Road Safety Week Question Answer | Class 9 English | Odisha Board


Road Safety Week

Question Answer

Lead in:

1. What is this passage about?

Ans: The passage is about a tragic accident that took place on the outskirts of Cuttack city.

2. What happened after the accident occurred?

Ans: After the accident occurred, all the injured were rescued and taken to Cuttack medical college hospital for the treatment . 12 people were killed and 49 were injured in the accident.

3. Why did this accident happen? Can you think of some other causes of the accident?

Ans: The accident happened when the bus hit a buffalo on the bridge and crashed into the railing. It fell 30 feet down into the dry riverbed. The driver turned the bus aside to save the animal and thus the accident happened.

4. Suggest some ways to avoid such dreadful accidents.

Ans: One should always take the safe road while travelling. One should always follow all the rules laid by the government for the safety of themselves and of others.

Let’s understand the text :

1. What is the first paragraph about?

Ans: The first paragraph is about the importance of the road safety. It is to make people aware about the road safety for themselves and for the others.

2. What is road safety? What does it involve?

Ans: Road safety is the safety of people from roadside injuries and deaths. It involves various methods and measures which must be followed by the road users to prevent these serious injuries and deaths.

3. What is the finding of the World Health Organisation?

Ans: The finding of the World Health Orgnaization is that most of the hospitalisation cases and leading causes of death are due to lack of awareness.

4. Why is there a greater need of awareness among people about road safety?

Ans: There is increase in number of vehicles which result in the rise of accidents, so it becomes important to aware people about the road safety.

5. What does the second paragraph talk about?

Ans: The second paragraph talks about the Road Safety Week. It talks about the aim of the programme.

6. Who observes the Road Safety Week Campaign?

Ans: Mainly the government observes the Road Safety Week Campaign. Along with the government, many charitable organisations, non-government agencies and private firms across the country also organise and provide logistic support to the Road Safety Week Campaign.

7. When is it observed?

Ans: It is observed in the month of January every year.

8. What is the main aim of Road Safety Week Campaign?

Ans: The main aim of Road Safety Week Campaign is to raise public awareness about traffic rules, and to reduce road accidents and help people save their lives as well as the lives of other people on the road. Also the aim of this campaign is to sensitise people about the outcome of drunken driving, high-speed driving and the importance of wearing a helmet for bikers and a seat-belt for four-wheel drivers.

9. What things should people know about road safety by this campaign?

Ans: People are made aware with the basic road safety rules. They are instructed not to use cellphones or listen to music while driving. They are told about the outcome of drunken driving, high-speed dirving and the importance of wearing a helmet for bikers and a seat-belt for four-wheel drivers.

10. What does the author say in the third paragraph?

Ans: The author talks about the Road Safety Week and its celebration in major cities. Also the author mentions about the different activities that is carried during the week.

11. When is the Road Safety Week organized?

Ans: The Road Safety Week is organized every year in the month of January.

12. Where do people celebrate this week? Who voluntarily take part in the campaign?

Ans: People celebrate this week in major cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Baroda, Pune, Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad and Chandigarh, etc. Many schools and colleges voluntarily take part in the campaign.

13. What do the local authorities do during this campaign?

Ans: The local authorities organise a thorough check of drivers and motorcyclists to send a strong message of “Zero Tolerance against Drunken Driving” and other safety violations.

14. How do drivers get benefit out of this programme?

Ans: The drivers are explained about the traffic rules and signs as well as the cautions they should take on road. Also free medical check-up camps and driving training workshops are organised for the drivers, in this way they are benefitted from the this programme.

15. What activities are organised for school and college children?

Ans: Various activities like painting and drawing competitions, road safety announcements, exhibitions, tests of road rules, debates on selected themes, besides workshops, seminars,etc.are organized for school and college children.

16. Why is the fourth paragraph important for us?

Ans: The fourth paragraph is important as it tells us about the causes of serious accidents. It mentions major reasons why fatal accidents take place.

17. How many important causes of accident have been highlighted in this paragraph? Can you add some more causes to this list?

Ans: Six important causes have been highlighted in this paragraph. Always drive at safe pace. It is important to keep safe distance between two vehicles.

