Identify The Error Questions and Answers for All Online Tests

Identify The Error

Ace the Identify the Errors topics, by practicing the Quiz we provided in this post. This is going to help you all to gain the knowledge in this section. Well, many of the contenders are not able to clear this section in various Entrance and Competitive Exams. Therefore, check the Quiz Questions we are providing in this post. And practice them well to do good in the Exam. Here we are providing you the Identify the Errors English Questions to Identify the Errors in the sentences or in the paragraph. So many of the people are having a doubt in English how to identify the errors in the sentences and also in the English grammar.

1. Identify the error in the following sentence: "She haven't seen him for a long time."

   Answer: The verb "haven't" should be changed to "hasn't" to match the singular subject "she."

2. Identify the error in the following sentence: "The cat is laying on the couch."

   Answer: The verb "laying" should be changed to "lying" as it requires the verb "to lie" in this context.

3. Identify the error in the following sentence: "I'm going to the store and buy some groceries."

   Answer: The verb "buy" should be changed to "buying" to maintain parallel structure with the gerund "going."

4. Identify the error in the following sentence: "The book was wrote by a famous author."

   Answer: The verb "wrote" should be changed to "written" to form the passive voice.

5. Identify the error in the following sentence: "They're going on vacation next week, aren't they?"

   Answer: The contraction "aren't" should be changed to "won't" to maintain consistency in future tense.

6. Identify the error in the following sentence: "My sister and me went to the park."

   Answer: The pronoun "me" should be changed to "I" as it is the subject of the sentence.

7. Identify the error in the following sentence: "I can't wait to see the movie, it looks so excited."

   Answer: The adjective "excited" should be changed to "exciting" to describe the movie.

8. Identify the error in the following sentence: "He has drank too much coffee today."

   Answer: The verb "drank" should be changed to "drunk" to form the past participle.

9. Identify the error in the following sentence: "The company is comprised of four divisions."

   Answer: The verb "comprised" should be changed to "composed" to maintain correct usage.

10. Identify the error in the following sentence: "Their going to the concert later."

    Answer: The pronoun "their" should be changed to "they're" to indicate "they are" going to the concert.

11. Identify the error in the following sentence: "I have visited Paris last year."

    Answer: The present perfect tense "have visited" should be changed to the past tense "visited."

12. Identify the error in the following sentence: "The cake needs to be cook for 30 minutes."

    Answer: The verb "cook" should be changed to "cooked" to form the past participle.

13. Identify the error in the following sentence: "I seen that movie twice."

    Answer: The verb "seen" should be changed to "saw" to indicate past tense.

14. Identify the error in the following sentence: "I'm going to the mall to buy some new shoes, and a new shirt."

    Answer: The conjunction "and" should be changed to "but" to show contrast between buying shoes and a shirt.

15. Identify the error in the following sentence: "She sings good."

    Answer: The adjective "good" should be changed to "well" to describe the verb "sings."

16. Identify the error in the following sentence: "The dog chased it's tail in circles."

    Answer: The possessive pronoun "it's" should be changed to "its" to show possession.

17. Identify the error in the following sentence: "I could of helped you if you asked."

    Answer: The phrase "could of" should be changed to "could have" to indicate possibility in the past.

18. Identify the error in the following sentence: "The team plays good in every match."

    Answer: The adjective "good" should be changed to "well" to describe the verb "plays."

19. Identify the error in the following sentence: "We're going to the beach, do you want to come?"

    Answer: The comma after "beach" should be changed to a question mark to indicate a question.

20. Identify the error in the following sentence: "The cat's chasing it's tail."

    Answer: The possessive pronoun "it's" should be changed to "its" to show possession.

21. Identify the error in the following sentence: "I should of studied harder for the exam."

    Answer: The phrase "should of" should be changed to "should have" to indicate obligation in the past.

22. Identify the error in the following sentence: "My brother, who is younger than me, he plays the guitar."

    Answer: The pronoun "he" should be removed to avoid repetition and maintain correct sentence structure.

23. Identify the error in the following sentence: "The restaurant is open everyday from 9am to 12pm."

    Answer: The preposition "from" should be changed to "between" to indicate a time range.

24. Identify the error in the following sentence: "The movie was really bored."

    Answer: The adjective "bored" should be changed to "boring" to describe the movie.

25. Identify the error in the following sentence: "I seen him at the party last night."

    Answer: The verb "seen" should be changed to "saw" to indicate past tense.

26. Identify the error in the following sentence: "Each of the students has their own desk."

    Answer: The pronoun "their" should be changed to "his or her" to maintain singular agreement.

27. Identify the error in the following sentence: "I'm not sure where did I put my keys."

    Answer: The word order should be changed to "I'm not sure where I put my keys."

28. Identify the error in the following sentence: "This is the most unique painting I have ever seen."

    Answer: The adjective "unique" should be changed to "unusual" as something is either unique or not.

29. Identify the error in the following sentence: "She's allergic to cats, but she has one herself."

    Answer: The word "herself" should be changed to "themself" to maintain gender-neutral language.

30. Identify the error in the following sentence: "The police is investigating the crime."

    Answer: The verb "is" should be changed to "are" to match the plural noun "police."

31. Identify the error in the following sentence: "He don't like chocolate."

    Answer: The verb "don't" should be changed to "doesn't" to match the singular subject "he."

32. Identify the error in the following sentence: "I have visited London many times in the past."

    Answer: No error.

33. Identify the error in the following sentence: "The teacher gave John and I a book each."

    Answer: The pronoun "I" should be changed to "me" as it is the object of the preposition "gave."

34. Identify the error in the following sentence: "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to offend you."

    Answer: The verb "meant" should be changed to "mean" to match the past tense "didn't."

35. Identify the error in the following sentence: "He told me that he didn't knew the answer."

    Answer: The verb "knew" should be changed to

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