Essay on Teachers’ Day in English | The CHSE Student

Essay on Teachers’ Day in English

happy teacher's day

Several nations around the world observe Teachers’ Day on different dates to honor the teachers and their contribution to society. In India, the Teachers’ Day is observed on 5th September, the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan.

Here, I am presenting long and short essays on Teachers' Day in English for students of class 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and  under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. These provided essays will also be helpful for students to write essay, speech, or paragraphs on this topic.

Teachers’ Day Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Teachers day is observed on 5 September in India.

2) The birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan is marked as teacher’s day.

3) The second president of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a great teacher.

4) In India, teachers take a rest from their job on this day.

5) Different countries observe teachers’ day on different dates.

6) Children give gifts and surprises to their teachers.

7) This day pays honor to all the teachers for their contribution.

8) Leaders and famous personalities offer tribute to Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan on this day.

9) Many programs are organized by students to show their love and respect for their teachers.

10) Students of schools and colleges celebrate teacher’s day with great enthusiasm.

Essay on Teachers’ Day Celebration in 250 Words


Teachers’ Day in India is observed on 5th September, the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He was a philosopher and a teacher who held prominent positions in several prestigious universities in India and also across the world. He had also served as the first Vice President of India and the second President.

Celebrations in Schools/Colleges

Teachers’ Day is observed as a holiday in schools all throughout India. Though it is also widely celebrated in colleges as well, the college can call it a day off at its own discretion.

In schools, teachers are given a day off to enjoy several events organized in their honor, by the students. Students also give flowers and other gifts to their teachers as a token of mutual love and respect.

Celebrations in Political Circles

Being celebrated on the birthday of the First Vice President and the second President of India, the day also attracts several regional and national political parties. Senior political leaders pay their respect to Dr. Radhakrishnan.

Major events are held in the universities where he had served as a faculty. Teachers and students interact in special sessions and discuss the vision and achievements of Radhakrishnan and his definition of ideal teacher-student relationships.


Teachers’ Day in India is observed with unparalleled love and respect towards the teachers. It is the land where teachers hold a high place in society and are even placed before God. For a society that reveres its teachers; celebrating teachers’ Day is not only a formality but a matter of spiritual and cultural significance as well.

Essay on Teachers’ Day in 400 Words


Teachers’ Day is celebrated to honor the teachers in society and commemorate their efforts in the field of education. Every country celebrates Teachers’ Day on a date commemorating a local teacher or a milestone achieved in the field of education.

Trend around the Globe

The Teachers’ Day is observed in the world over by many countries but on different dates. The dates are decided based on an event of significance in the field of education or to commemorate an education reformer and a teacher of high acclaim.

Several countries also celebrate the UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) designated World Teachers’ Day on October 5. The day was instituted by the UNESCO in 1966 to address the problems faced by the educationists and teachers around the globe.

Ancient Indian Tradition

In India teacher isn’t only an educator but also enjoys a distinguished social status and revered as a ‘Guru’ since ancient times. Teachers or Gurus in Indian society have always been respected and worshipped as God. The Hindu culture also places a Guru before self and God.

In India, there is an ancient Teachers’ Day in Hinduism, being celebrated since thousands of years, which is called Guru Purnima. It is observed on the birth anniversary of Maharishi Ved Vyasa, the legendary Guru and the author of Hindu epic Mahabharata. The day is primarily dedicated to spiritual and religious gurus and is observed devotedly by the Hindus of the Indian subcontinent.

Modern Teachers’ Day – India

In the modern India of post-colonial era Teachers’ Day is observed on 5th September since 1962. The day is observed to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, a philosopher, teacher, and statesman who served as the first Vice President and second President of India.

When Dr. Radhakrishnan was serving as the President and was interacting with his students and admirers in the President House, they asked him for permission to celebrate his birthday. Dr. Radhakrishnan declined the proposal and asked them to rather observe his birthday as Teachers’ Day in order to honor the teachers in society. Hence, it began in India the tradition of observing Teachers’ Day on 5th September, the birthday of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan.


Teachers’ Day is an occasion to thank our teachers for their endless effort in building an educated, cultured, and ordered society. They play a crucial role in the development of the nation and therefore must be honored and respected.

Essay on Teachers Day in 500 words

( Teachers’ Day: Origin, Observance and Significance )


Teachers’ Day is celebrated on different dates around the world to show respect and appreciation for the teachers as the building blocks of society. The day honors the teachers for the role they play in the development of a community. The tradition of celebrating Teachers’ Day began sometime during the 19th century.

Origin and Observance

The tradition of celebrating Teachers’ Day for honoring teachers and their contribution to society began sometime around in the 19th century. The idea was to felicitate teachers who have contributed to a specific field or helped educate the community, as a whole.

Countries around the world began observing Teachers’ Day on date of local significance, which commemorated an educator or a milestone achieved in the field of education.

For example, the South American country of Argentina observes Teachers’ Day on 11th September every year, in the memory of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, who was a statesman and writer who also served as the seventh President of Argentina. He wrote many books spanning over a wide range of genres and topics from journalism, history, and philosophy.

Similarly, in Bhutan, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on the birth anniversary of Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, the third king of Bhutan, who established modern education in the country.

India celebrates Teachers’ Day on 5th September, the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the first Vice President and the second President of India who was also an exceptional teacher and had taught in several Indian universities.

World Teachers’ Day

Many countries of the world celebrate World Teachers’ Day also called International Teachers’ Day on 5th October, after the day was established by UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1994.

The day commemorates the 1966 signing of UNESCO/ILO (International Labor Organization) recommendations on the status of teachers. The recommendations are standard guidelines to address the status and concern of teachers from around the world.

Significance of Teachers’ Day

Teachers play a significant role in spreading knowledge and building society. Some do exceptional work in a specific field or subject while others are excellent teachers and are loved by their students.

Many teachers have played a significant role in the development of a particular subject. To state a few examples – Friedrich Froebel, a German educator, an educational reformer who introduced Kindergarten in the 19th century.

Another inspirational teacher was Anne Sullivan from America who was a teacher by profession. She taught Helen Keller, and highly impaired girl and helped her graduate as Bachelor of Arts and also as the first deaf-blind person to achieve that feat.

It is these heroes of the society like Friedrich Froebel, Anne Sullivan, and others like them, those we honor and commemorate by celebrating Teachers’ Day.

Observation of Teachers’ Day is also significant as it honors the teachers and inspires them for putting more effort into the development of students and society. The day lets us remember the efforts our teachers make to build our careers, to shape our personalities, and to the development of the society as well as the nation.

The day also addresses the concerns of teachers and the problems faced by them. It draws the attention of the world leaders and administrators to address these issues faced by the teachers in the society so that they can serve it the same dedication as they have done for ages.


Teachers’ Day is an occasion to give back to our teachers in whatever way possible. Whether we felicitate them or address their concerns it sends a message to them that the society loves and cares for them, which plays a crucial role in boosting their morale and subsequent development of the society.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Who is known as the first teacher of every child?

Ans. Mother is called the first teacher for every child on this earth.

Q.2 When was the first Teacher’s Day celebrated in India?

Ans. The first Teacher’s Day was celebrated in India in 1962.

Q.3 Which award is given to meritorious teachers on every teacher’s day?

Ans. The National Award for Teachers is the national award given to meritorious teachers on every teacher’s day.

Q.4 Who distributes the National award to teachers on the 5th of September every year?

Ans. The President of India distributes the national awards to teachers on the 5th of September every year.

Q.5 When is World Teacher’s Day celebrated?

Ans. World Teacher’s day is celebrated on 5th October since 1994.

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