Direct Speech and Reported Speech Question Answer Invitation to English 4 CHSE Odisha | The CHSE Student

 Direct Speech and Reported Speech Question Answer

direct speech and reported speech

Activity 1

Change the statements below into reported speech.

1. “We are visiting Konark on Sunday,” Harihar said.

2. “I will see you later,” Suresh told Sobha.

3. “Mr Mohanty has written the report,” the Chairman told me.

4. “I can’t speak Assamese,” I told her.

5. “We will have dinner at the Oberoi,” Umesh said.

6. “I don’t want to go shopping,” said Rabi.

7. “I lived in Cuttack when I was a boy,” he said.

8. “I don’t like black coffee,” she said.

9. “We are going to be late,” Varsha said.

CHSE Odisha Board Class 12 ( Invitation to English 4 ) English Grammar Direct and Reported Speech


1. Harihar said that they were visiting Konark on Sunday.

2. Suresh told Sobha that he would see her later.

3. The Chairman told me that Mr. Mohanty had written the report.

4. I told her that I couldn’t speak Assamese.

5. Umesh said that they would have dinner at the Oberoi.

6. Rabi said that he didn’t want to go shopping.

7. He said that he (had) lived in Cuttack when he was a boy.

8. She said that she didn’t like black coffee.

9. Varsha said that they were going to be late.

Activity 2

Complete the sentences in reported speech, making the necessary changes in person, place and time.

1. Nisha (to Seema): “Nina never speaks to me !”

Seema (to Nina): Nisha-said that ______________.

2. Suresh, “The match was played last week.”

You (a week later): Suresh said that _____________.

3. Ram: “I arrived in Delhi only yesterday.”

You (two days later): Ram said that ____________.

4. Renu (to Lipi): “I don’t have any money for the ticket.”

Lipi (to Pushpa) Renu told me that ______________.

5. Amiya (yesterday): “Tina and I are going on a picnic tomorrow.”

You (today): Amiya said that _____________.

6. Jina (in the library): “I’ll meet you and Mohan in the canteen.”

You (to Mohan, in the canteen): Jina told me that ____________.


1. Nisha (to Seema): “Nina never speaks to me !”

Seema (to Nina): Nisha said that you (Nina) never spoke to her.

2. Suresh, “The match was played last week.”

Suresh said that the match had- been played last week.

3. Ram: “I arrived in Delhi only yesterday.”

You (two days later): Ram said that he had arrived in Delhi only the day before/ the previous day.

4. Renu (to Lipi): “I don’t have any money for the ticket.”

Lipi (to Pushpa) Renu told me that she didn’t have any money for the ticket.

5. Amiya (yesterday): “Tina and I are going on a picnic tomorrow.”

You (today): Amiya said that Tina and I are going on a picnic (the next day) tomorrow.

6. Jina (in the library): “I’ll meet you and Mohan in the canteen.”

You (to Mohan, in the canteen): Jina told me that she would meet me and Mohan in the canteen.

CHSE Odisha Board Class 12 ( Invitation to English 4 ) English Grammar Direct and Reported Speech

Activity 3

Respond to the statements in quotation marks. The speakers are all saying something different from what they had told you before. The first one has been done for you.

1. “I prefer chicken to mutton.”

But you had told me you prefer mutton.

2. “I like sweets more than I like fish.”

But you had said _____________

3. “I love classical music.”

But I remember you saying _______________

4. “I haven’t finished my homework.”

But I thought you said ___________

5. “I don’t have a computer at home.”

But ________________


1. “I prefer chicken to mutton.”

But you had told me you prefer mutton.

2. “I like sweets more than I like fish.”

But you had said to me that you like(d) fish.

3. “I love classical music.”

But I remember you saying That you love pop-music.

4. “I haven’t finished my homework.”

But I thought you said to me that you had finished your homework.

5. “I don’t have a computer at home.”

But you had told me that you had a computer at home.

Activity 4

Kavita has been teaching in a school for five years. She can still remember the interview

she had to face and the questions that she was asked. This is what she tells her friend

Roma about the interview.

