Identify the Errors – English Questions and Answers | Identify the Errors Quiz | Identify the Errors Online Test


 Identify the Errors – English Questions and Answers | Identify the Errors Quiz | Identify the Errors Online Test

Ace the Identify the Errors topics, by practicing the Quiz we provided in this post. This is going to help you all to gain the knowledge in this section. Well, many of the contenders are not able to clear this section in various Entrance and Competitive Exams. Therefore, check the Quiz Questions we are providing in this post. And practice them well to do good in the Exam. Here we are providing you the Identify the Errors English Questions to Identify the Errors in the sentences or in the paragraph. So many of the people are having a doubt in English how to identify the errors in the sentences and also in the English grammar.

Identify the Errors Questions and Answers

1. Which of the following sentences contains a subject-verb agreement error?

a) The group of musicians play well together.
b) My favorite foods are pizza and burgers.
c) She don’t like to eat sushi.
d) The teacher and student is in the classroom.

Ans: c) She don’t like to eat sushi.

Explanation: The subject “she” is singular, but the verb “don’t” is plural. The correct verb form should be “doesn’t” to agree with the singular subject.

2. Which of the following sentences contains a pronoun-antecedent agreement error?

a) Each student must turn in their homework by Friday.
b) The company announced that it will be expanding its operations.
c) Neither of the boys brought his backpack to school.
d) Jane and her friends went to the beach without her parents.

Ans: a) Each student must turn in their homework by Friday.

Explanation: The pronoun “their” does not agree in number with the singular antecedent “each student.” The correct pronoun to use would be “his or her” or “their” if you are using a gender-neutral pronoun.

3. Which of the following sentences contains a verb tense error?

a) I will have finished my homework by the time you arrive.
b) He eats breakfast every morning before work.
c) I am reading a book about history.
d) They have been studying for the exam for weeks.

Ans: b) He eats breakfast every morning before work.

Explanation: The present tense verb “eats” does not agree with the time frame of the sentence. The correct verb tense to use would be the present participle “eating” to indicate an ongoing action.

4. Which of the following sentences contains a comma splice error?

a) I love to read books, but I don’t have enough time.
b) She studied hard for the test, however, she still failed.
c) The dog barked loudly, and the cat ran away.
d) John went to the store, he bought some milk.

Ans: b) She studied hard for the test, however, she still failed.

Explanation: The comma used after “test” creates a comma splice by separating two independent clauses without a coordinating conjunction. To fix this error, you could either replace the comma with a semicolon or use a coordinating conjunction such as “but” after the comma.

5. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier error?

a) After studying for hours, the test was easy.
b) Walking to the park, the flowers smelled lovely.
c) Focused on her work, the phone rang loudly.
d) By drinking water regularly, the body stays hydrated.

Ans: b) Walking to the park, the flowers smelled lovely.

Explanation: The introductory phrase “walking to the park” does not have a clear subject to modify in this sentence. To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to something like “As I was walking to the park, I noticed that the flowers smelled lovely.”

6. Which of the following sentences contains a parallel structure error?

a) She enjoys hiking, swimming, and to run.
b) The company values hard work, dedication, and being punctual.
c) The student is required to write a paper, research information, and they must present their findings.
d) My favorite hobbies are reading, writing, and to draw.

Ans: a) She enjoys hiking, swimming, and to run.

Explanation: The third element in the list, “to run,” is not parallel in structure with the first two elements, which are verbs. To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “She enjoys hiking, swimming, and running.”

7. Which of the following sentences contains an ambiguous modifier error?

a) I saw a man on the hill with a telescope.
b) The book on the shelf is red and heavy.
c) She told him that she loved him in the park.
d) The chef served the guests a meal that was delicious.

Ans: a) I saw a man on the hill with a telescope.

Explanation: The prepositional phrase “with a telescope” could modify either “a man” or “on the hill,” creating ambiguity in the sentence. To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to something like “On the hill, I saw a man with a telescope.”

8. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a comparative adjective?

a) This book is more interesting than the last one I read.
b) She is the prettier of the two sisters.
c) He runs faster than any other student in the class.
d) The weather today is the worst it’s been all week.

Ans: d) The weather today is the worst it’s been all week.

Explanation: The superlative form of “bad” is “worst,” but in this sentence, the comparative form “worse” is used instead. To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “The weather today is the worst it’s been all week.”

9. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a possessive pronoun?

a) The book is hers, not yours.
b) Its been raining all day.
c) The cat licked its paw.
d) Theirs no way we can finish this project on time.

Ans: d) Theirs no way we can finish this project on time.

Explanation: The possessive pronoun “theirs” is spelled incorrectly in this sentence, and the correct form of the contraction should be “there’s” meaning “there is.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “There’s no way we can finish this project on time.”

10. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a preposition?

a) The cat is hiding under the bed.
b) We walked across the bridge to get to the other side.
c) She’s been waiting since 2 o’clock.
d) He’s been working for this company since five years.

Ans: d) He’s been working for this company since five years.

Explanation: The preposition “for” is used incorrectly in this sentence, and the correct preposition to use with the time period “five years” is “for” meaning “for a duration of time.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “He’s been working for this company for five years.”

11. Which of the following sentences contains a subject-verb agreement error?

a) The dogs bark loudly at night.
b) Each of the students in the class study hard.
c) The company and its employees are celebrating a successful year.
d) There is a lot of people in the park today.

Ans: d) There is a lot of people in the park today.

Explanation: The subject “lot” is singular, but the verb “are” is plural. To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “There are a lot of people in the park today.”

12. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a homonym?

a) The band played their latest song for the audience.
b) She was too tired to write the letter, so she left it stationary on the desk.
c) The principal of the school is responsible for student discipline.
d) He broke his leg and had to be hospitalized.

