The Trunk of Ganesha Question Answer Class 9 Odisha Board



Answer the following questions :

1. Soon after his bath, what did Gobinda Maharana do?

Ans: Soon after his bath, Gobinda Maharana took a glass of tea from his wife’s hand.

2. Why was he anxious in the morning?

Ans: His fingers suddenly slackened and the glass slipped from his hand when he took a glass of tea from his wife’s hand. It was then he became anxious and had his first conscious knowledge of the fear he carried. 

3. What was Gobinda Maharana trade?

Ans: Gobinda Maharana’s trade was of idol-making. 

4. What was bothering him since last three days?

Ans: Since last three days he had faced unhappy incidents. He thought of the strange thing that happened to the trunk Ganesh idol which he had made. 

5. Worried Gobinda Maharana gave reasons for the breaking of the trunk. What are they?

Ans: Gobinda Maharana was worried and had many thoughts in his mind. He thought that he had been misusing his power carelessly. He also thought that he was not making idols the way his father used to do. 

6. Sulochana did not want to question him for his work. What is the reason behind this?

Ans: Sulochana knew that her husband was one of the best image makers in the valley so she didn’t question him for his work. 

7. What thoughts did come to Sulochana’s mind when the trunk broke again on the third day?

Ans: Sulochana thought that her husband had become greedy and asked for more money for the Ganesh idol. 

8. Do you think Gobinda Maharana had become old and his hands and eyes were not strong enough to prepare the day for the idol? Is there some supernatural power playing the trick? Let’s read to find out.

Ans: No, I don’t think Gobinada Maharna had become old and his hands and eyes were not strong enough to prepare the day for the idol. And I don’t think there was some supernatural power playing the trick.


[ II ]

Answer the following questions :

1. How old was Gobinda Maharana? Who were there in his family?

Ans: Gobinda Maharana was sixty-one-year old. He had a large family of eight members. He had his wife, three sons, eldest son’s wife and his two children. 

2. Was Gobinda happy with his eldest son? How did he spend his day?

Ans: Gobinda was not happGobinda was not happy with his eldest son. His eldest son spent his day by fishing idly in Mahanadi. 

3. List the changes that had come in the designing of the day figures?

Ans: There had been a subtle change in the designing of the clay figures. It had eye catching new apparel, and the shades of luminous paint. 

4. Who was Ranju? What was his contribution to Gobinda’s family?

Ans: Ranju was Gobinda’s youngest son. He followed his father’s footsteps and took interest in his idol-making. 

5. Where was the idol placed? Why did Gobinda keep the idol there?

Ans: The idol was placed close to the open window, only a metre away. He kept the idol there because he thought that the idol was get more light and the wet clay would dry soon from the wind. 

6. Why did Ranju request Gobinda to close the window?

Ans: Ranju thought that it was because of the wind, the trunk of the idol was breaking so he requested to close the window.

7. Did Gobinda think that the wind was responsible for the breaking of the trunk?

Ans: No, Gobinda didn’t think that the wind was responsible for the breaking of the trunk.

8. Who could be the destroyer the wind, or the anger of the God? or the hands of the supernatural element? Setion-III will solve the mystery.

Ans: I thinkthe destroyerof the idol was something else.


[ III ]

Answer the following questions :

1. Why did Govinda tell his son to sit in the workroom?

Ans: Govinda wanted to know who the intruder was so he told his son to sit in the workroom.

2. Why did he choose that particular place to sit?

Ans: He chose that particular place to sit because from there they could observe the door, the window and the image at the same time. 

3. Was Ranju awake all through the night?

Ans: Ranju wasn’t awake all through the night. He fell asleep. 

4. What was Gobinda thinking in darkness?

Ans: Gobinda was thinking about who the intruder could be. He even thought that it could an act of supernatural. 

5. Who was the intruder? How was it coming into the room?

Ans: The intruder was a cat. He was coming into the room from the vertical bars of the window. 

