Modal Verbs Question Answer Invitation to English 4 CHSE Odisha | The CHSE Student

 Modal Verbs Question Answer

modal verbs

Activity 1

Make a request to suit each of the situations suggested below, using the word supplied in brackets. In case no word has been suggested, you are free to choose your own words to make the request.

(a) You need some money. Ask a friend to lend you some. (can)


(b) You want a speaker in a seminar to explain something. Ask him to do so. (could/ would)


(c) You want your room key from the receptionist in a hotel. Ask the receptionist to give you the key. (can/may)


(d) You want a visitor to wait a minute while you get ready. (would)


(e) You are carrying a heavy bag. Ask someone to open the door for you. (could)


(f) You are on the phone. You want to speak to the chairman. (may)


(g) You want someone to tell you how to reach the railway station.


(h) You are buying a pair of shoes and want a receipt.


(i) You are working and want everybody to be quiet for some time.


(j) You need something to eat. Ask your mother.


(k) You are on a train and you would like to borrow a newspaper from another passenger, who has just finished reading it.



(a) Can you lend me some money?

(b) Could you please explain something?

Would you explain something, please?

(c) Can you please give me the room key?

May I get the room key, please?

(d) Would you wait for a minute, please?

(e) Could you please open the door for me?

(f) May I talk to the chairman, please?

(g) Could you please tell me how to reach the railway station?

(h) Would you give me the receipt, please?

(Or) Could you please give me the receipt?

(i) Could you be silent for some time, please?

Would you mind keeping silent for some time?

(j) Can you give me something to eat?

(k) Would you mind giving me the newspaper for some time?

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Modal Verbs

Activity 2

Monisha is ill in bed and has to request her friend to do things for her. Use can, will, could or would for the requests that she must make. (More than one answer may be possible.)

(a) Monisha wants some books to read. She would like her friend to get some.


(b) Monisha doesn’t want to be disturbed by visitors.


(c) Monisha wants her friend to write a letter for her.


(d) Monisha wants some vegetable soup for lunch.


(e) Monisha wants her friend to fetch the mobile phone, which is in the next room.


(f) Monisha wants her friend not to go out and leave her alone.


(g) Monisha wants her friend to wash her clothes.



(a) Can you lend me some books, please?

(b) Would you mind stop talking?

(c) Can you please write a letter for me?

(d) Could you/Can you provide me some vegetable soup for lunch, please?

(e) Can you get me the mobile phone from the next room, please?

(f) Would you stay for some time here, please?

(g) Can you please wash my clothes?

Activity 3

Seema is staying in Leena’s home as a guest, and Leena has to request Seema to do a few things for her, which she is not able to do herself, for some reason or the other. Here is an example.

Seema, could you please clean the dishes after dinner? I’ve got to go to the market to buy a few things.

Can you make a few more requests to Seema on behalf of Leena, using the clues below? You also have to provide a reason for each request. (You should be specially polite while making more unusual requests.)

(a) switch off the lights


(b) make some tea


(c) water the plants in the garden


(d) feed the dog


(e) take the rubbish out of the dustbin


(f) take care of the neighbor’s children


(g) cook dinner



(a) Could you please switch off the lights? I have to sweep the room.

(b) Could you please make me some tea?

I have got to wash my dresses.

(c) Would you please water the plants in the garden? I’ve to nurse my grandfather.

(d) Would you mind feeding the dog? I have got to do shopping.

I have to wash the utensils.

(e) Could you take the rubbish out of the dustbin, please?

I have to wash the utensils.

(f) Could you take care of the neighbor’s children, please? I have to have my bath.

(g) Could you please cook dinner?

I’ve, some sums to work out.

Activity 4

Ask for permission using can, could, or may. (More than one answer is possible.)

(a) You are at a seminar where someone is speaking. You want to ask the speaker a question.

Excuse me: _________________________________

(b) You are late for your English class. You want the teacher’s permission to get in.


