?

Example — When he arrived at the cricket stadium, the game had ended.

(a) the hank it / already I close.


(b) his uncle’s house his uncle I go the sleep.


(c) the bus stops the bus I already / leave.


(d) book shop the book he wanted/sold out already.


(e) the club his friends/leave.


(f) the hostel everyone / go to bed.



(a) When he arrived at the bank, it had already closed.

(b) When he got to his uncle’s house, his uncle had gone to sleep.

(c) When he reached the bus stop, the bus had already left.

(d) When he came to the bookshop, the book he wanted had been sold out already.

(e) When he arrived at the club, his friends had left.

(f) When he came to the hostel, everyone had gone to bed.

CHSE Odisha board  Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Tense Patterns Unit 6 The Past Simple and the Past Perfect

Activity 25

Use the verb supplied in brackets in the appropriate form.

(a) We went to Anil’s house and _____________(knock) on the door but there _____________ (be) no answer. Either he _____________ (go) out or he _____________ (not want) to see anyone.

(b) Sadhan _____________(go) for a walk yesterday because the doctor _____________(tell) him last week that he _____________(need) exercise.

(c) A : _____________(Seema / arrive) at the party in time last night ?

B: No, she was late. By the time, we got there, everyone _____________(leave).


(a) We went to Anil’s house and knocked on the door but there was no answer. Either he had gone out or he did not want to see anyone.

(b) Sadhan went for a walk yesterday because the doctor told him last week that he needed exercise.

(c) A: Did Seema arrive at the party in time last night?

B: No, she was late. By the time, we got there, everyone had left.

Unit 7 Future Time Reference

Activity 26

Surabhi, who is 16, wants to go on an excursion with her friends and teachers. . Her mother is worried and has a lot of questions to ask about the arrangements. Look at the hints supplied and complete the dialogue between them, using the appropriate forms of the verbs.

Mother: Who / you / go / with?


Surabhi: friends/teachers


Mother: Where / you / go?


Surabhi: Darjeeling


Mother: When / go / there?


Surabhi: next Monday


Mother: How / you / get there?


Surabhi: by bus?


Mother: Where / you / stay?


Mother: a hotel.



Mother: Who are you going with?

Surabhi: I’m going with my friends and teachers.

Mother: Where are you going?

Surabhi: I’m (We are) going to Darjeeling.

Mother: When are you going there?

Surabhi: I’m (We are) going there next Monday.

Mother: How are you getting there?

Surabhi: I’m (We are) getting there by bus.

Mother: Where are you staying?

Surabhi: I’m (We are) staying in a hotel.

Mother: What are you doing the next Tuesday there?

Surabhi: I’m visiting a cinema with my cousin.

Mother: When are you coming back?

Surabhi: I’m (We are) coming back next Sunday.

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Tense Patterns Unit 7 Future Time Reference

Activity 27

Bindu maintains a diary in which she writes down a list of the things that she plans to do during the week ahead. Here is an outline of the entries in her diary for the next week. Complete the entries, using the hints given below. Use the Present Progressive.

Monday: meet music teacher.


Tuesday: go to the cinema with cousin


Wednesday: play badminton


Thursday: see off Maya at the station.


Friday: throw a party for friends.


Saturday: visit a dentist in the evening.


Sunday: rest.



Monday: Bindu is meeting her music teacher on Monday.

Tuesday: She is going to the cinema with her cousin.

Wednesday: She is playing badminton in the evening.

Thursday: She is seeing off Maya at the station.

Friday: She is throwing a party for her friends.

Saturday: She is visiting the dentist in the evening.

Sunday: She is having a rest on Sunday.

Or, She is resting on Sunday.

Activity 28

You plan to visit Koraput after your examination. Mention five things that you have arranged to do there.

(a) ……………………………………………………………………………………

(b) ……………………………………………………………………………………

(c) ……………………………………………………………………………………

(d) ……………………………………………………………………………………

(e) ……………………………………………………………………………………


(a) I’m meeting one of my school friends there.

(b) I’m attending her birthday ceremony.

(c) I’m visiting the Damanjodi project there.

(d) I’m helping her with the party.

(e) I’m visiting new places there with my friend.

Activity 29

The following is the list of official engagements of the Chief Minister for next Monday. Write one sentence to describe each item. Use the Present Simple form of the verb given in brackets :

8.30 a.m. inaugural address, Conference on Preservation of Human Rights (deliver)

9.30 a.m. Speech on Syllabus Reform, Utkal University. (give)

1.00 p.m. Cabinet Committee meeting (preside over)

4.30 p.m. National Book Fair (inaugurate)

5.50 p.m. Parliamentary delegation from Turkey (welcome)

8.00 p.m. Dinner party in honor of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh (host)







8.30 a.m. The Chief Minister delivers his inaugural address at the Conference on Preservation of Human Rights.

9.30 a.m. The Chief Minister gives his speech on Syllabus Reform, at Utkal University.

1.00 p.m. The Chíef Minister presides over the Cabinet Committee meeting.

4.30 p.m. The Chief Minister inaugurates the National Book Fair at Unit — III, Exhibition field, Bhubaneswar.

