Essay on Dowry System | English Essay | The CHSE Student


Dowry System Essay in English

Here, we are narrating long and short essays on Dowry System in English for students under word limits of 100 - 150 Words, 200 - 250 words, and 500 - 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on Dowry System.

Dowry System Essay 10 Lines (100 - 120 Words)

1) Dowry system is an old tradition been practiced for many generations in India.

2) In this system, the bride's family gives money and other gifts to the bridegroom's family.

3) The gifts include jewelry, furniture, and other household items.

4) It is viewed as a way of strengthening the bond between the two families.

5) Dowry system is illegal but is still practiced in many parts of the country.

6) It also puts immense financial stress on the bride’s family.

7) Due to dowry, many women suffer suicide, murder, and domestic violence.

8) It ensures that the bride will be financially secure after marriage.

9) It is a form of exploitation and must be stopped to create a more equal society.

10) Every family should take a stand against the practice of the dowry system.

Dowry System (250 - 300 Words)


Dowry is an old practice in various parts of India and is still prevalent today. It is an exchange of money or gifts between two families when a girl is married. It also refers to the transfer of things from the bride's parents to the groom or his family. It is a social malpractice prevalent in our country that is putting a financial burden on the parents of the girl.

Causes of Dowry System

The male-dominated society is one of the main reasons leading to the increase of dowry in the society. It creates a condition in which parents are compelled to give dowry to ensure their daughter's marriage. Social and economic inequality between the two genders is another major factor that leads to the prevalence of the dowry system in our country.

Effects of Dowry System

The dowry system has had a far-reaching effect on the Indian population and has caused much harm to society. It has created a great financial burden for the families of the bride, resulting in them being heavily in debt. It sometimes forces families to take up loans at high-interest rates, or even to sell their property for dowry. It has also resulted in the deaths of several innocent lives as people take extreme measures to fulfill the demands of the groom's family.


The dowry system is a social evil that has been affecting Indian society for many centuries. Despite the government's efforts to eradicate it, the practice is still prevalent in many parts of India. It is essential to break the societal norms behind this practice and create an environment of gender equality in society.

Essay on Dowry System (500 Words)


Today, people are talking about progress and modernization but at the time of girl’s marriage, they forget everything. They become greedy and demand huge money despite of her success and struggle. Dowry System is an age-old practice primarily prevalent in the Indian subcontinent. It is an incorrect tradition that highlights materialistic features rather than the independence of women.

What is Dowry System?

The Dowry System is a practice where the bride’s family gives money and gifts to the groom and his family before the marriage is finalized. These gifts may include cash, jewelry, furniture, appliances, and other valuable items. The idea behind the system is that it ensures a level of security for the bride in her marriage, as the groom's family will be provided for in case something bad happens to the bride. The dowry system is often criticized but it is still practiced in many parts of India. This unjust practice has persisted in India for centuries and has its roots in the tradition of paying a bride price.

History of Dowry System

The practice of the dowry system in India can be traced back to ancient India. In medieval times, families used to give the bride a dowry so she could continue to support herself financially even after marriage. During the British time, they made dowry a requirement for marriage, therefore making it impossible to get married without paying one. This rule turned the marriage system into a mess. Since then the parents of the groom have used this to their advantage.

Effects of Dowry System

The Dowry system has been systematically denying the freedom of women, trapping them in an endless cycle of financial dependency. Besides being a means of domestic violence and financial control, the ever-rising demands of material possessions result in extreme financial strains on the bride's family, often in damage to quality of life and wellbeing. It has also been the primary cause of infant mortality, particularly in females, due to the system's preference for males over females, which continues to fuel gender bias. Violence is used by the husband or his family to get money from the bride's family as a "gift."

Steps against Dowry System

The government has enacted laws to control the practice of dowry in India. The Dowry Prohibition Act was passed in 1961 to make the demand of a dowry an offense punishable by law. Other measures such as issuing public awareness campaigns, awarding punishments to those found guilty, and providing support to the victims of dowry are some of the steps taken by the government to address the issue of dowry.


The Dowry system possesses serious consequences for people and particularly for women. Despite numerous preventive measures taken by the government over the years, the practice is still followed in several parts of the country. People should oppose this practice instead of following this harmful custom. Therefore, it is up to us as citizens to work towards ending this malicious practice and creating a more equitable society for the benefit of all.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Dowry System

Q.1 How can the Dowry system be stopped?

Ans. Marriage counseling sessions, pre-marriage sessions, education, etc can be wonderful tools to stop the dowry system.

Q.2 Which state is considered free from the Dowry system in India?

Ans. Indian states like Mizoram, Meghalaya, Nagaland, etc are considered free from the Dowry system.

Q.3 Which act is made against the Dowry system?

Ans. The Dowry Prohibition Act was passed in 1961 to make the demand of a dowry an offense punishable by law.

Q.4 Which state has highest Dowry death rate in India?

Ans. Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar, etc has highest Dowry death rate in India.

Q.5 How has the Dowry System caused economic and social problems?

Ans. The Dowry System contributed to poverty, weakened families, and normalized discrimination and violence against women.

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