The Missile Man of India Question Answer | Class 9 English | Odisha Board

The Missile Man of India

Question Answer

Let’s understand the text:

1. Who was Dr APJ Abdul Kalam?

Ans: Dr APJ Abdul Kalam was one of the most distinguished scientists of India.

2. Why is Dr Kalam known as “The Missile Man of India”?

Ans: Dr Kalam was intimately involved in India’s civilian space programme and military missile development efforts so he came to be known as “The Missile Man of India.”

3. Where was he born? When?

Ans: Dr Abdul Kalam was born at Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu on 15th October 1931.

4. Who were his family members?

Ans: He had parents, three brothers and one sister in his family.

5. Who were his father and mother?

Ans: His father, Jainulabdeen was a boat owner and the Imam of a local mosque. His mother Ashiamma was a housewife.

6. What was his mother?

Ans: His mother was a housewife.

7. How did his father earn his living?

Ans: His father owned a ferry that took Hindu pilgrims back and forth between Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi.

8. Were Kalam’s ancestors rich or poor? How do you know it?

Ans: Kalam’s ancestors were rich. They were traders and land owners but over a period of time, the family fell on hard times and lost their properties.

9. How did he add to his family?

Ans: He sold newspapers to add to his family.

10. What is the third paragraph about?

Ans: The third paragraph is about Kalam’s school. It mainly tells about the unconditional love of his teacher Sivasubramania Iyer towards him.

11. Where did he get his primary education?

Ans: He got his primary education at Ramanathapuram.

12. Who was his science teacher?

Ans: His science teacher was Sivasubramania Iyer.

13. What was he like?

Ans: He was affectionate and loving. He always motivated Kalam to develop his skills.

14. What did he invite Kalam for?

Ans: He invited Kalam for meal.

15. How did his wife react to it?

Ans: When the teacher invited Kalam for meal, his wife disliked it and refused to serve a Muslim child like him.

16. What changed her attitude?

Ans: When she saw Kalam’s behavior, his way of taking the meal and cleaning the floor her attitude towards him was changed.

17. How did she behave him later?

Ans: Later when Kalam was invited by the teacher once again, she welcomed him and served food for herself.

18. Who does ‘He’ in the third sentence of para-3 refer to?

Ans: ‘He’ in the third sentence of para-3 refers to Kalam’s science teacher Sivasubramania Iyer.

19. The fourth paragraph is about his ________.

A. elementary education 

B. higher education

C. secondary education 

D. family

(Say the correct answer.)

Ans: higher education

20. Was he good at studies at the high school? Read out the sentence in support of your answer.

Ans: Kalam was an average student but was considered a bright and hardworking student. He had desire to learn.

21. What was Kalam’s dream in life?

Ans: Kalam’s dream was to become a pilot.

22. What did he do to fulfil his dream in life?

Ans: To fulfill his dream in life he applied for studying engineering at the Madras Institute of Technology.

23. Do you have any dream? How can you fulfil your dream in your life?

Ans: I have a dream to become a director. To fulfill my dream I will take efforts and have plan to take admission in FTTI, Pune.

24. What problem did he face for his admission into engineering?

Ans: He got selected at engineering college but he could not afford its fees.

25. Who came to his help? How?

Ans: His sister, Asim Zohra came to his help. She mortgaged her gold ornaments for his admission fee.

26. When did he complete his aerospace engineering?

Ans: He completed his aerospace engineering in 1960.

27. Name the institution where he got –

(a) Secondary Education : Schwartz Higher Secondary School

(b) Graduation in Physics : Saint Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli

(c) Aerospace Engineering : Madras Institute of Technology.

28. The paragraphs-5 and 6 describe Dr. Kalam’s career as _________________.

  • a marine engineer
  • a plant scientist
  • an aerospace scientist
  • a software engineer

Ans: an aerospace scientist

29. How did he begin his career?

Ans: He began his career as a trainee at the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) in Bangalore (now called Bengaluru).

30. Where was he appointed as a scientist first?

Ans: He was appointed as a scientist first at Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO)

31. When did he start his work in the Indian Space Research Organisation?

Ans: He started his work in the Indian Space Research Organization in 1969.

32. What was the purpose of the satellite?

Ans: The purpose of the satellite was to develop the technology to launch satellites.

33. When was the first Rohini satellite launched into the orbit?

Ans: The first Rohini satellite was successfully launched into the orbit in 1980.

34. How many years did Kalam spend in the ISRO?

Ans: Kalam spent nineteen years in the ISRO.