(c) You are interviewing an actor. You would like to ask him something about his personal life.


(d) Yon wants to stay in the hostel. Ask the hostel warden for permission.


(e) You want to join the cricket team of your college. Ask the teacher in charge of the games.


(f) You have been invited to dinner by someone you do not know very well. You would like to ask for another piece of chicken.


(g) Your friend has a book that you want to read. Ask him/her.



(a) You are at a seminar where someone is speaking. You want to ask the speaker a question.

Excuse me, could I ask you a question?

(b) You are late for your English class. You want the teacher’s permission to get in. Could, I get into the class? Or, May I come in?

(c) You are interviewing an actor. You would like to ask him something about his personal life.

Would you mind telling me a few words on your personal life?

Or, May I ask a few questions on your personal life?

(d) You want to stay in the hostel. Ask the hostel warden for permission.

Could you allow/grant me to stay in the hostel?

(e) You want to join the cricket team of your college. Ask the teacher in charge of the games.

Could I join the cricket team this year?

(f) You have been invited to dinner by someone you do not know very well. You would like to ask for another piece of chicken.

Could you give me one more piece of chicken?

(g) Your friend has a book that you want to read. Ask him/her.

Can you lend me your book for a night?

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Modal Verbs

Activity 5

Imagine that you are a guest at the places mentioned below. Use can (informal), could (semi-formal) or may (formal) to ask for permission to do a different thing at each place. (One has been done for you.) At your grandparents home Can I use the phone, grandfather?

(a) At your teacher’s home.


(b) At your neighbor’s home.


(c) At the house of a favorite uncle.


(d) At the house of a close friend.


(e) At the house of someone you are visiting for the first time.


(f) At the house of a friend of your elder brother.


(g) At a distant relative’s home



(a) Could I use your bicycle?

(b) Can I use your comb?

(c) Can I have your photograph?

(d) Can I ride your scooter?

(e) Could I use your dictionary?

(f) Could I use your pen?

(g) Could I / May I switch on the TV?

Activity 6

Say whether the sentences below are used to ask for permission or to make a request or whether they are used in formal or informal situations.

(a) Mr. Mohanty, would you please tell all the teachers to come for a meeting in my office at 3 o’clock?

(b) Can you put this parcel on the table, please?

(c) May I ask you a question about this job, sir?

(d) Would you mind sitting on that chair?

(e) Could you pass the salt, please?

(f) Can my friend stay here too?

(g) May I wait in the corridor outside?


(a) Formal request

(b) Informal request

(c) Formal request

(d) More formal request

(e) Formal request

(f) Informal permission

(g) Formal permission

Activity 7

Make offers to suit the following situations.

(a) Your friend accidentally drops his pen on the floor.


(b) An old man wants you to make room for him to sit down.


(c) A patient is sweating profusely and the windows are closed.


(d) An old man is carrying a heavy suitcase and gasping for breath.


(e) Your principal wants to get some medicines from a pharmacy.


(f) A stranger wants to go to a particular place and you are on a motorbike.


(g) Your friend does not have enough money to buy a book he needs.


(h) Your mother is not able to cook as she is unwell.


(i) Your sister is not able to work out a sum.


(j) Your younger brother is trying to reach a book on the top shelf of a cupboard.



(a) Shall I/Can I lift it from the floor?

(Or) I’ll lift it form the floor.

(b) Would/Could I give you a seat here?

(c) Could/Would I open the windows for you?

(d) Could I carry the suitcase for you?

(e) Would / Could I bring some medicines for you, sir?

(f) Could I give you a lift?

(g) Shall / Can I lend you some money?

(h) I’ll cook for you.

(Or) Shall / Can I cook for you?

(i) Shall/Can I work out the sum for you?

(j) I’ll (will) get the book for you.

(Or) Shall/Can I get the book for you?

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Modal Verbs

Activity 8

Study the offers below and say which ones are made in a formal situation in which each one could have been made.

