Tense Patterns (Unit 1, 2 and 3) | Plus Two Invitation to English 4 | CHSE Odisha Board | The CHSE Student

 Tense Patterns Question Answer (Unit 1, Unit 2 & Unit 3)

Tense Pattern Question answer


Activity 1: Study the sentences below and fill in the gaps, using the Present Simple/ Progressive form of the verb in brackets, as required.

a. The boy next door _________ (water) the plants now, but he normally _______ (do) it in
the evening.
Ans: is watering, does
b. My sister ___________ (play) badminton now, but she _________ (not play) here everyday.
Ans: is playing, does not play
c. My brother __________ (search) for his pen. He often ___________ (misplace) it.
Ans: is searching, misplaces
d. We ________ (get) ready to go to school; we _________ (go) to school every morning.
Ans: are getting, go
e. I usually __________ (enjoy) reading books, but I _________ (not enjoy) this one very
Ans: enjoy, am not enjoying
f. My grandfather rarely _________ (carry) an umbrella, but he __________ (carry) one
now because there are dark clouds in the sky.
Ans: carries, is carrying
g. I am sorry, but you can't see the Minister. He ___________ (sleep) still, although he usually__________ (wake up) very early.
Ans: is sleeping, wakes up
h. Hari __________ (do) his homework still. His brother, who always __________ (work)
very fast,__________ (play) in the garden.
Ans: is doing, works, is playing

Activity 2: The time is 8 p.m. Everyone in your family is busy, but each person is doing something which is different from what he/she usually does at this time. The members of your family, including yourself, are listed below. Write what each one of them is doing, and also mention what they usually do at this time. (One example has been given.)

1. Father
Ans: Father is having a shave, but he usually goes for a walk at this time.
2. Mother
Ans: Mother is watching a movie on television, but she usually cooks at this time.
3. My uncle
Ans: My uncle is reading a book, but he usually listens to music at this time.
4. My aunt
Ans: My aunt is stitching a dress, but she watches a comedy show on TV at this time.
5. My sister
And: My sister is talking with her friend, but she usually teaches me at this time.
6. My brother
Ans: My brother is playing badminton, but he usually goes to his dance class.
7. I
Ans: I am doing my homework, but I usually play badminton with my friends at this time.

Activity 3: Fill in the blank spaces below, using the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

a. Our neighbours ________________ (go) to Puri every winter but this winter they
_________________ (go) to Sambalpur.
Ans: go, are going
b. My father generally ____________ (take) the bus but today he _____________
(walk) to work.
Ans: takes, is walking
c. They usually ____________ (play) football on Sundays but this Sunday they ______
(play) cricket instead.
Ans: play, are playing
d. My brother always ___________ (work) on the day shift but this summer he
___________ (work) on the night shift.
Ans: works, is working
e. My teacher __________ (go) abroad every year but she _______________ ( visit )
Kanya Kumari this year.
Ans: goes, is visiting

Activity 4 : Imagine that you have an examination next month. You are working very hard for your examination and have been forced to change your daily routine. Describe seven things that you usually do, and the things you are being required to do now. You can use expressions such as these days, now-a-days, this month, this summer,
etc. An example is given in (i).

i. I normally get up at 7o'clock but I am getting up at 5 a.m. these days.
ii. I normally spend 1 hour for study but I am spending 5 hours now-a-days.
iii. I normally watch TV for 2 hours but I am not watching TV these days.
iv. I normally sleep 2 hours at day time but I am not sleeping at day time these days.
v. I normally have dinner at 9 o'clock but I am having dinner at 10 o'clock this month.

Activity 5 : Imagine that panchayat elections are going to be held in your village and as a result, a lot of development work is taking place. Write five sentences, mentioning in each what the present condition in the village is and what work is going on right now. Look at the example in (i) and use the hints provided in the other bits to write your sentences.

i. Drinking water.
Our village has no water supply but now the government is providing piped water to every

ii. Electricity
Our village has no stable electricity supply but now the government is maintaining its stability.

iii. Roads
In our village road has lots of pot-holes but now the government is constructing a new concrete road.

iv. Medical facilities
Our village has poor medical facilities but now the government is providing good medical facilities.

v. Education
Our village has only a primary school but now the government is constructing a high school, here.