35. Where did he take the leading role in the development of India’s missiles and nuclear weapons programme?

Ans: He took the leading role in Integrated Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) in the development of India’s missiles and nuclear weapons programme

36. What made him extremely popular in the country?

Ans: The development of four missiles namely Prithvi, Trishul, Akash and Nag made him extremely popular in the country.

37. What was he called after the success of the four missiles – Prithvi, Trishul, Akash and Nag?

Ans: Kalam was popularly known as “The Missile Man of India” after the success of the four missiles- Prithvi, Trishul, Akash and Nag.

38. Why did he camp in Rajastan’s Thar Desert?

Ans: He camped in Rajastan’s Thar Desert because he wanted to supervise the Pokhran-II nuclear tests.

39. What, according to Dr Kalam, was the “defining moment” in the history of our country”?

Ans: Dr. Kalams supervised the Pokhran-II nuclear tests for which he had camped in Rajasthan’s Thar Desert for the test was hugely successful which was the “defining moment” in the history of our country.

40. Why was it very hard to camp in Rajstan’s Thar Desert?

Ans: It was very hot . The temperature was 530C in Thar Desert of Rajastan so it was very hard to camp.

41. What are Kalam’s contributions for India’s defence programme?

Ans: Kalam’s contributions for India’s defence programme was that he servedas the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of Defence Research and Development Organisation.

42. Dr. Kalam was the Chief Scientific Advisor to ________ of India.

i. the President 

ii. the Prime Minister

iii. the Field Marshal 

iv. the Secretary of Defence

(Choose the correct answer.)

Ans: the Prime Minister

43. What awards and honours was Kalam honoured with?

Ans: Kalam was honored withPadma Bhushan, the Padma Vibhushan andthe nation’s highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna.

44. What is the highest civilian award of our country?

Ans: "Bharat Ratna" is the highest civilian award of our country.

45. How did Kalam pass away?

Ans: Kalam passed away from cardiac arrest.

46. Why will people of our country remember Kalam forever?

Ans: Kalam will be remembered for his dedication, devotion and selfless service to the nation.

47. What qualities of Dr Kalam do you like very much?

Ans: Dr. Kalam’s selfless love for the country, dedication and hard work are the qualities that I like the most.

48. Can you say the names of some eminent scientists who have contributeda lot to our country?

Ans: C.V.Raman, Homi. Bhabha, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Prafulla Chandra Ray, etc are some of the most eminent scientist who have contributed a lot to our country.

Let’s understand the text

(a) Match the paragraph numbers under column-‘A’ with their main ideas given under column- ’B’. Write the paragraph number in the box given against each idea.


1. Elementary education- Paragraph no. 3

2. Death of Kalam- Paragraph no.9

3. Awards and honours- Paragraph no.8

4. Introducing Dr APJ Abdul Kalam- Paragraph no. 1

5. Secondary and higher education- Paragraph no. 4

6. Kalam’s childhood- Paragraph no.2

7. Career and contribution- Paragraph no. 5, 6 and 7

(b) Fill in the blanks choosing the right answers from brackets.

(i) Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is popularly known as the People’s President.

(ii) Kalam had to sell newspapers to supplement his family income.

(iii) Kalam started his elementary education at Ramanathapuram.

(iv) Kalam’s most favourite teacher was his science teacher.

(v) Dr Kalam was popularly called ‘The Missile Man of India’ after the success of the development of four missiles.

(vi) The successful launch of the missiles was possible when Kalam was heading the Integrated Missile Development Programme.

(vii) Dr APJ Abdul Kalam was honoured the nation’s highest honour, The Bharat Ratna in 1997.

(viii) Dr Kalam was the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of Defence Research and Development Organisation.

(c) Read the text and find out the situations:

i. when Kalam faced challenges on his way to achievements-When he got selected at the Madras Institute of Technology but could afford fees.

ii. when Kalam felt happy-When he got selected at Madras Institute of Technology andhis development of four missiles.

Let’s talk

(a) Listen to each of the following expressions and say the line(s) and paragraph number in which it occurs.

 Kalam as the 11th President of India- Paragraph no.1 line no.5

 Date and place of birth of Kalam- Paragraph no.2 line no.1

 Kalam’s elementary education- Paragraph no.3 line no.1

 The Schwartz Higher Secondary School- Paragraph no.4 line no.1

 He graduated in Physics- Paragraph no.4line no.5

 Zohra, his sister helped Kalam for his education. Paragraph no.4line no.9

 He completed aerospace engineering in 1960. Paragraph no.4 line no.11

 Joined DRDO. Paragraph no.5 line no.2

 Kalam succeeded in launching the first satellite, Rohini. Paragraph no.5 line no.7

 Successfull launch of the missiles. Paragraph no.6 line no.5

 Chief Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister of India Paragraph no.8 line no.1

 Pokharan-II test of nuclear test project Paragraph no.7 line no.5

 Honoured with the Padma Bhusan, the Padma Vibhusan and the Bharat Ratna Paragraph no.8line no.5 and 6

 Died on July 27, 2015 Paragraph no.9 line no.1

Let’s learn words:

(a) Match the words under ‘A’ with their opposite meanings under ‘B’. One is done to help you.