(a) Shall I call the doctor for you?


(b) Would you like me to call the police?


(c) Shall I switch off the light?


(d) I can lend you two hundred rupees if you like.


(e) I’ll help you make the bed.


(f) Could I wait for you at the gate?



(a) Shall I call the doctor for you?

Yes, I’m unwell, (formal)

(b) Would you like me to call the police?

Yes, I have to see the man stabbed.

(c) Shall I switch off the light?

Yes, I am awful tired now. (formal)

(d) I can lend you two hundred rupees if you like.

I’m badly in need of some money now. Oh, thanks.

(e) I’ll help you make the bed.

It’s very kind of you. I’m running a temperature now. (formal)

(f) Could I wait for you at the gate?

Yes, you may come and receive my other friends. (formal)

Activity 9

Make suggestions to suit the following situations. (More than one answer is possible.)

(a) You think, your friend and you should go for a walk.


(b) You would like to have dinner at a restaurant with your neighbor.


(c) You feel like going to the park with your mother.


(d) You would like your father to take you to an uncle’s house.


(e) You have met somebody for the first time at a friend’s house. He is watching a film on television, but you would like to watch a cricket match, on a different channel.


(f) You feel like going to the theatre with some friends.


(g) It is 11.00 p.m. Your roommate in the hostel is reading a book, but you would like to sleep.



(a) Let’s go for a walk.

Or, Can/Shall we go for a walk?

(b) Shall/Can we have dinner at a restaurant?

(c) Why don’t we got to the park now?

(d) Why don’t you take me to my uncle’s house?

(e) Could you change this channel? Let us see the cricket match in D.D. Sports.

(f) Let’s go to the theatre now.

Or, Why don’t we got to the theatre as we have some free moments now?

(g) Could you switch off the light? Let’s go to bed.

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Modal Verbs

Activity – 10

Your friends and you are putting up a cultural show in your college. Make suggestions about the arrangements for the show, using the hints below. Study the example below and write your sentences.

(i) the place where the show is to be put up

(ii) decorating the stage

(iii) fixing the lights

(iv) getting singers and musicians to perform

(v) setting up the sound system

(vi) the guests to be invited

(vii) the refreshments to be served


Example: We can invite the Chief Minister to be the Chief Guest.

(i) Shall we select/choose the old auditorium for the show?

(ii) Why don’t we decorate the stage by ourselves?

(iii) We shall invite the electrician for fixing the lights.

(iv) Let’s invite Akshay Mohanty and party for the musical show.

(v) What about setting up the sound system?

(vi) Why don’t we invite the Chief Minister and the Minister for Mass Education to be the guests?

(vii) The volunteers shall serve refreshments for the guests.

Activity – 11

Which of the following offer and which are suggestions? Say whether they are formal or informal.

(a) I can pay for your ticket if you like.

(b) What shall I do in case I don’t find Ram at home?

(c) Would you like them to wait for you?

(d) We could leave it until later.

(e) I can lend you the book.

(f) Could we paint this wall for you?


(a) offer informal

(b) offer informal

(c) offer formal

(d) suggestion informal

(e) offer informal

(f) offer informal

Activity – 12

Complete the sentences below using can or be able to. (In some of the sentences, it will not be possible to use can.)

(a) Ask Karim about your friend’s condition. He might — tell you something.

(b) Ravi was born and educated in Hyderabad. He — speaks Telugu.

(c) My friend can’t understand my problem. She’s never — understand it.

(d) I can’t lend you money but I — get the book for you.

(e) Meera — read Tamil but she doesn’t have any Tamil books.

(f) I haven’t — buy any books lately.

(g) We — travel a lot but we can’t do it now.

(h) Meet your teacher tomorrow. He — explain the question to you.


(a) Ask Karim about your friend’s condition. He might be able to tell you something.

(b) Ravi was born and educated in Hyderabad. He can speak Telugu.

