Essay on Children's Day for Class 1 to 12

Children's Day Essay for Class 1 to 12

Essay on Children's Day - 10 Lines

1. Every year on 14 November, India celebrates Children’s Day.

2. The birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru falls on this day.

3. This day highlights the need to care for and love children.

4. The first Prime Minister of India, Nehru Ji loved children very much.

5. To honor the love of Nehru Ji for children, his birth anniversary is observed as children’s day.

6. The day holds a special place in the heart of every child.

7. Schools and colleges remain close on this day.

8. Teachers and parents give gifts to the children on this day.

9. On this day, people distribute sweets and gifts to the poor and deprived children.

10. Schools organize several events or arrange picnics on this day to make children happy.

Essay on Children's Day (250 Words)


Children’s Day is observed annually on 14th November to commemorate the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and also to spread awareness about the rights and proper care of the children.

Children and Pandit Nehru

The relationship between Pandit Nehru and children was a very special one. Throughout his public life, both before and after independence, Nehru was a strong advocate of the rights and education of the children and youths.

He believed that better education and nourishment of children play a crucial role in the future of the nation. In fact, he believed that the future of the nation depends on the way its children are treated today.

During his tenure as the Prime Minister, Nehru established many prestigious institutions like All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) among others. In the five year plan, Nehru also guaranteed a free and compulsory primary education to the children of India.

Celebration of Joy and Concerns

For the children, it is a day to make merry and enjoy the celebrations thrown at them. They are free from attending classes and normal school work. They rather enjoy the greetings and gifts given to them by the teachers and guardians.

Children who belong to the financially poor background are also consulted and sweets are distributed to them.


Children are the future of a nation and its progress depends on their state. If the children are loved, happy, and content, the nation will progress well financially as well as socially.

Essay on Children's Day (500 Words)


Children’s Day is celebrated in India on 14th November, the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was popular among the children as ‘Chacha Nehru’. Pandit Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India and on several occasions had expressed the need for a careful and nourishing upbringing of the children.

Remembering Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (14th November 1889-27th May 1964) was an Indian freedom fighter and contemporary of Mahatma Gandhi. He was elected as the first Prime Minister of India after India gained independence on 15th August 1947.

Pandit Nehru shared a cordial relationship with the children, ever since he jumped into the freedom struggle. His concern and love for the children were evident in the several tours that he had made to different parts of India, during the freedom struggle.

Whenever he had time, Pandit Nehru spared no opportunity to interact with the children. He had often gone out of his comfort zone to interact with the children and tried to know their problems and concerns.

Pandit Nehru’s concern for children remained even when he became the Prime Minister of India. In fact, his resolve to address the concern of children became even stronger.

During his tenure as the Prime Minister, Pandit Nehru had established many prestigious educational institutes and brought educational reforms for the children.

It is this affection of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru for the children and his will to address their concerns, are commemorated on Children’s Day.

Children’s Day Celebrations

In Schools

Children’s Day is widely observed throughout India. It is a holiday for the children and usual classes in the schools are suspended.

Several functions are organized in the schools, for the entertainment of children, which are hosted by the teachers and senior students. Teachers congratulate children and express their love for them.

The celebrations vary from school to school. Some schools erect stalls, selling eatables and other items for the children. These stalls charge a very minimal amount and operate on no profit no loss basis, sometimes even, free of cost.

Children also get dressed as their Chacha Nehru, wearing white kurta pajama and a Gandhi cap, with a red rose in the left pocket. Then enact his famous speeches and sayings. Children also pay their respect to Chacha Nehru and remember his love for them.

Many schools also arrange picnics for the children on Children’s Day. They are taken to recreational and historical places, mainly for entertainment purposes.

In Local Communities

Children’s Day isn’t only about the enjoyment of children and their recreation, but it is also a day to address their issues and solve their problems. There are many children in India who face poverty and hunger. These children could only dream of a square meal and nourishment. Sometimes, they couldn’t even get enough money to buy books.

Several NGOs working for the underprivileged children, distribute food, books, and stationery items to children of slum dwellers and other deprived areas. Many citizens volunteer to give their time or money in this noble act. Children from the poor financial background are made to feel special and concerned. Though the gesture might seem temporary to some, nevertheless, it plays a vital role in leveraging their morale. It has a long-lasting effect on their psychology and makes them realize that there are many good Samaritans in the world who are concerned with their problems and are eager to solve them.


Children’s Day is a day to address the problems faced by the children and to do what must be done for their education, health, nourishment, and other concerns. It is a day for the nation to build its future stronger.

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