18. Who are eligible to get driving licence from the authorities?

Ans: Anyone who is 20 years of age is eligible to get driving license from the authorities. One can apply for the learning license when he/she is 16 years of age.

19. What does ‘distracted driving’ mean?

Ans: ‘Distracted driving’ mean which includes speaking on cell phones and texting while driving, talking to the other passengers, and sometimes listening to loud music.

20. Find out the word, in the fourth paragraph, which means ‘traveller on foot’?

Ans: Pedestrians is the word in the fourth paragraph which means ‘traveller on foot.’

21. What can you learn from the fifth paragraph?

Ans: From the fifth paragraph we can learn few precautions to take while driving. Also it mentions what should be done in case of violation of rules.

22. How can the drunken driving be checked?

Ans: The local authorities can check the drivers of all the vehicles and motorcycles for cases of drunken driving.

23. What should the government do for issuing driving licence?

Ans: Government should issue strict orders regarding issuing license authorities concerned. They should also take strong steps while issuing license.

24. What can be done for old and unused vehicles?

Ans: The old vehicles can be repaired for the best use of it. When vehicles are not in use, they should be sold.

25. Who does ‘us’ refer to in the last paragraph?

Ans: ‘Us’ refers to the people.

26. Can you suggest some more ways to prevent road accidents?

Ans: We should always drive at slow or medium pace. We should never jump the signal. We should keep a safe distance.

Let’s understand the text better :

(a) Match the paragraph numbers under column ‘A’ with their main ideas given under column ‘B’. (Write the number of the paragraph in the box.)


1. Organisation of road safety week- Paragraph No. 3

2. Causes of road accidents- Paragraph No.4

3. Ways or measures for prevention of road accidents- Paragraph No.5

4. Road safety and its importance- Paragraph No. 1

5. Conclusion; theme of the text- Paragraph No. 6

6. Aims of Road Safety Week Campaign- Paragraph No. 2

(b) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words from brackets.

(i) According to the statistics of the World Health Organisation, most of thehospitalisation cases and leading causes of deaths are due to lack of awareness about road safety.

(ii) The aim of Road Safety Week Campaign is to emphasise and educate people about safe road travel by applying just simple rules.

(iii) Pocket guides and leaflets related to road safety are distributed to the on-road travellers.

(iv) Free medical check-up camps are organized for the drivers.

(v) Traffic safety games including card games, puzzles and board games are organised for school children.

(vi) The permissible age in India for having a driving licence is sixteen years for vehicles up to 50 CC engine capacities without gears with the consent of parents.

(vii) Texting on cell phones while driving is a kind of distracted driving.

(viii) Everyone should think about safety first then drive.

Let’s talk

(a) The teacher reads aloud the following sentences. Listen to him/her and say whether they are “True” or “False”. Refer to the text and say the paragraph number and the line number in which the answer is available.


i. Most of the accidents take place due to lack of awareness among the people. True

Paragraph No. 1 Line No.8

ii. The celebration of Road Safety Week is one of the awareness programmes to be safe on the road. True

Paragraph No. 2 Line No.1

iii. Road Safety campaign discourages people not to drink alcohol, not to use cell phones for talking and texting. False

Paragraph No. 2 Line No.8 and 9

iv. Road Safety Week is organised every year in the month of November by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway. False

Paragraph No. 3 Line No.1

v. During the Road Safety Week training camps are organised for school and college children. False

Paragraph No. 3 Line No.14 and 15

vi. The young people at the age of 16 can obtain driving licence. False

Paragraph No. 4 Line No.6

vii. The fitness certificates should be made compulsory for only old and unused vehicles. False

Paragraph No. 5 Line No. 8 and 9

viii. Talking to other persons while driving comes under drunken driving. False

Paragraph No. 4 Line No.10 and 11

ix. Road Safety Week creates an opportunity to make people understand what could be done to save our life as well as the life of others. True

Paragraph No. 6 Line No.1-3

x. We should think about driving fast then our safety. False

Paragraph No. 6 Line No.3

Let’s learn words

(a) Solve the following cross-word puzzle and find thirteen words related to Road Safety.