(c) My friend can’t understand my problem. She has never been able to understand it.

(d) I can’t lend you money but I will be able to get the book for you.

(e) Meera can read Tamil but she doesn’t have any Tamil books.

(f) I haven’t been able to buy any books lately.

(g) We used to be able to travel a lot but we can’t do it now.

(h) Meet your teacher tomorrow. He will be able to explain the question to you.

Activity 13

List five things that you can do.

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

List five things that you can’t do.

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________


List five things that you can do.

1. I can lift this heavy box.

2. I will be able to get the first division.

3. I can speak and write in three languages.

4. I can give the answer to that question.

5. I will be able to swim in the river.

List five things that you can’t do.

1. I can’t lift an elephant.

2. I won’t be able to swim in the river.

3. I can’t read Greek.

4. I won’t be able to run 5 km at a stretch.

5. I won’t be able to get a medal in swimming

Activity 14

A new student has joined your class. As the Secretary of the College Union, you would like to know which activities your new classmate would be able to take part in. Frame at least five questions that you might want to ask him and provide the answers that might be given.

Q. Can you draw and paint?

A. Yes, I can / No, I can’t.

1. Q. _________________________________

A. _________________________________

2. Q. _________________________________

A. _________________________________

3. Q. _________________________________

A. _________________________________

4. Q. _________________________________

A. _________________________________

5. Q. _________________________________

A. _________________________________


Question 1. Will you be able to contact the guests?

Ans: Yes, I can.

Question 2. Can you speak Hindi fluently?

Ans: Yes, I can.

Question 3. Will you be able to do shopping?

Ans: Yes, I can do the shopping.

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Modal Verbs

Question 4. Will you be able to take care of the guests?

Ans: Yes, I can.

Question 5. Will you be able to see the seat arrangements?

Ans: Yes, I can.

2. General ability versus the ability to do something in a particular situation. Look at the following sentences.

  • Mohan could speak Assamese when he was a boy.
  • When I was in London I could visit the museum every day.
  • I had only a brief meeting with the Principal, but I was able to explain my difficulties to him.

In Sentence 1, could is used to refer to the general ability to do something that somebody possessed (in the past), while in Sentence 2, could indicate that the opportunity to do something was available. In Sentence 3, was able to indicate the ability, or the opportunity, to perform an action in a particular situation. Could is not used in such a context. Sometimes could is the past of ‘can’. We use ‘could’ to say that someone had the general ability to do something. But ‘was/were able to’ is used to indicate the past ‘ability + performance’ (result) which means ‘managed to do something in one particular situation.

Activity 15

Use could or was/were able to in the sentences below. Use a negative if necessary. More than one answer is possible.

(a) The author of the book learned to write very early in life. He — write short stories when he was at school.

(b) My scooter didn’t start. Luckily I — borrowed a bicycle and got there in time for the interview.

(c) It was dark. We — see a thing.

(d) The children were warned that a fire had started, and they — move their belongings in time.

(e) I — meet my friend as the bus had left.

(f) The people in the neighboring village were having a party last night and you — have joined them.

(g) My friend ran after the bus and — get on.

(h) The freedom fighters had to live in the jungles for months. They — survive without food for several days.


(a) The author of this book learned to write very early in life. He was able to write short stories when he was at school.

(b) My scooter didn’t start. Luckily I was able to borrow a bicycle and got there in time for the interview.

(c) It was dark. We couldn’t see a thing.

(d) The children were warned that a fire had started, and they were able to move their belongings in time.

(e) I could not meet my friend as the bus had left.

(f) The people in the neighboring village were having a party last night and you could have joined them.

(g) My friend ran after the bus and was able to get on.

(h) The freedom fighters had to live in the jungles for months. They were able to survive without food for several days.

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Modal Verbs

Activity 16

Saurabh is 40. Sometimes he feels that he has wasted his life. Read about Saurabh and replace some of the words with could have …, as shown in the example below.

