The Lost Child Question Answer Class 9 Odisha Board



Now answer the following questions :

1. Find out the persons described in the story. Where are they going?

Ans:  The persons described in the story are a child and his parents. They are going to a fair.


2. Why did the child lag behind?

Ans: On the way to a fair, the child was attracted by the shops of the toys that were lined the way. 

3. What things did the child see on his way to the fair? What attracted him most?

Ans:  On the way to the fair, the child got attracted to many things. First he got attracted towards the toys shops, then he was attracted towards the dragon-flies. While walking little insects and worms attracted him. The child got attracted by the things one after the other. 

4. Did the child gather anything on the way? What was it? What happened to it?

Ans:  The child gathered the raining petals of flowers which fell on him when he entered the grove. When he heard the cooing of the dove he ran towards his parents and the petals fell off his hands. 

5. What were his father and mother like?

Ans: His parents were caring and always called him whenever he lagged behind. 

6. “Come, child, come” who said this? How many times and why?

Ans:  The child’s parents called “Come, child, come” for three times. The child was always lagging behind by getting attracted towards many things, so his parents called him.


7. What do you think the next part of the story will be about?

Ans:  The next part of story will be him getting lost in the fair.


[ II ]

Now answer the following questions :

1. Who did the child see at the fair?

Ans:  The child saw a flower hawker and snake-charmer at the fair. 

2. Did the child want to buy anything in the fair? What are they? Why did he move on without waiting for his father’s reply?

Ans:  Yes, the child wanted to buy burfi, a garland and balloons in the fair. He moved on without waiting for his father’s reply because he knew that he would never those things for him. 

3. Did his parents buy him anything? Why?

Ans:  No, his parents didn’t buy anything. His parents had their reasons of not buying things for him. They thought buying burfi would mean he was greedy, buying a garland would mean it was cheap and the child was too old to play with the balloons. 

4. Did he like the music played by the snake charmer? How do you know this?

Ans:  Yes, the child liked the music played by the snake-charmer. He went towards the snake-charmer to listen to it. 

5. What was it that attracted the child most?

Ans:  The round-about was the thing that attracted the child most. 

6. The child made a bold request to his parents to go on the round-about. Will the parents allow him?

Ans: I don’t think his parents would allow him to go on the round-about.


[ III ]

Answer the following questions :

1. What is section III about?

Ans:  Section III is about the helplessness of the child who was lost in the fair. He could not find his parents. 

2. What was the most attractive thing for the child? How do you know this?

Ans:  The most attractive thing for the child was going on the roundabout. He wanted to be there so badly that in going ahead towards it he was lost in the fair. 

3. What made the child cry? How did he try to look for his parents?

Ans:  The missing of his parents made the child cry. He searched everywhere. He even went to the temple hoping to find his parents there. 

4. Who lifted the child up and how?

Ans:  An unknown man lifted the child up in his arms stooping with great difficulty. 

5. Do you think the child will find his parents?

Ans:  Yes, I think the child will find his parents with the help of that man.


Answer the following questions:

1. What did the man want to know from the child?

Ans:  The man wanted to know whose child he was and how did he get there. 

2. Did the man try to make the child happy? How?

Ans:  Yes, the man took efforts to make the child happy. He took him to roundabout, he then took him to the snake-charmer. He also took him to the flower hawker ,balloon seller and finally to the sweet shop. 

3. How did the child react to the man’s offerings?

Ans: The child didn’t take any of the man’s offerings. He was crying and all he wanted was his parents and nothing else. 

4. What impression do you have on the man who helped the child?

Ans:  The man seemed to be a kind and helping human being. He did everything possible thing to make the child happy. 

5. Will the man be able to find the child’s parents? What will happen to the lost child?

Ans:  Yes, the man would be able to find the child’s parents. The lost child will be find his parents.


(A) The following is the summary of the story ‘The Lost Child’. Fill in the blanks of the summary with the suitable words from the bracket.

Once a child went to a village fair with his parents. Fascinated by the toys he lagged behind. On his way to the fair he saw the dragon flies , a beautiful groove etc. The child with his parents arrived the village square and saw a sweetmeat seller with various sweets, a flowerseller with garlands of gulmohur, a man holding with balloons, a snake charmer playing a flute to a snake and a roundabout in full swing.He wanted to go on the round about and couldn’t find his parents in the crowd. Then he cried, ran here and there in the crowd to find his parents. At the templegate a man lifted him up in his arms and asked him about his father and mother . The man wanted to make the child happy but the child lost interest in the things that he had wanted earlier.