Ans: b) She was too tired to write the letter, so she left it stationary on the desk.

Explanation: The homophone “stationery,” meaning writing materials, is incorrectly used in place of “stationary,” meaning not moving. To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “She was too tired to write the letter, so she left it stationary on the desk.”

13. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a pronoun?

a) John and I went to the store to buy some groceries.
b) She told him that she loved him.
c) Whom did you give the keys to?
d) Me and my friends went to the movies last night.

Ans: d) Me and my friends went to the movies last night.

Explanation: The pronoun “me” is used incorrectly as the subject of the sentence. The correct pronoun to use in this context is “I.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “My friends and I went to the movies last night.”

14. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a coordinating conjunction?

a) She wanted to go to the party, but she had too much work to do.
b) He was tired, so he went to bed early.
c) He wanted to study more, yet he couldn’t concentrate.
d) I like to read books and watch movies.

Ans: c) He wanted to study more, yet he couldn’t concentrate.

Explanation: The coordinating conjunction “yet” is not used correctly in this sentence. The correct conjunction to use in this context is “but.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “He wanted to study more, but he couldn’t concentrate.”

15. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a subordinating conjunction?

a) I will go to the park if it stops raining.
b) She always wears a hat because she hates the sun.
c) We had to wait until the train arrived.
d) He left early so that he could avoid traffic.

Ans: b) She always wears a hat because she hates the sun.

Explanation: The subordinating conjunction “because” is not used correctly in this sentence. The correct conjunction to use in this context is “since.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “She always wears a hat since she hates the sun.”

16. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a preposition?

a) The cat is hiding under the bed.
b) She is very good at playing the piano.
c) I will meet you at the restaurant at 7 PM.
d) He gave the book to she.

Ans: d) He gave the book to she.

Explanation: The preposition “to” is used incorrectly in this sentence. The correct pronoun to use in this context is “her.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “He gave the book to her.”

17. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a comparative adjective?

a) He is taller than his brother.
b) She is more intelligent than most of her classmates.
c) This apple is more red than that one.
d) The movie was the most fun I’ve had in a long time.

Ans: c) This apple is more red than that one.

Explanation: The comparative adjective “more” is used incorrectly in this sentence. The correct comparative form of “red” is “redder.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “This apple is redder than that one.”

18. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a superlative adjective?

a) She is the tallest person in her family.
b) This is the best pizza I’ve ever had.
c) He is the most intelligent student in the class.
d) That was the worst day of my life.

Ans: c) He is the most intelligent student in the class.

Explanation: The superlative adjective “most” is used incorrectly in this sentence. The correct superlative form of “intelligent” is “most intelligent.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “He is the most intelligent student in the class.”

19. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of an infinitive?

a) She likes to read books in her spare time.
b) He wants to go to the beach this weekend.
c) They decided to buy a new car.
d) Me and my friends like to play soccer.

Ans: d) Me and my friends like to play soccer.

Explanation: The infinitive “to” is used incorrectly in this sentence. The correct pronoun to use in this context is “I.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “My friends and I like to play soccer.”

20. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a gerund?

a) He enjoys playing basketball in his free time.
b) She is good at singing and dancing.
c) They are looking forward to seeing the new movie.
d) I prefer swimming in the ocean to swimming in a pool.

Ans: d) I prefer swimming in the ocean to swimming in a pool.

Explanation: The gerund “swimming” is used incorrectly in this sentence. The correct form to use in this context is the infinitive “to swim.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “I prefer to swim in the ocean rather than in a pool.”

21. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect subject-verb agreement?

a) The group of students is studying for the test.
b) The dogs barks loudly when they see a squirrel.
c) She and her sister both like to read.
d) The company has hired a new CEO.

Ans: b) The dogs barks loudly when they see a squirrel.

Explanation: The subject-verb agreement is incorrect in this sentence. The subject “dogs” is plural, so the correct verb form is “bark.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “The dogs bark loudly when they see a squirrel.”

22. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a pronoun?

a) She gave me the book, and I gave it to him.
b) They are going to the movies with us.
c) He and his brother went to the store to buy food, but they forgot to bring it home.
d) Me and my friend went to the concert last night.

Ans: d) Me and my friend went to the concert last night.

Explanation: The pronoun “me” is used incorrectly in this sentence. The correct pronoun to use in this context is “I.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “My friend and I went to the concert last night.”

23. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a conjunction?

a) She wants to go to the beach, but he wants to stay home.
b) He is both a musician and an artist.
c) She likes to read books, so she goes to the library often.
d) They like to play soccer, and they like to watch it too.

Ans: b) He is both a musician and an artist.

Explanation: The conjunction “both…and” is used incorrectly in this sentence. The correct conjunction to use in this context is “and.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “He is a musician and an artist.”

24. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a modifier?

a) The red car is parked in the driveway.
b) She is wearing a beautiful blue dress.
c) The teacher gave a difficult math test.
d) The boy with the broken leg is playing basketball.

Ans: d) The boy with the broken leg is playing basketball.

Explanation: The modifier “with the broken leg” is used incorrectly in this sentence. It implies that the boy is currently playing basketball with a broken leg, which is unlikely. To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “The boy who had a broken leg is playing basketball.”

25. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of a homophone?

a) She wore a pair of jeans to the party.
b) He went to the bank to deposit his paycheck.
c) They are going to see a show at the theater.
d) The bear caught the scent of the berry.

Ans: b) He went to the bank to deposit his paycheck.

Explanation: The homophone “bank” is used incorrectly in this sentence. The correct word to use in this context is “bank.” To fix this error, you could revise the sentence to “He went to the bank to deposit his paycheck.”

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