Complete X Incomplete

Educated X Uneducated

Expensive X Inexpensive

Successful X Unsuccessful

Popular X Unpopular

Sufficient X Insufficient

(b) Match the words/phrases under ‘A’ with their meanings under ‘B’. Write the number of the word in the box for each.

Distinguished – very successful and admired by people

Referred to- most popular ( known as )

Supplement- to add to something to improve it

Compassionate- kindhearted

Launch- to start an activity

Defining moment- important time

Collapsed- became senseless because of illness

Missile- an weapon sent through the air that explodes when it hits a target

(i) Given below are some compound words. Break them as done above.

1. Landowner = land + owner

2. Weekend = week+ end

3. Milestone = mile+ stone

4. Headline = head+line

5. Newspaper = news+paper

6. Overtime =over+ time

7. Childhood = child+hood

(ii) Will you write ten more compound words on your own?

1. Sunflower

2. Lipstick

3. Armchair

4. Cupcake

5. Snowman

6. Stopwatch

7. Timetable

8. Lifetime

9. Sunset

10. Sunrise

Let’s learn language:

Name of the Person Place of Birth Date of Birth
Mahatma Gandhi Porbandar, Gujarat October 2, 1869
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Thiruthani, Tamil Nadu September 5, 1888
Gopabandhu Dash Suando , Odisha October 9, 1877
Madhusudan Das Satyabhamapur, Cuttack 28 April, 1848
BijuPattnaik Cuttack 5 March, 1916
Jagadish Chandra Bose Memynesingh in Bengal 30 November 1858

1. Jagadish Chandra Bose was born at Memynesingh in Bengal on 30 November 1858.

2. Mahatma Gandhi was born in Porbandar in Gujarat on 2 October 1869.

3. Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born in Thiruthani in Tamil Nadu on 5 September 1888.

4. Gopabandhu Dash was born in Suando in Odisha on 9 October 1877.

5. Madhusudan Das was born in Satyabhamapur in Cuttack on 28 April 1848.

5. Bijju Pattanaik was born in Cuttack on 5 March 1916.

6. Jgadish Chandra Bose was born in Memynesingh in Bengal on 30 November 1858.

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb choosing from brackets given against each.

(i) Gymnastics is sport. ( is/are)

(ii) Social Studies is my favourite subject.(is/are)

(iii) Politics is here and now. (is/are)

(iv) The news has been published in the local daily. (has/have)

(v) The police control the traffic. ( control / controls)

(vi) A hundred kilometers is a long distance. ( is /are)

(vii) Measles causes fever. ( cause / causes)

Let’s write:

(b) Given below are some important events from the text. They are not in order. Arrange them in order and put the serial number in the box for each. Write the sentences.

Correct Order:-

(iii) Abdul Kalam was born to a Tamil Muslim family in the piligrimage centre of Ramaeswaram.

(iv) He got his elementary education at Ramanathpuram.

(v) He went to Sehwartz Higher Secondary School for his secondary education.

(i) He graduated in Physics from Saint Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli.

(ii) He played a pivotal role in the Pokharan-II nuclear test project.

(vi) He became the Head of the Integrated Missile Development Programme and succeeded in launching Prithvi missile.

(viii) He became the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister of India in 1992.

(vii) He breathed his last on July 27, 2015.

(b) Read the text and fill in the bio-data of Dr Kalam given below.


 Name in full – Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

 Father’s name- Jainulabdeen

 Mother’s name- Ashiamma

 Place of birth- Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu

 Date of birth- 15th October 1931

 Brothers and sisters- Three brothers and one sister (Asim Zohra)

 Nationality- Indian

 Religion- Muslim

 Education- 

1. Elementary education at Ramanathpuram.

2. Secondary education – Schwartz Higher Secondary School

3. Graduation (Physics)- Saint Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli

4. Aerospace engineering- Madras Institute of Technology

 Profession- Trainee, scientist, project director, Chief of DRDO, Chief Scientific Adviser, Secretary.

