My Favourite Season Essay | English Essay | The CHSE Student


There are mainly six seasons but we can feel only four seasons in India namely summer, winter, spring, and autumn. Every season has its own importance. We enjoy different seasons according to our choices. Some of us find winters as our favourite while others may be fond of summer or spring season.

My Favourite Season Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words)

1) We have four seasons and I love the summer season.

2) Summer season is the hottest season that begins in March.

3) My birthday falls in summer that’s why I love this season.

4) Another thing that attracts me to this season is mangoes and watermelons.

5) Summer always comes with summer vacation.

6) Cold drinks and ice creams are other attractions of this season.

7) In summer we can wear light clothes and enjoy the season.

8) The evening atmosphere in the summers is good for playing.

9) In summers we experience longer days and shorter nights.

10) I love summer because at this time we usually visit my grandparent’s home.

Essay 1 (250 Words) - My Favourite Season: Spring Season


All seasons have unique features. We are blessed to enjoy four seasons in India. Among all seasons everybody loves to enjoy a particular season as their favourite season.

Spring Season is My Favourite Season

I love the spring season. It is experienced before the onset of the summer season. After the winters are over, the light warmth feeling gives us the essence of the spring season. This season is characterized by the chromatic beauty of nature. The morning in the spring season is very enchanting full of creeping sounds of different birds and winds laden with the scent of flowers and fruits. The small buds give rise to a new plant. Different plants and trees bloom with the flowers. The hibernating birds and animals start coming out of their deep sleep. The activities of searching for food and reproducing are regained. Some trees and flowering plants are filled with flowers.

I love spring season as the temperature in the spring season become very pleasant. The soft blowing winds are soothing. I could wear colourful clothes with prints of flowers. During this season nature around us seems colourful and lively. My birthday also falls in this season only. It becomes a boon for me.

Spring season brings the thought of doing something new. It is filled up with enthusiasm. The spring season favours the growth and rebirth of seeds and plants. We can also observe babies of animals born during this season e.g. young puppies, chicks and ducklings. They are little ones and are filled with cuteness.


I enjoy the spring season most of all seasons. I wish that season would be of longer duration.

My Favourite Season: Summer Season Essay (400 Words)


India is a country of diverse climatic conditions. People living here enjoy the characteristics of different seasons. All the seasons have certain specialties.

I eagerly wait for the arrival of the summer season as it is my favourite season of all other seasons. The summer season generally starts in April and ends in June. It is followed by the rainy season. Summer is the hottest season, but then also I greatly love this season. The main thing I love about summers is we get a vacation of a longer duration.

Reasons for Considering Summer as My Favourite Season

The Summer Vacation of Larger Duration - I love summer as we have a summer vacation of about two months. We are free from the daily routines of school during the summer vacations. We are free to eat, sleep, and play with our friends by forgetting the tension of daily homework and studies.

During many of the summer vacations, I got a chance to visit and explore different places in our country and especially hill stations. The summer season provides a chance to spend our time with our family members. Most of the time many of us visit our villages during this time and spend a great time with our grandparents and family. The village life is also awesome and I get a chance to visit my village during summers.

Playing Games During The Evening - Summer is the best time to practice for many sports and games. Outdoor activities are increased during summers. The small children are very excited to play in the evening and they spend most of their time playing with their friends. Playing games is also important for the overall development of children. Dancing and swimming activities are carried out by many people and students.

Enjoy Eating Mangoes - We enjoy eating many fruits during summers like litchi, watermelons, and muskmelons. Mangoes are available in this season which is the favourite fruit of the majority of people. I love eating mangoes. When we visit our village during summer vacation we get a chance to eat different types of mangoes in a larger quantity.

Enjoy Several Parties and Celebrations - People mainly schedule marriages and parties during summers. We enjoy many of the parties and celebrations and can refresh ourselves.

Longer Days and Shorter Nights - The days are usually longer during summer and nights are shorter. Longer days give us an opportunity to do the necessary works.


Summers although are hot but provides us with an opportunity to enjoy and relax. We can also enjoy several types of juice in summer.

My Favourite Season: Winter Season Essay (500 - 600 Words)


I like and enjoy all the seasons. Every season has some benefits and some drawbacks. Winter is my favourite season and I eagerly wait for the arrival of this season.

The winter season starts in October and ends in February. The coldest months of this season are December and January. The sun rays seem soothing during the winters. Generally, many of us spend some hours on roofs for receiving the warmth of the sun.

The Speciality of Winter Season

The winter season is characterized by the shortened length of the day and longer nights. Winters are cold and full of chills during morning and nights. There is little relaxation in the day time because of the sunlight. On most of the days, there is no sunlight. We could see vapours from our mouth when we talk. People lit bonfires, burn wood pieces and use a heater to reduce the cold and get warmth. I like sitting near the bonfire and cook potatoes in that. We spend most of our time in cosy blankets.

It’s very beautiful to see drops of dew falling or resting on the petals of flowers. The atmosphere is almost foggy and is cleared after the sunrise, which is usually delayed in winters. During winters we get rid of lizards which are one of my greatest fears.

There are varieties of food items which we can eat in winter. There is an availability of different vegetables and fruits. Hot coffee, tea, and hot foodstuffs are preferred by people in this season. Winter break is provided by schools during the month of December. It is the most beautiful holiday for students. We can wake up late in the morning and therefore enjoy sleeping. We become healthy during winters as food intake and digesting capacity improves.

Winters are more severe in the mountainous regions. People over there wear long and heavy jackets and boots to protect them from cold. The winters over there are accompanied by the snowfall. Some time due to heavy snowfall the roads are blocked and that has to be removed to make walking easier. People play by these snowballs and make a snowman.

Christmas Celebration

Christmas is a feast which is celebrated in the coldest month December. I love celebrating this festival. We celebrate it in our school as my school is mission school and the celebration of Christmas is awesome. This festival is celebrated for three days. Bonfire is lit and we dance around it. Many of us participate in different programs related to the birth and happiness of Jesus Christ. The cold climate makes the celebration more wonderful. In the end, we get cakes and gifts by Santa clause. It is a belief that if we hang our shocks outside in our house on Christmas Eve, next morning we will see a gift inside the shocks.

My Activity during Winters

Every year during winters we arrange a tournament of badminton with my friends in our nearest stadium. Playing badminton during winters is a great exercise for me. It helps in making my body fit and healthy. It is like good refreshment in the morning during winters.

Disadvantages of this Season

Winters are wonderful but excessive cold weather becomes uneasy. There are many people who are not rich and therefore could not afford the facilities to protect them from excessive cold. Many animals also die due to excessively cold weather. My mother every year gives my old woolen clothes to the poor people of the society who are ready to accept it. Our school also collect funds and donate blankets to the needy ones. Trains also do not reach on time during winters due to excessive fog and mist.


Winter season is really amazing. It is the perfect time to enjoy snow skating, snow fight, ice hockey and many more things in the hilly areas. It is the best time to study and perform different activities without being disturbed by heat or perspiration.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is the root word of the season?

Ans. The word season has been derived from the Latin word sationem that means 'sowing'.

Q.2 Which season is the hottest season of the year?

Ans. The summer season is the hottest season of the year.

Q.3 What is the name of the hot and dry winds that blow in the summer season?

Ans. The hot and dry winds that blow in the summer season are called Loo.

Q.4 What is the reason for rainfall during winters in Northern India?

Ans. Western disturbance is responsible for rainfall during winters in northern India.

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