Example: When Saurabh was 15 he had a chance to go abroad, but he decided not to go.

Ans. When Saurabh was 15 he could have gone abroad.

(a) Saurabh got a scholarship to study in a reputed public school. But he didn’t go.


(b) He was a good speaker, but he decided not to participate in debates.


(c) He had the opportunity to learn music under a famous teacher, but he decided against it.


(d) He was intelligent enough to come out first in the examination, but he did not try.


(e) He had the opportunity to start a business, but he did not want to.


(f) Everyone thought he had the creativity to write novels, but he never tried.



(a) Saurabh could have studied in a reputed public school when he was young.

(b) He could have participated in debates when he was in school.

(c) He could have learned music under a famous teacher when he was 20 years old.

(d) He could have come out first in the examination if he had studied sincerely.

(e) He could have started a business when he was 30 years old.

(f) When he was 25 years old, he could have written novels.

Activity 17

Use can, can’t, could, couldn’t was/were able to, where required. (Alternative answers are possible.)

(a) She — even speak properly when she was a girl, but now she’s a famous singer.

(b) Did you see anybody in the park? No, I — find anybody.

(c) An eagle — fly for hours.

(d) When my sister was just 7, she — speak Hindi much more fluently than she — now.

(e) On the fifth day the rescuers saw the children and — reach them without too much trouble.

(f) After weeks of training, I — climb some of the coconut trees.


(a) She could not even speak properly when she was a girl, but now she’s a famous singer.

(b) Did you see anybody in the park? No, I could not find anybody.

(c) An eagle can fly for hours.

(d) When my sister was just 7, she was able to speak Hindi much more fluently than she can now.

(e) On the fifth day the rescuers saw the children and were able to reach them without too much trouble.

(f) After weeks of training, I was able to climb some of the coconut trees.

Activity 18

Use can or may, as required, in the following sentences.

(a) The government — hike the bus fares next month.

(b) The villagers — convert this building into a hospital if everyone agrees.

(c) This medicine — cure any disease.

(d) My friends — put on a play here again next year.

(e) We’re going to do something different this year. We — decide to hire a professional drama group.

(f) Your boss is impressed with your work. You — get a promotion soon.

(g) The presence of lead particles in the air — cause brain damage in children.

(h) The machine has broken down and — takes some time to repair.


(a) The government may hike the bus fares next month.

(b) The villagers may convert this building into a hospital if everyone agrees.

(c) This medicine can cure any disease.

(d) My friends may put on a play here again next year.

(e) We’re going to do something different this year. We may decide to hire a professional drama group.

(f) Your boss is impressed with your work. You may get a promotion soon.

(g) The presence of lead particles in the air can cause brain damage in children.

(h) The machine has broken down and may take some time to repair.

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Modal Verbs

Activity 19

A group of engineers has come up with a number of unusual products, for use at home. These products are :

1. A battery-operated fan.

2. A portable water heater.

3. Writing paper that glows in the dark.

4. Shirts made of edible material.

5. Shoes with a built-in alarm clock.

6. A bicycle that can float.

Think of some situations in which these products could prove to be very useful and frame sentences suggesting (to prospective customers) some possible uses for the products. One example is given.


1. You can use the battery-operated fan to cool yourself when you are sitting in your garden.

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

6. _________________________________


2. You can use the portable water heater when you go outside during chilly winter.

3. You can use writing paper that glows in the dark when there is no light.

4. You can use shirts made of edible material if you need.

5. You can use shoes with a built-in alarm clock to make use of the time properly.

6. You can use a bicycle that can float when you want to cross a flooded river.

Activity 20

Rewrite the following sentences using ‘might’ or ‘could’.

(a) It is possible that she is cheating you.


(b) It is possible that they’ll come in the evening.


(c) It is possible that he is planning to sell the car.


(d) It is possible that she is telling the truth.


(e) This statement possibly contradicts his earlier statement.