5.50 p.m. The Chief Minister welcomes the Parliamentary delegation from Turkey.

8.00 p.m. The Chief Minister hosts the Dinner party in honor of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh.

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Tense Patterns Unit 7 Future Time Reference

Activity 30

A travel agency offers a number of packages for tourists. Here is an outline of such a travel package.

Imagine that you are a salesman in a travel agency and that you are describing the program to a group of tourists, who want to know the details. Use complete sentences, with the Present Simple, to describe the program.

Monday → Leave Bhubaneswar for Hyderabad by Konark Express

March 2 →2 days’ sight-seeing in Hyderabad

Thursday → Board Kaveri Express for Chennai

March 5 → 2 nights in Chennai, Visit to Mahabalipuram

Saturday → Board Vrindaban Express for Bangalore

March 7 → 2 nights in Bangalore

Monday → By Deluxe bus to Mysore

March 9 → 1 night in Mysore

Tuesday → Mysore to Goa by taxi

March 10 → 2 nights in Goa

Thursdaý → Board Flight IC 765 for Bhubaneswar

March 12


Monday → The tourists leave Bhubaneswar for Hyderabad by Konark Express.

March 2 → They go for 2 days sightseeing in Hyderabad.

Thursday → They board the Kaveri Express for Chennai.

March 5 → They stay 2 nights in Chennai and visit Mahabalipuram.

Saturday → They board the Vrindaban Express for Bangalore.

March 7 → They halt 2 nights in Bangalore.

Monday → They go by Deluxe bus to Mysore.

March 9 → They halt for 1 night in Mysore.

Tuesday → They go from Mysöre to Goa by taxi.

March 10 → They put up 2 nights in Goa.

Thursday → They board flight IC 765 for Bhubaneswar.

March 12

Activity 31

Complete the sentences using ‘be going to’ and the verbs in brackets.

(a) Look at those dark clouds. It’s _____________(rain).

(b) The lady is gasping for breath. I think she’s _____________(faint).

(c) My neighbor has packed up all his belongings. I think he _____________ (leave) the house.

(d) Rakesh _____________(fail) the exam. I don’t see him studying at all.

(e) Bijoy Babu _____________(lose) in the election. The voters are very unhappy with him.


(a) Look at those dark clouds. It’s going to rain.

(b) The lady is gasping for breath. I think she is going to faint.

(c) My neighbor has packed up all his belongings. I think he is going to leave the house.

(d) Rakesh is going to fail the exam. I don’t see him studying at all.

(e) Bijoy Babu is going to lose in the election. The voters are very unhappy with

Activity 32

Study the situation and guess what is going to happen. (One example has been given)

(a) The old man has been ill for a long time. He stopped taking food 5 days ago.

Ans. He is going to die.

(b) My friend has been reading the “matrimonial” column in the newspaper and collecting photographs of girls.


(c) A man is getting into the house opposite through the window. The people who live there are away on holiday.


(d) Do you see that man is trying to walk on the ice? His feet are sleeping.


(e) The policeman is running after the thief and pointing his gun at him.


(f) The boy has taken the book from the shelf and put it on the table. He is drawing up a chair now.


(g) India meets Pakistan in the final match today. Sachin Tendulkar is injured and will not be able to play.


(h) Water has got into the boat.



(b) My friend is going to marry soon.

(c) The man is going to steal from the house.

(d) The man is going to fall.

(e) The policeman is going to fire.

(f) He is going to read the book.

(g) India is going to lose the match.

(h) The boat is going to sink.

Activity 33

There are a number of things that you haven’t done yet but intend to do. Answer

the questions below, using be going to as well as the words in brackets.

Friend: Have you had lunch?

You: No, but _____________. (after my friend arrives)

Friend: Have you written a letter to your father?

You: Not yet, _____________. (tomorrow)

Friend: Have you read the new novel by Vikram Seth?

You: No, _____________. (next week),

Friend: Have you watered the plants?

You: Not yet, _____________. (this afternoon)


You: No, but I am going to have my lunch after my friend’s arrival.

Friend: Have you written a letter to your father?

You: Not yet, I am going to write a letter to my father tomorrow.

Friend: Have you read the new novel by Vikram Seth?

You: No, I am going to read the new novel by Vikram Seth next week.

Friend: Have you watered the plants?

You: Not yet, I am going to water the plants this afternoon.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Tense Patterns Unit 7 Future Time Reference

Activity 34

The members of a Youth Club have taken a vow on Gandhi Jayanti. They have promised that each of them will do at least one good deed, in memory of Mahatma Gandhi.

Can you draw up a list of the good things that the boys intend to do? Here is an example.

I’m going to plant 100 trees inside the school compound.

(a) ____________________________________________

(b) ____________________________________________

(c) ____________________________________________

(d) ____________________________________________

(e) ____________________________________________

(f) ____________________________________________

(g) ____________________________________________


(a) I’m going to clean the rubbish in our lane.

(b) I’m going to help the poor and sick.

(c) I’m going to be friends with people of other religions.

(d) I’m going to be truthful.

(e) I’m going to fight against injustice.

(f) I’m going to be punctual.

(g) I’m going to preach equality among people.

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