6. Why did Govinda Maharana smile at the end?

Ans: Govinda had numerous thoughts about the intruder. But when he saw that the intruder was a cat, he smiled at the end. 

Let’s write

Answer the following questions in about 50 words each.

1. Why was Govinda Maharana worried? What thought came to his mind?

Ans: Govinda Maharana was worried because the trunk of the Ganesha idol he had made was broken. His mind was full of thoughts especially of the superstitions. He first thought that he had no right to interfere in the private lives of the Gods, then he thought that he was not as good as his father, who made best idols. He also thought that gods were angry with him and thus they punished him.

2. What were Sulochana’s reaction to the breaking of the trunk?

Ans: Sulochana was a good woman and trusted her husband’s hard work. When Govinda told her about his situation, she too got worried. She thought that it was because of his age he was not able to make the idol the way he used to make it. She thought that his eyesight was getting weak. 

3. Why was she proud of her husband? How did she value her husband’s work?

Ans: Sulochana was proud of her husband because she knew that he was one of the best idol-makers in the town. She often heard people praising about her husband’s art of idol-making. She knew that he was one of the few best craftsmen left in the town. She kept her pride in secret. 

4. Was Govinda Maharana superstitious? What proof do you get from the story?

Ans: Govinda Maharana was superstitious. When the trunk of his idol broke, he had many thoughts in his mind. First, he thought that he was doing wrong by interfering the private lives of the gods, and then he thought that he was being punished by the gods. Even at the of waiting for the intruder, he thinks about that it could be some supernatural power that had been breaking the trunk of Ganesha. 

5. Who helped Govinda in repairing the trunk? How did they differ in their point of view regarding the breaking of the trunk?

Ans: Ranju, Govinda’s youngest son helped in repairing the trunk. He mended the broken trunk and made it beautiful. Both Govinda and Ranju had different opinions regarding the breaking of the trunk. Ranju thought that it was because of the wind the trunk was breaking. On the other Govinda thought that it was not because of the wind but it was because of something else. He didn’t agree with his son’s view. 

6. Govinda Maharana thought of many reasons for the broken trunk. What are they?

Ans: Firstly, Govinda thought that his interference in the private lives of the Gods is the reason behind the broken trunk. Then he thought that Gods were punishing him. He also thought that there was some supernatural that was playing some trick with him. He then blamed himself for charging extra money for the idols. 

7. How did Govinda solve the mystery? What did he find?

Ans: Govinda wa haunted with many thoughts. He thought of many reasons behind the breaking of the trunk. Then he decided to stay wake with his youngest son and see who the intruder was. He chose the place from where he could see image of the intruder. But to his surprise, he saw that the intruder was a cat. It was coming from the vertical bars of the window.



1. Discuss how the superstitions created problems in Govinda Maharana’s life?

Ans: Govinda Maharana was one of the best image makers in his town. People appreciate his art. Govinda was hard working man but his superstitions created problems in his life. Once the trunk of his Ganesh idol was broken and his mind was full of thoughts. He thought of many things which were specially based on superstitions. He first though that he was interfering in the private lives of the Gods. Then he thought that Gods were punishing him. His youngest son put forward his opinion that it could be the wind that broke the trunk, but Govinda didn’t agree with him. He thought that there could be some supernatural powers that were playing tricks with him. His superstitions thoughts made him not see the practicality of the life. Even his life was disturbed by his unwanted thoughts of superstitions. 

2. The traditional art of idol-making is dying. Discuss in the class and notedown the reasons for the near extinction of this art.

Ans: Indeed the traditional art of idol-making is dying. In reality, the idol-making is one of the fine arts that show the creativity of the makers. There are many reasons why this art is at its near extinction. The artists/craftsmen don’t get enough money for their art. Most of the craftsmen tend to have a poor economic background and they need money, making idols is the only livelihood they have. Also nowadays people are taking less interested in taking idols.


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