(f) It is possible that one of them is a spy.



(a) She might cheat me.

(b) They could come in the evening.

(c) He might sell the car.

(d) She might tell the truth.

(e) He might contradict his earlier statement.

(f) He might be a spy.

Activity 21

Use may, might or could, together with the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. Who is the girl Madhu is talking to? I’m not sure. She — (be) her sister.

2. Why are the boys shouting? I don’t know. They — (play).

3. Where is Manisha? I have no idea. She — (study) in the library.

4. Who is that man with Vijay? I’m not sure. It — (be) his uncle.

5. Shall I tell the Minister about you? You’d better not. He — (think) I want to ask him for a favor.


1. Who is the girl Madhu is talking to? I’m not sure. She might be her sister.

2. Why are the boys shouting? I don’t know. The might he plane.

3. Where is Manisha? I have no idea. She might be studying in the library.

4. Who is that man with Vijay? I’m not sure. It might be his uncle.

5. Shall I tell the Minister about you? You’d better not. He may think I want to ask him for a favor.

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Modal Verbs

Activity 22

You are going for a walk, and you suddenly see a mysterious flying object, high up in the sky. Make five guesses about what the object could be.

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________


1. It might be a skylark.

2. It may be a balloon.

3. It might be a parachute.

4. It could be the wing of a damaged airplane.

5. It might be a soldier falling from an aircraft.

Activity 23

Complete the sentences below, expressing possibility in the past.

(a) The other teams weren’t good, so our team — (win). „

(b) You know where the library is, don’t you? You — (pass) it on your way here.

(c) Why didn’t your friend answer the phone? He — (not/ hear) it ringing.

(d) The light’s on. They — (forget) to switch it off.

(e) I did not hear the child’s voice, and I thought he — (fall asleep).

(f) Our teacher is not at home. He — (go) to meet a friend.

(g) How did you get that stain on your saree? I’m not sure. The baby — (drop) food on it.

(h) A: I can’t find my umbrella. Have you seen it?

B: No. You — (leave) in the restaurant.


(a) The other teams weren’t good, so our team might have won.

(b) You know where the library is, don’t you? You might have passed it on your way here.

(c) Why didn’t your friend answer the phone? He could/might not have heard it ringing.

(d) The light’s on. They might have forgotten to switch it off.

(e) I did not hear the child’s voice, and I thought he could/might have fallen asleep.

(f) Our teacher is not at home. He could have gone to meet a friend.

(g) How did you get that stain on your saree? I’m not sure. The baby might/could have dropped food on it.

(h) A: I can’t find my umbrella. Have you seen it?

B: No. You might/could have left in the restaurant.

Activity 24

Answer the questions in Column A, using must or can’t, and choosing a suitable reason from Column B. (One answer has been provided.)

Example: (She can’t be ill. She has gone swimming.)


2. They must be sleeping. Their bedroom lights are off.

3. He must be happy. He has just got a job.

4. He can’t be a Bengali. He speaks Telugu.

5. The shopkeeper can’t be honest. He charged more than the price.

6. These boys must be naughty. They play tricks on everyone.

7. She can’t be married. She is too young.

Activity 25

Consider the situations below and use the words in brackets to frame sentences with ‘/must have’ and ‘can’t have

(a) Satish got the first division in the exam. (He / works hard)


(b) Someone saw Sudha in the college library at 8.00 a.m. yesterday. (She / stays / in bed / all morning)


(c) The traffic lights were red and the car stopped, (the driver/see / the red light)


(d) He knows a lot about teaching. ( He / a teacher when he was young)


(e) Girish knew exactly what to do. (He / learns / the skills / very carefully)


(f) My friend knew everything about our plan. (He / listens / to our conversation)


(g) Janaki walked past me without speaking. (She / see / me)


(h) There are five stitches on her head. (She / have / an accident)



(a) He must have worked hard.

(b) She can’t have stayed in bed all morning.