Activity 6 : Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blanks :
a. costs/is costing
i. Gold ________ more and more these days.
Ans: is costing
ii. Gold ________ a great deal of money.
Ans: costs
b. thinks/is thinking
i. He ________. Don't disturb him.
Ans: is thinking
ii. He ________ very highly of you.
Ans: thinks
c. enjoy/am enjoying
i. I ________ games.
Ans: enjoy
ii. I ________ this game very much.
Ans: am enjoying

Activity 7 : Re-write the sentences below without changing the meaning. Use the word given in capital letters, which must not be altered in any way.

These shoes are the wrong size for me. FIT 
These shoes do not fit me.

a. There are four gallons of petrol in the tank. CONTAINS
Ans: The tank contains four gallons of water.

b. I intend to go to Koraput next summer. THINKING OF
Ans: I am thinking of going to Koraput next summer.

c. The life of the Rajput family forms the subject of the story. DESCRIBES
Ans: The story describes the life of the Rajput family.

d. The doctor is looking at the X-Ray. HAVING A LOOK
Ans: The doctor is having a look at the X-Ray.

e. When I see this village I remember my childhood. REMINDS ME OF
Ans: This village reminds me of my childhood.

f. I am fond of sweets. LIKE
Ans: I like sweets.

g. In my opinion you should meet him again. THINK
Ans: I think you should meet him again.

Activity 8 : Use the verbs in brackets in the Simple Present or Present Progressive forms, whichever is appropriate.

This year I _________ (study) English at Delhi University. I ___________ __________ (work) part time in a public library. I'm lucky to have this job. I ____________ (not have to) get up early. The library ___________ (open) at 10 and ___________ (close) at 7. The work is interesting because people__________ (always come in) and ____________ (ask) me to help them, so I ____________ (learn) a lot about different subjects. I _______________ (enjoy) the job and ___________ (find) it very amusing too. People __________ (use) the strangest things as bookmarks. I have found a lock of black hair inside books. Matchsticks ___________ (be) common and so ____________ (be) bus tickets. My colleagues ________________ (always find) things - even a ten rupee note, but I haven't been so lucky! I often ___________ (think) of a photograph I once found inside a book. It was the photograph of a beautiful girl, and on the back were the words 'I _________ (love) you, and I _________ (miss) you very much.’

Ans: This year I am studying English at Delhi University. I am working part-time in a public library. I'm lucky to have this job. I do not have to get up early. The library opens at 10 and closes at 7. The work is interesting because people always come in and ask me to help them, so I learn a lot about different subjects. I enjoy the job and find it very amusing too. People use the strangest things as bookmarks. I have found a lock of black hair inside books. Matchsticks are common and so are bus tickets. My colleagues always find things - even a ten rupee note, but I haven't been so lucky! I often think of a photograph I once found inside a book. It was the photograph of a beautiful girl, and on the back were the words 'I love you, and I miss you very much.’

Activity 9 : Complete the sentences marked B. Use the verbs in brackets, together with ''just/ already /yet''.

a. A: What does your wife think of your plan?
B: I________________________________ (not tell) her yet.
Ans: I haven't told her yet.
b. A: Would you like something to eat?
B: No, thanks. I ________________________ (just/eat) my lunch.
Ans: No, thanks. I have just eaten my lunch.
c. A: Is your brother here yet?
B: Yes, he _________________________ (just/arrive).
Ans: Yes, he has just arrived.
d. A: What's on TV today?
B: I don't know, I ______________ (not see) the programme yet.
Ans: I don't know. I haven't seen the programme yet.
e. A: Do you know where Bidhu lives?
B: Yes, he ___________ (just/move) to Satyanagar.
Ans: Yes, he has just moved to Satyanagar.
f. A: Are your friends coming to the circus with us?
B: No, they ____________________ (already/see) it.
Ans: No, they have already seen it.
g. A: When is Prakash leaving?
B: He ________________ (already/leave).
Ans: He has already left.