1. What were the things the child saw on his way to the fair? Why did he lag behind his parents?

Ans:  On his way to the fair, the child was attracted by many things. Initially he was attracted by the shops of the toys, then he was attracted by the dragon-flies, insects and worms. When he was entering the grove, petal of flowers fell on him and he suddenly heard the cooing of the doves and again got attracted to them. As he and his parents went in the village, he was again attracted by sweet shop where he wanted to have burfi, then he was attracted to a garland, balloons and music that was played by a snake-charmer. But what attracted him the most was the roundabout which he wanted to play. The child got attracted to many things on his way which made him lag behind his parents. 

2. What things in the fair attracted the child? Why did he move on without waiting for an answer from his parents?

Ans: The child was attracted towards the sweets as he wanted to have burfi. Then he was attracted towards a garland of gulmohar and then balloons. He heard the flute played by a snake-charmer and he was attracted to it. Finally he was attracted towards the roundabout. He didn’t wait for an answer when he first saw sweetmeat shop because he knew that his parents would think of him as greedy child. Then he didn’t wait for an answer and moved from the garland-seller because he knew that his parents would think the garland as cheap. His parents would think that their child was too old to play with balloons and this was known by the child so he moved from the balloon seller. He knew that his parents didn’t like the coarse music played by the snake-charmer and would not allow him listen to it, so moved on from there too. 

3. When did he realize that he had lost his way? How is it described in the story?

Ans:  The child was most attracted by the roundabout. He wanted to play on it badly. He made a bold request to his parents and stood there. He wanted a reply from his parents so he looked back, there he didn’t see his parents, then he looked either side and behind.It was then he realized that he has lost his way. He then started crying and started looking everywhere but he could not find his parents.

4. Why did the lost child lose inertest in the things that he had wanted earlier?

Ans: In desperate search of his parents, the child went to search them at a temple. He was crying very much and his cry was heard by a man who went to the child and took him in his arms. Then the man asked him where he was from but the child didn’t answer the only thing he wanted was his parents. The man did everything to make him happy. He took to the child every place and gave everything that he wanted earlier. But the child was not interested in the things that he wanted earlier but all he wanted was his parents. 

5. What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?

Ans:  I think that helping and kind man must have found the child’s parents and made him happy. Yes, the child must have found his parents.

(B) Read the following sentences and order them as they are used in the story and then fill in the blanks of the table. One is done for you.

(a) I want that burfi.

(b) I want that toy.

(c) I want that garland.

(d) Come, child, come, on to the footpath.

(e) I want to go on the round about, please, father, mother.

(f) Come child come.

(g) Listen to that nice music, child.

(h) Look child what is before you !

(i) I want my mother, I want my father !

(j) Father, mother !

(k) Whose baby are you /

(l) What streets would you like.

Ans: Correct Order-

(f) Come child come.

(b) I want that toy.

(h) Look child what is before you!

(d) Come, child, come, on to the footpath.

(a) I want that burfi.

(c) I want that garland.

(e) I want to go on the round about, please, father, mother

(j) Father, mother!

(k) Whose baby are you /

(i) I want my mother, I want my father!

(g) Listen to that nice music, child.

(l) What streets would you like.

Section (Part)




(What) Statements



Who said?



To whom?



I (f) come, child, come


(b) I want that toy.


(h) Look child what is before you !


(d) Come, child, come, on to the footpath.












II (a) I want that burfi.


(c) I want that garland.


(e) I want to go on the round about, please, father, mother











III (j) Father, mother !


Child Himself
IV (k) Whose baby are you /


(i) I want my mother, I want my father !


(g) Listen to that nice music, child.


(l) What streets would you like

A man





A man


A man



A man






(C) The main ideas of the story, “The Lost Child” are given below. Read and put them in the appropriate boxes of the Flow Chart. One has been done for you.

Flow Chart

1. A Child’s visit to a village fair with parents.

2. Attraction of the toys, a flowering mustard field, a group of dragon flies, the little insects and worms, a beautiful grove, the banyan tree etc. on the way to village fair.

3. His eagerness to have different things from a sweetmeat seller with sweets, a flower seller with garlands, a snake charmer with a snake, a roundabout with full swing in the fair.

4. His eagerness to have different things from a sweetmeat seller with sweets, a flower seller with garlands, a snake charmer with a snake, a roundabout with full swing in the fair.

5. The child’s hesitation towards the attracted things in the fair and his sobbing to see his father and mother.

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