The Swimmer Who Does Not Need Her Legs Question Answer | Class 9 English | Odisha Board

 The Swimmer Who Does Not Need 

Her Legs

Question Answer

Let’s understand the text :

(i) When did Janaki get the idea of swimming the English Channel?

Ans: Janaki was struck by polio in 1987. When she was a child, she got the idea of swimming the English Channel.

(ii) What did she plan to do then?

Ans: Janaki who wanted to swim the English Channel conveyed her message to the English Channel Swimming Association for details.

(iii) Who said, ‘I was able to swim 10 hours at a stretch in the swimming pool’?

a. Mr. Gopal

b. Mr. Dinesh Suvarna

c. Janaki.

(Choose the correct answer)

(iv) Where did she go with the help of Thimaiah Academy of Adventure?

Ans: With the help of Thimaiah National Academy of Adventure, Janaki went to the coastal town of Malpe and began training in the Arabian Sea.

(v) What did she do there?

Ans: In the Arabian sea, she spent three weeks there with a coach called Dinesh Suvarna. She learnt to spend long hours in the sea by swimming a minimum of 20 kilometres a day.

(vi) Who contributed the money she needed for swimming the English channel?

Ans: For swimming English Channel, Janaki needed the fund. The government, a few private agencies and several friends contributed the money she needed for swimming the English Channel.

(vii) Who was Stella Streeter?

Ans: Stella Streeter was the famous Channel coach. She trained Janaki for three weeks for her attempt.

(viii) What does ‘Janaki’s Maritime Express’ mean?

Ans: In the relay swim, there were six members who formed a team and they each do a minimum two hours of swimming. In Janaki’s relay team, other swimmers were mostly Americans and they were amazed to see her swim. To honor her they named the relay team,’ Janaki’s Maritime Express.’

Let’s understand the text better :

1. What were the conditions set by the English Channel Swimming Authority?

Ans: When Janaki conveyed her message to English Channel Swimming Association for the details of the attempt, they replied that two conditions have to be met before a swimmer is allowed to make an attempt. The first condition set by them was that the swimmer should be able to spend at least ten hours continuously in water. The second condition was that the swimmer should be able to do marathon swimming, that is, he or she should be able to swim in the high seas for long hours at a stretch.

2. Why were the officials of English Channel Swimming Associations shocked?

Ans: Janaki and her parents went to England in 1992. When she reached Dover and began practising in the English Channel, the Channel Swimming Association officials were shocked. It was first time in their experience that a physically handicapped person was trying to swim the English Channel.

3. Why was it decided that Janaki would be part of a relay team?

Ans: Janaki wanted to have the solo attempt but the association told her that they didn’t have a special boat to accompany her. It was in case if she needed to be lifted out of the water, so it was decided that she would be part of a relay team.

4. What were the channel waters like?

Ans: The channel waters were too cold. The water was also very salty and whenever it entered Janaki’s mouth, she felt sick. Also there were the seaweeds and jellyfish in the water. Those fish kept sticking to her body and made her uncomfortable

5. What were the problems that Janaki faced while swimming the channelin a relay team?

Ans: Janaki made her first attempt in 1992. Her attempt was in the course of the swim was against nature. The channel waters were so cold that she needed more energy than usual to keep her arms moving. Then she had the problem of my legs moving to the left or to the right, whichever way the waves were moving for which she needed a lot of energy.Also the water was very salty and whenever it entered her mouth, she felt sick. There were also the seaweeds and jelly fish which kept sticking to her body and made her feel uncomfortable.

6. What were the feelings of Janaki’s parents when she was crossing thechannel waters?

Ans: Janaki’s parents were anxious when she was crossing the channel waters. They were constantly thinking how her attempt would turn out. They didn’t eat a single morsel. For them the whole experience was dangerous and agonizing.

7. What does the expression paraplegic Olympics mean?

Ans: The paraplegic Olympics are multi-sport games for physically disabled athletes.

8. What is it you like most about Janaki? (Is it her determination, herCourage, her hardwork….?)

Ans: I like everything about Janaki. Her sheer determination made her first attempt of crossing English Channel successful. Her courage is beyond words as she crossed the channel without any special boat. It was hardwork that made her become the first handicapped swimmer to part-swim the English Channel. Since her dreaming of crossing the channel to making it happen she took every effort and worked hard towards the success.

Let’s Talk :

(a) Say whether the following statements are true or false. Discuss in groups.

(i) Janaki was struck by polio at the age of two. True

(ii) Janaki was the first woman to swim the English Channel. False

(iii) Janaki had begun training very hard before she attempted the channel swim. True

(iv) The Channel swimming Association permitted Janaki to swim alone across the English Channel. False

(v) All other members of the relay team were also handicapped like Janaki. False

(vi) Janaki’s parents were worried about her when she was in the channel waters. True

(vii) The dream of Janaki was to swim the English channel. True

(viii) Janaki wanted to prove that to be handicapped is no bar to success. True

Given below is a list of words. You have to tick the negative prefix–whichgoes with each of them. (Some of them take more than one such prefix.) The first one has been done for you.

Words un im in dis mis de il ab















B. Certain words or groups of words occur together very frequently.

These groups of words are called phrases. Make sentences of your

own using the phrases given below.

(a) at a stretch – My mother can cook more than 3 cakes at a stretch.

(b) leave for -I’m leaving for Paris this evening.

(c) in spite of- In spite of his poverty, he ranked first in the CAT exam.

(d) a lot of – We have a big house and there is a lot of space in the garden.

(e) keep a sharp eye- Parents have to keep a sharp eye on their children else they do something mischievous.

Complete the following sentences with could, was/were able to / couldn’t.

(i) The fire spread quickly but everyone were able to escape.

(ii) He could drive when he was sixteen, but he wasn’t able because he didn’t have a licence.

(iii) They didn’t have any tomatoes in the first shop I went to, but I was able to get some in the next shop.

(iv) The boy fell into the river but fortunately we were able to rescue him.

(v) He had hurt his leg, so he could walk very slowly.

(vi) I looked everywhere for the book but I was not able to find it.


The Director

Thimaiah National Academy of Adventure

Bangalore, Karnatak


I have read your advertisement about the three courses you offer at your institute.

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I wanted to know about the minimum age to apply for the course. I wanted to know the duration fees of the course. I also wanted to know about the food and accommodation facilities provided. Could you also tell me whether I need to give a medical certificate for the course.

I look forward to your kind reply.

Yours faithfully

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