1. “Where are you from ?”

They asked me where I was from.

2. “Have you taught anywhere before ?”

They asked me _______________________

3. “Why are you interested in this job ?”


4. “Will you be able to come to the school at 7.00 every morning?


5. “Can you teach English in the higher classes ?”


6. “How much do you expect to be paid ?”



1. “Where are you from ?”

They asked me where I was from.

2. “Have you taught anywhere before ?”

They asked me if/whether I had taught anywhere.

3. “Why are you interested in this job ?”

They asked me why I was interested in that job

4. “Will you be able to come to the school at 7.00 every morning?

They asked me if/whether I would be able to come to school at 7.00 every morning.

5. “Can you teach English in the higher classes ?”

They asked me if/whether I could teach English in the higher classes.

6. “How much do you expect to be paid ?”

They asked me how much I expected to be paid.

CHSE Odisha Board Class 12 ( Invitation to English 4 ) English Grammar Direct and Reported Speech

Activity 5

A famous magician has arrived in your city and just presented his first performance. The show has proved to be very popular. This is what the different newspapers had to say about it.

“The show is brilliant,” (the Samaj).

“It made me laugh and cry,” (the Sambad).

“We can’t remember a better show,” (the Dharitri).

“You’ll love it,” (the Prajatantra).

“You shouldn’t miss it.” (the Dinalipi)

Put their comments in reported speech.


(a) The Samaj reported that the show was brilliant.

(b) The Sambad said that had made him laugh and cry.

(c) The Dharitri said that they couldn’t remember a better show.

(d) The Prajatantra said we would love that.

(e) The Dinalipi said that we shouldn’t miss that.

Activity 6

Change the sentences below into reported speech. Replace the word said, used in the sentences, by one of the verbs given below. Use each verb only once.

protested suggested admitted
shouted boasted exclaimed
muttered agreed objected
warned insisted claimed

1. “You can’t threaten me like that. I know my rights,” the old man said.
2. “This man doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” said someone in the audience.
3. “No, let’s finish this work first”, she said, “We can go to the movies some other day.”
4. “I can write a novel in a month,” said the man.
5. “Stand up now or I’ll beat you,” said the teacher.
6. “The book you are reading is my property,” the man said.
7. “If they can’t hand in the assignment today, they simply must hand it in tomorrow,” said the Principal.
8. “We’ll, the car has broken down and we can’t repair it now,” said the driver.
9. “Yes, I hit the boy with the school bag,” the girl said.
10. “We shall always be loyal to our country,” said the children.
11. “What a surprise to find him here today !” they said.
12. “I don’t have enough resources to build the house”, said the man.

1. “You can’t threaten me like that. I know my rights,” the old man said.

Ans: The old man shouted that I couldn’t threaten him like that and he knew his rights.

2. “This man doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” said someone in the audience.

Ans: Someone objected that the man didn’t know what he was talking about.

CHSE Odisha Board Class 12 ( Invitation to English 4 ) English Grammar Direct and Reported Speech

3. “No, let’s finish this work first”, she said, “We can go to the movies some other day.”

Ans: She suggested that they should finish that work first and they could go to the movies some other day.

4. “I can write a novel in a month,” said the man.

Ans: The man agreed that he could write a novel in a month.

5. “Stand up now or I’ll beat you,” said the teacher.

Ans: The teacher warned me to stand up then or he would beat me.

6. “The book you are reading is my property,” the man said.

Ans: The man claimed that the book he was reading was his property.

7. “If they can’t hand in the assignment today, they simply must hand it in tomorrow,” said the Principal.

Ans: The Principal insisted that if they couldn’t hand in the assignment today, they simply had to hand it in the next day.

8. “We’ll, the car has broken down and we can’t repair it now,” said the driver.

Ans: The driver muttered that the car had broken down and they couldn’t repair that then.

9. “Yes, I hit the boy with the school bag,” the girl said.