(c) The driver must have seen the red light.

(d) He must have been a teacher when he was young.

(e) He must have learnt the skills very carefully.

(f) He must have listened to our conversation.

(g) She can’t have seen me.

(h) She must have had an accident.

Activity 26

Complete the sentences in the “Advice” column, using ‘should’ or ‘ought to’.


i. I should have bought a new pen yesterday, but I didn’t have money.

ii. I should have looked for other books, but I didn’t have free moments.

iii. I should have given some money to the poor, but I didn’t get the key of my drawer.

iv. They ought to have asked their teacher as they did not solve it themselves.

v. I should have gone and collected the glasses from the shop.

vi. I should have taken some days off.

Activity 27

Produce sentences indicating what the speaker should (not) / ought to have done in given situations.

(a) I’m in trouble because I didn’t wish my boss “Good morning”!

(b) The pen he used to write the examination was not good enough.

(c) Nirmal did not meet Seeta until it was too late.

(d) I’m sorry that he didn’t take your advice.

(e) Smita had to go to the bank opposite the college, but she hired a taxi.

(f) I sent a messenger three days ago, but he has not arrived yet.

(g) She left her books in the canteen. She didn’t find them when she went back.


(a) I’m in trouble because I didn’t wish my boss “Good morning”!

I should have wished my boss “Good morning.”

(b) The pen he used to write the examination was not good enough.

He ought to have used a good pen to write the examination.

(c) Nirmal did not meet Seeta until it was too late.

Nirmal should have met Seeta in time.

(d) I’m sorry that he didn’t take your advice. He ought to have taken your advice.

(e) Smita had to go to the bank opposite the college, but she hired a taxi. Smita should not have hired a taxi.

(I) I sent a messenger three days ago, but he has not arrived yet. He should have arrived by this time.

(g) She left her books in the canteen. She didn’t find them when she went back. She should have been very careful.

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Modal Verbs

Activity 28

What advice would you offer someone in a difficult or dangerous situation, such as an Are, flood, cyclone, a roof falling in, or a wild animal running loose in the city?

Think of at least 7 such situations and form sentences to offer advice, using either had better or had better not.

Example (a fire) You’d better phone the fire brigade.

1. (a burglary) You’d better not _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

6. _________________________________

7. _________________________________


1. You’d better not fight against them.

2. (a flood) You’d better take shelter on a hill.

3. (cyclone) You’d better leave that old house.

4. (a wild animal running loose) You’d better not open the door.

5. You’d better telephone the police about the wild animal.

6. (a roof falling in) You’d better leave the house with your family members.

7. (afire) You’d better make lose your cattle.

Activity 29

Complete the sentences using must or some form of have to. (In some cases, more than one answer is possible.)

(a) I really — find something cheaper. This is too expensive.

(b) A. — you — get a visa to go to Nepal?

B. No, you don’t but you — get one for Pakistan.

(c) You — fill in this form first. You can’t do anything until it is completed.

(d) Sudhir: I’ll meet you at the airport at 9 o’clock then.

Kamal: What! We — check in by 7.30.

(e) Jiban: This medicine tastes horrible. I’m going to take it only once a day.

Jiten: Now, don’t be silly. The doctor says you — take it 3 times a day.

Jiban: All right, I’ll take the medicine after meals.

Jiten: No, you — take the medicine before meals.

(f) You — remember to brush your teeth. If you don’t, you’ll have to go to the dentist.

(g) I — stay in bed yesterday because I wasn’t very well.

(h) I couldn’t go to the party last night because I — look after my youngest sister, who was ill.


(a) I really must find something cheaper. This is too expensive.

(b) A: Have you got to get a visa to go to Nepal?

B: No, you don’t, but you have to get one for Pakistan.

(c) You have to fill in this form first. You can’t do anything until it is completed.

(d) Sudhir: I’ll meet you at the airport at 9 o’clock then.