Activity 10 : Study the situations suggested below and make up sentences with yet, already or just.

a. You are going to Koraput next Sunday. You phone your travel agent to buy a ticket for you.
Later your father says, 'Shall I get the ticket for you ?’
You: No, (buy) _________________________________________________
Ans: No, I have already bought the ticket.
b. Alok goes to the Post Office but returns after a while. His friend asks you if he is still at
the Post Office.
You: No, (come back) ____________________________________________
Ans: No, he has already come back from Post Office.
c. You know that one of your classmates is looking for a house. When you meet him,
you want to know if he has been successful.
You: __________________________________________________________
Ans: Have you got a house?
d. You visit a friend's house after lunch. He asks if you would like to eat something.
You: __________________________________________________________
Ans: No, I have already had my lunch.
e. You are doing your homework. Your brother thinks that you have finished and turns the light off. What would you tell him?
You: __________________________________________________________
Ans: I haven't finished my homework, yet.
f. Amar goes out. Ten minutes later his friend comes and asks you if he can meet Amar.
You: __________________________________________________________
Ans: No, he has gone outside. 

Activty 11 : Below is a list of things that your parents have asked you to do today. You have checked the things you’ve done so far. Talk about the things you’ve already done and the things you haven’t done yet. (Two have been done for you as examples).

1. do the washing up 
2. do your home work 
3. wash the scooter 
4. write to brother 
5. read today’s newspaper 
6. de-frost the fridge 
7. buy some fruit 
8. watch the news on TV
9. clean the windows 
10. water the plants
11. empty the dustbin 
12. phone uncle

1. I haven’t done the washing up yet.
2. I have already done my homework.
3. I haven't washed the scooter, yet.
4. I haven't written to my brother, yet.
5. I have already read today's newspaper.
6. I haven't defrosted the fridge.
7. I have already bought some fruit.
8. I haven't watched the news on TV.
9. I have just cleaned the windows.
10. I haven't watered the plants, yet.
11. I have already emptied the dustbin.
12. I haven't phoned my uncle, yet.

Activity 12 : Anil, Anima, Mohan and Anand are talking about the places which they have visited.
Fill in the blank spaces using the information in the chart below.

1. Anil _________ been to Kolkata, but Mohan _____________.
Ans: has, hasn't
2. Three people __________________ been to Puri.
Ans: has
3. Only one person __________ been to Sambalpur.
Ans: hasn't
4. Mohan is the only one who _________ visited only one place.
Ans: has
5. No body ______________ been to Shillong.
Ans: has
6. Two people ____________ been to three places.
Ans: has
7. Anima and Mohan ____________ both been to Puri, but neither ________ been to
Ans: has, hasn't

Activity 13 : Study the situations below and make up appropriate sentences using the verbs suggested.

1. Yesterday my sister bought a pen. She can't find it now. (lose)
Ans: she has lost it.
2. The children were playing here sometime ago. Now they are not seen. (leave)
Ans: They have just left.
3. My friend weighed 50 kilograms. Now he weighs 70. ( gain weight)
Ans: He has gained weight.
4. The man met with an accident. Now he is not able to speak. (lose voice)
Ans: He has lost his voice.
5. It was raining in the morning. Now the sky is clear. (stop)
Ans: The rain has stopped.
6. The tiger attacked the man. He is dead now. (kill)
Ans: The tiger killed the man.
7. He had some paper with him. Now he does not have any to write on. (run out of)
Ans: He has runout of paper.
8. My teacher got a job in a bank. He is not coming to school any more.(resign)
Ans: He has resigned from this teacher job.

Activity 14 : Rewrite the following sentences putting the words in brackets in the right place. The first one has been done for you.

1. My teacher has wanted to be a writer. (never)
Ans: My teacher has never wanted to be a writer.
2. I've found him helpful. (always)
Ans: I have always found him helpful.
3. People have misunderstood him. (often)
Ans: People have often misunderstood him.
4. I've had lunch. (just)
Ans: I've just had lunch.
5. Has he been to Puri? (ever)
ans: Has he ever been to Puri?
6. Don't panic. The police have arrested the culprit. (already)
Ans: Don't panic. The police have already arrested the culprit.

Activity 15 : Imagine that you suddenly run into an old friend whom you have not met for the last five years. But he has changed so much that you can hardly recognise him. Describe the changes that have taken place in your friend.
One example has been provided.

a) He has become a young man.
b) He has become strong and healthy.
c) He has become fair and tall.
d) He has become smart and confident.
e) He has grown a thick beard.

Unit 3 Past Simple

Activity 16:  Answer the following questions which relate to the things you do every day. Answer in complete sentences.