Ans: The girl admitted that she had hit the boy with the school bag.

10. “We shall always be loyal to our country,” said the children.

Ans: The children boasted that they should be loyal to their country.

11.“What a surprise to find him here today !” they said.

Ans: They exclaimed that was a surprise to find him there that day.

12. “I don’t have enough resources to build the house”, said the man.

Ans: The man protested that he didn’t have enough resources to build the house.

CHSE Odisha Board Class 12 ( Invitation to English 4 ) English Grammar Direct and Reported Speech

Activity 7

Choose suitable adverbs from the list below and use while reporting the following statements. The first one has been done for you.

passionately agreeably sharply
accusingly sarcastically angrily
defiantly patiently

1. “I shall always love you,” the young boy said.
Ans: The young boy passionately said that he would always love her.

2. “I thought you said you were ill yesterday,” she said.
3. “You can go to the devil !” the boy said.
4. “I think we were having a wonderful party,” he said.
5. “You think you’re god, don’t you ?” she said.
6. “Let’s try again, shall we ? It is rather difficult,” the teacher said.
7. “Don’t keep asking such silly questions,” the husband said.
8. “Mind your own business,” the stranger said.

2. She defiantly said that she thought I said I was ill the previous day.
3. The’ boy angrily said that I could go to the devil.
4. He agreeably said that (he thought) they were having a wonderful party.
5. She sarcastically said that I thought whether I was sad or not.
6. The teacher patiently said that it was rather difficult and they should try again.
7. The husband accusingly said not to keep asking silly questions like that.
8. The stranger sharply told me to mind my own business.

Activity 8

Last Sunday you met your cousin Harish. Here are some of the things Harish said to you.
1. “I’d like to go to a good college but my parents can’t afford the fees”
2. “I’m living with a friend now and working part-time.”
3. “I’m enjoying my work.”
4.“My bicycle was stolen a few days ago.”
5. “My friend has got a scholarship to study abroad.”
6. “I’ll tell my Mother that I met you.”

You want to tell your mother, the same day, what Harish said to you. (Use reported speech)
1. Harish said to me that he would like to go to a college but his parents can’t afford the fees.
2. He said that he is living with a friend now and working part-time.
3. He also said that he is enjoying his work.
4. He said that his bicycle was stolen a few days ago/had been stolen a few days before.
5. He said that his friend has got a scholarship to study abroad.
6. He said that he will/would tell his Mother that he met me.

CHSE Odisha Board Class 12 ( Invitation to English 4 ) English Grammar Direct and Reported Speech

Activity 9

Imagine that you are a journalist and that you have to report a school debate. The topic for the debate was “Children should be encouraged to watch television.” Some speakers supported the topic while others opposed it. The main arguments are summarised below.
Topic: Children should be encouraged to watch television.

For Against
Television stimulates thinking.
It keeps the family together.
It keeps one well-informed.
It brings the outside world into your home.
It provides a lot of information.
It is a good babysitter.
It kills the art of conversation.
It ruins family interaction.
It makes people uncritical.
It shuts out the real world.
It ruins the reading habit.
It makes children passive.

Begin as follows.
Some speakers said- that _________________________
but some other speakers were of the opinion that (continue) __________________

Some speakers said that television stimulates/stimulated thinking but some other speakers were of the opinion that it killed that art of conversation.
Some said that it keeps the family together but some other speakers were of the opinion that it ruined the family interaction.
Some said that it keeps one well informed but some others were of the opinion that it made people uncritical.
Some speakers said that it brought/brings the outside world into the home but some others were of the opinion that it shuts out the real world.
Some said that it provides a lot of information but some others were of the opinion that it ruined/ ruins the reading habit.
Some said that it is a good baby-sitter but some others were of the opinion that it made the children passive.