 Important post held- 

1. Trainee- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL), Bangalore

2. Scientist- Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO)

3. Project Director- Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) – 1969

4. Chief of the DRDO – 1998

5. Chief Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister- July 1992 to December 1999.

6. Secretary of Defence Research and Development Organisation- July 1992 to December 1999.

 Achievements- 

1. Successful launch of the first Rohini satellite in 1980.

2. Successful nuclear testing of Pokharan II

 Awards/honours-

1. Padma Bhushan -1981

2. Padma Vibhushan – 1990

3. Bharat Ratna -1997

 Life style- Led a very simple life.

 Date of passing away- 27th July 2015


Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam or better known as ABJ Abdul Kalam was born on 15th October 1931. He was born in a Muslim family in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu to Jainulabdeen and Ashiamma. He had three brothers and one sister.

He completed his elementary education at Ramanthapuram. Then he got his secondary education at Schwartz Higher Secondary School. He got graduated in Physics from Saint Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli. He completed Aerospace engineering from Madras Institute of Technology.

He worked at many eminent institutes and served many prestigious positions. He worked as a trainee, scientist, project director, Chief of DRDO, Chief Scientific Adviser, Secretary,etc.

His career began working as a trainee at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL), Bangalore(Now Bengaluru), then he worked as a scientist at Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO). Further he became Project Director of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)in 1969. He was the Chief of the DRDO in 1998. He served as the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister from July 1992 to December 1999.He was also theSecretary of Defence Research and Development Organisation from July 1992 to December 1999.

Dr.Kalam had many achievements in his life. Under his guidance the first Rohini satellite was successfully launched into the orbit in 1980. He played a major role in the development of India’s missiles and nuclear weapons programme. He supervised the Pokhran II nuclear test and it was successful.

His contribution toward the society made him earn respect and many honors. He washonored with the Padma Bhushan in 1981, Padma Vibhushan in 1990. He was honored with India’s highest civilian award the Bharat Ratna in 1997.

Dr.Kalam led a very simple life. He believed in simple living and high thinking.

Dr.Kalam left this world on 27th July 2015. He had suffered from cardiac arrest before he passed away. He was truly one of the best scientists of India. His teaching and thoughts will always be remembered to the people.

(d) Refer to the text and fill in the blanks in the following table with correct information wherever possible. Then write a paragraph about the events / achievements of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

Events / activities Place Year of


Birth Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu 1931
Completed aerospace engineering Madras Institute of Technology. 1960
Began career as a trainee Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (Bangalore)
As a scientist Defence Research Development Organisation
Project Director, ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation 1969
Launching of Rohini satellite Indian Space Research Organisation 1980
Headed the IGMDP Integrated Missile Development Programme 1998
Supervised Pokhran-II nuclear tests Thar Desert, Rajasthan 1998
Scientist of DRDO



Defence Research

Development Organisation

New Delhi

President New Delhi 2002
Death Shillong 2015

Events / activities Place Year of


Birth Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu 1931

Completed aerospace engineering Madras Institute of Technology. 1960

Began career as a trainee Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (Bangalore) 

As a scientist Defence Research Development Organisation 

Project Director, ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation 1969

Launching of Rohini satellite Indian Space Research Organisation 1980

Headed the IGMDP Integrated Missile Development Programme 1998

Supervised Pokhran-II nuclear tests Thar Desert, Rajasthan 1998

Scientist of DRDO

Defence Research

Development Organisation

New Delhi

President New Delhi 2002

Death Shillong 2015


Dr.Abdul Kalam was born in Rameswaram in 1931. He completed his secondary

education at Ramanathapuram. Then he got his secondary education at Schwartz Higher

Secondary School. He got graduated in Physics from Saint Joseph’s College,

Tiruchirappalli. He completed Aerospace engineering from Madras Institute of

Technology in 1960. He began his career from Hindustan Aeronautics Limited

(Bangalore) working as a trainee. Then he worked as a scientist at Defence Research

Development Organisation. In 196he worked as a Project Director for Indian Space

Research Organisation. In 1980 under his guidance and supervision, India’s first Rohini

satellite was successfully launched. He also headed the Integrated Missile Development

Programme in 1998. In the Thar Desert of Rajasthan, he successfully completed the nuclear

test of Pokharan II in 1998. Also he took another major leap in successful launch of four

missiles and that is why he is called as the Missile Man of India.He worked as a scientist

at Defence Research Development Organisation, New Delhi.He was theChief Scientific

Adviser to the PrimeMinister and the Secretary of Defence Research and Development

Organisation from July 1992 to December 1999.He was elected as the President of

India in 2002. He was called as ‘People’s President.’ His contributions and success in

the field of defence, nuclear technology is beyond words. India lost one of the greatest

scientist in 2015 in Shillong where he had cardiac arrest.

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