1. When do you wake up?
Ans: I wake up at 6:30 a.m.
2. What do you eat before you go to college?
Ans: I eat noodles before go to college.
3. When do you leave home?
Ans: I leave home at 9:30 a.m. 
4. How do you get to college?
Ans: I get to college by my bicycle.
5. What do you pass on the way?
Ans: I pass police station, post office and my high school on the way.
6. How long does it take you?
Ans: It takes 20 minutes.
7. When do your classes start?
Ans: My classes start at 10:15 a.m.

Imagine that a friend of yours wants to know from you what you did last Wednesday, which was a very typical day in your life. What kind of questions would he ask you and what answers would you give him? Here are a few questions and answers for you to write.

1. When did you wake up last Wednesday?
Ans: I woke up at 6. a.m. last Wednesday.

2. How did you enjoy the day?
Ans: I went on merry-making with my friends as it was my birthday.

3. What did you do in the morning that day?
Ans: I took a clean bath first and put on a new pair of clothes.

4. What did you do after wearing the pair of new clothes?
Ans: I went to the temple to worship God.

5. What did you give your friends to eat?
Ans: I gave them some cake, sweets, and other sumptuous food to eat.

6. What did they give you on the day?
Ans: They presented me with fabulous gifts.

7. Were you really happy on that day?
Ans: Yes. I was very happy on that day.

Activity – 17
The following years were related to important events in Gandhiji’s life. Can you write a sentence on each of these years? One has been done for you.
1. (1869) Gandhiji was born.
2. (1888) ____________________________________________.
3. (1891) ____________________________________________.
4. (1893) ____________________________________________.
5. (1906) ____________________________________________.
6. (1915) ____________________________________________.
7. (1917) ____________________________________________.
8. (1931) ____________________________________________.
9. (1942) ____________________________________________.
10. (1948) ____________________________________________.
1. (1869) Gandhiji was born.
2. (1888) He went to London to study law.
3. (1891) He passed the law examination and was admitted to the bar.
4. (1893) He went to South Africa.
5. (1906) He wrote a significant letter to his brother Laxmidas Gandhi.
6. (1915) He left for Rajkot and Porbandar to meet his relations.
7. (1917) He received a summons to appear before the sub-divisional officer on April 18.
8. (1931) Gandhi-Irwin pact was signed in Delhi.
9. (1942) He attended the All-India Congress Committee meeting at Wardha.
10. (1948) He was shot dead by Nathuram Binayak Godse an R.S.S. member.

Activity – 18
Imagine that you went for a picnic last Sunday with some friends. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about the picnic. You may follow the hints given below.
1. when and how it was planned
2. the place selected
3. how you went there
4. what you saw on the way
5. what you did there
6. what you enjoyed most
7. when you returned

Dear ___________,
It was really nice to hear from you again. Thanks for telling me about your plans for an excursion. I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it. I have exams to sit for. But I have already made up for the loss.
Yesterday we went on a picnic, and I feel I must share the excitement of it all with you.

Yours truly,

Dear Sameer,
It was really nice to hear from you again. Thanks for telling me about your plans for an excursion. I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it. I have exams to sit for. But I have already made up for the loss.
Yesterday we went on a picnic, and I feel I must share the excitement of it all with you.
Our classmates sat together a week ahead and decided to go on a picnic to Nandankanan. We got the permission of the Principal and gave each one hundred rupees for the purpose. We were 50 students and three lecturers too consented to go with us. All of us were of the opinion to see Nandankanan, the zoo. We hired a bus and it was about two hours journey from our college. We saw a lot of buses, cars, and trees full of flowers on our way to Nandankanan. We arrived at Nandankanan by 9 o’clock in the morning. On getting there, we first had our breakfast. Mohan, Sanjay, and Pravakar voluntarily agreed to take charge of cooking. They discharged their duty pretty well. Others went to see the beautiful march of colorful sights and sounds. Our menu was very simple. We had rice, mutton curry, and fruit salad. The preparation of the food was superb. We all enjoyed the food to our heart’s content. After finishing our lunch, we took a little rest and then went round the zoo again. We first returned to our college at 6 p.m. Then the day scholars went to their houses and we went to our hostel. It was really a pleasant outing. I felt your absence there.

With love
Yours truly


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