Kamal: What! We have to check in by 7.30.

(e) Jiban: I’ve never tasted such horrible medicine. I’m going to take it only once a day.

Jiten: Now, don’t be silly. The doctor says you have to take it 3 times a day.

Jiban: All right, I’ll take the medicine after meals.

Jiten: No, you have to take the medicine before meals.

(f) You must remember to brush your teeth. If you don’t, you’ll have to go to the dentist.

(g) I had to stay in bed yesterday because I wasn’t very well.

(h) I couldn’t go to the party last night because I had to look after my youngest sister.

Activity 30

Choose the correct modal.

(a) They’ve been late for class three times this week. They mustn ’t/ needn’t be late again.

(b He mustn’t / needn’t tell our teacher about the meeting. Sudha has already told him.

(c) You mustn’t / don’t have to make any noise going into the house.

It’s very late and everybody is asleep.

(d) I mustn’t / don’t have to hurry. I’ve got plenty of time.

(e) You mustn’t / needn’t open the door before the bus stops. You could fall out.

(f) You don’t have to / mustn’t wash that shirt. It isn’t dirty.

(g) Sima needn’t/ mustn’t finish her essay today. She’s got to hand it in by next Friday.

(h) You needn’t / mustn’t wear your best clothes. You can wear what you like.


(a) The mustn’t be late again.

(b) He needn’t tell our teacher about the meeting. Sudha has already told him.

(c) You mustn’t make any noise going into the house. It’s very late and everybody is asleep.

(d) I don’t have to hurry. I’ve got plenty of time.

(e) You mustn’t open the door before the bus stops. You could fall out.

(f) You don’t have to wash that shirt. It isn’t dirty.

(g) Sima needn’t finish her essay today.

She’s got to hand it in by next Friday.

(h) You needn’t wear your best clothes. You can wear what you like.

CHSE Odisha board Class 12 Invitation to English 4 ( English Grammar ) Modal Verbs

Activity 31

List five things which a visitor to a zoo must not do.

1. (A) Visitors to a zoo mustn’t…..

2. (S)he…

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

6. _________________________________

7. _________________________________

8. _________________________________


1. He mustn’t tease the wild animals.

2. He mustn ’t row boats himself in the lake without a guide.

3. He mustn’t throw stones at the birds.

4. He mustn’t give food to any animals there.

5. He mustn’t put his fingers inside a cage.

6. He mustn’t disfigure the walls.

7. He mustn’t go near the crocodiles.

8. He mustn’t terrify the small animals.

Activity 32

You went on a picnic to some far-away place with a group of friends. As you did not know what things would be available there, you made elaborate preparations. Now, after your return, you are narrating your experiences to another group of friends, who would also like to go on a picnic to the same spot.

Tell your friends which of the arrangements made by you were necessary, and which of them were either unnecessary or proved to be unnecessary. Use had to, needed to, didn’t need to, didn’t have to, and need not have to talk about the arrangements which were either necessary or unnecessary.

Here are some of the arrangements that were made.

1. hiring a bus

2. buying fire-wood for cooking

3. carrying water for drinking and cooking

4. carrying food materials: rice daal, vegetables, meat

5. finding a place to cook in

6. finding a place to serve the food

7. going to places of interest nearby

8. thinking of ways to keep yourself entertained

9. washing utensils after the meal

10. making arrangements for the return journey.


1. We had to hire a bus for the picnic.

2. We needn’t have to / didn’t have to buy firewood for cooking as it as plentily available there.

3. We didn’t have to carry water for drinking and cooking.

4. We had to carry food materials: rice, daal, vegetables, and meat.

5. We needed to / had to find a place to cook in.

6. We needed to find a place to serve the food.

7. We needn’t have to go to places of interest nearby.

8. We had to think of ways to keep ourselves entertained.

9. We needed to wash the utensils after the meal.

10. We needn’t have to make arrangements for the return journey as we had already arranged before.

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