Activity 10

Rewrite the following paragraph, using the sentences below the paragraph to fill in the gaps in the paragraph. The sentences have to be changed into reported speech.
Sometime ago Manoj applied for the post of clerk in a bank. Last Friday he was called for an
interview. When he went into the Manager’s office, the Manager told him 1 __________ and asked him 2 _________ Majoj told him 3 ___________. Then the Manager asked him 4 ____________and Manoj told him 5 ___________.He added 6 _____________. The Manager wanted to know 7 ___________ and Manoj replied 8 __________. Then the Manager asked him 9 __________ and Manoj replied 10 ___________. The Manager gave him a test and then said 11 _________. Manoj thanked him and asked 12 ____________ The Manager replied 13 _____________and Manoj promised 14 _________________.
1. “Please sit down.”
2. “What is your name ?”
3. “My name is Manoj Kumar.”
4. “Do you smoke ?”
5. “I don’t usually smoke.”
6. “I never smoke in the office.”
7. “Where have you worked before ?”
8. “I worked for two years in a private company.”
9. “Can you take shorthand ?”
10. “Yes sir, I can.”
11. “I can appoint you on probation for a month.”
12. “When can I start work ?”
13. “Tomorrow, if you wish.”
14. “I will be here on Monday.”

Sometime ago Manoj applied for the post of clerk in a bank. Last Friday he was called for an interview. When he went into the Manager’s office, the Manager told him to sit down and asked him what his name was. Manoj told him that his name was Manoj Kumar. Then the Manager asked him If/whether he smoked and Manoj told him that he didn’t usually smoke/doesn’t usually smoke. He added that he never smoke/smoked in the office. The Manager wanted to know where he had worked before and Manoj replied that he had worked for two years in a private company. Then the Manager asked him if/whether he could take shorthand and Manoj replied affirmatively that he could. The Manager gave him a test and then said that he could appoint him on probation for a month. Manoj thanked him and asked when he could start work. The Manager replied that if he wished, you could work tomorrow and Manoj promised that he could be there on Monday.

CHSE Odisha Board Class 12 ( Invitation to English 4 ) English Grammar Direct and Reported Speech

Activity 11

Look at the following ‘tips’ given to candidates preparing for an interview.
1. Be sure to reach the place where the interview is to take place a few minutes before the time given to you.
2. Look relaxed when you are sitting, but sit erect. Don’t lounge.
3. Anticipate questions and be ready with your facts.
4. Do not talk more than is necessary.
5. Look into the interviewer’s eyes when you answer.
6. Be confident and do not become nervous.
Now tell a friend about these ‘tips’, using reported speech.
I have been advised to ______________________.I have also been asked to (continue) __________________________________

I have been advised to be sure to reach the place where the interview is to take place a few minutes before the time given to me. I have also been asked to look relaxed when I am sitting, and to sit erect and not to lounge. I have also been asked to anticipate questions and be ready with my facts. I have also advised not to talk more than is necessary. I have been asked to look into the interviewer’s eyes when I answer. I have been advised to be confident and not become nervous.

Activity 12

Rewrite the passage below using the reported speech.
“Have you been here long ?” the newcomer asked another person in the hotel lounge.
“No, just over a week; that’s all.”
“You. don’t know the place very well, then ?”
“I’m a stranger in these parts. But of course even a stranger learns a few things in a week.”
“Would you mind telling me if somebody called Sujit has been here ?”
“Sujit ?” said the middle-aged man. “It’s odd you should mention that name. I remember the
man, well; a big tall fellow, with a dark mustache. He left this morning.”
“Do you know where he went ?” asked the newcomer.
“Well, he said he was going to Delhi.”

The newcomer asked another person in the hostel lounge if/whether he had been there long. Another person replied negatively saying that he came just over a week and that was all. The newcomer asked another person if he did not know the place very well then. Another person
replied that he was a stranger in these parts and added saying that even a stranger learns a few things in a week. The newcomer asked another person if/whether he would mind telling him if somebody called Sujit had been there. The middle-aged man asked if it was Sujit and added that it was odd you should mention that name and he remembered the man well, a big tall fellow, with a dark mustache and he left this morning. The newcomer asked if/whether he did know where he went. He replied affirmatively that he had been going to Delhi.

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