1. Coming and going of persons and vehicles. Traffic

4. We obey them. Rules

6. A car driver uses it while driving. Steering

9. A colour indicating to ‘proceed with caution’. Yellow

12. People who control the traffic. Police

13. A person who drives a vehicle. Driver


2. A path on which we travel. Road

3. Safeness – Safety

5. We wear it while riding bikes. Horn

7. A colour indicating to ‘stop’. Red

8. A colour indicating to ‘go’. Green

10. Every driver should have this certificate. License

11. A person who goes from one place to another. Traveler

(b) Read and understand the symbols given in the following three charts and match the symbols under ‘A’ with the instructions under ‘B’ in the table below. Write the number of each symbol in the box provided for each instruction. One is done for you.


Cycle prohibited- 4

No entry- 5

Speed limit- 8

Horn prohibited-1

Overtaking prohibited- 9

School ahead- 3

Narrow road- 2

Parking both sides- 10

Padestrian crossing- 7

One way- 6

Now break the following words and find the verbs. You may use a dictionary to get the ‘verb forms’.

(i) Regulation = Regulate + tion

(ii) Celebration = Celebrate + tion

(iii) Estimation = Estimate + tion

(iv) Promotion = Promote+ tion

(v) Transportation = Transport + ation

(vi) Observation = Observe + ation

(vii) Education = Educate+ ion

(viii) Competition = Compete+ tion

(ix) Distribution = Distribute+ ion

(x) Motivation = Motivate + tion

(xi) Commutation = Commute+ tion

(xii) Violation = Violate+ ion

(xiii) Prevention = Prevent+ ion

(xiv) Provision = Provide + sion

Now, fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable words (verbs/nouns) from the above list in their correct forms.


(i) The government celebrates the Road Safety Week every year in the month of January.

(ii) Many non-government organization provide support to the Road Safety Week Campaign.

(iii) The aim of the Road Safety Week Campaign is to educate the people.

(iv) We can prevent accidents by making people aware of the road safety rules.

(v) Road Safety Quiz competitions are organised for the young people.

(vi) Persons caught talking or texting on cell phones should be fined not to repeat such violation.

(vii) The act of coming to the working place and going back home every day is called transportation.

(viii) We can distribute leaflets to make people aware of the road safety rules.

Now, match the words under ‘A’ with the words under ‘B’ and write the pairs of words below. One is done for you.

1. Seat belt

2. Traffic rules

3. Driving gap

4. Medical check-up

5. Parking place

6. Prohibited area

7. Drunken driver

8. Careless pedestrians

9. Distant area

10. Drawing competition

Let’s learn languageNow fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate modals from brackets.

1. This bus can take 45 passengers safely.

2. Your driving licence has been approved. You shall get it next week from the postman.

3. It is your fault. You should not drive the car so fast.

4. You must wear a helmet to save your life.

5. He shall be punished if he does not give up his habit of taking alcohol.

6. Will you drop me at the station?

7. My father suggests that we should be careful while crossing the road.

Let’s write

(a) Read the following chart of ‘Road Offences and Penalties’ to write the answers to the questions given below.


(i) What is the punishment for driving by a minor?

Ans: Maximum 500 rupees is the penalty for driving by a minor.

(ii) What is the amount of the fine for driving without a helmet?

Ans: Maximum 100 rupees is the amount of the fine for driving without a helmet.

(iii) How much is a person punished for dangerous or hasty driving?

Ans: A person is charged maximum 1000 rupees for dangerous or hasty driving. A person can also be punished with imprisonment for six months.

(iv) How are the drunken drivers punished?

Ans: Druken drivers are punished by charging fine of rupees 2000.

(v) What happens to a person if he drives a vehicle in unsafe condition?

Ans: If a person drives a vehicle in unsafe condition, he/she has to pay the court challan.

(vi) What is the fine amount for the vehicles fitted with dark glasses/ sun films?

Ans: Rupees 100 is the maximum amount of fine for the vehicles fitted with dark glasses/sun films.

(vii) What will happen to you if you park your motorbike on the footpath?

Ans: I will be charged with fine of rupees 100 if I park my motorbike on the footpath.

(a) Suppose you are Ashok Kumar, a reporter of ‘The Indian Express’ for your locality. Write a report on an accident you have witnessed, in about 100 words, following the outlines given below.

(Before writing, fill in the blanks first. You can refer to the text used for lead-in.)

 When? (Date and time) : 20 November 2018 In the afternoon around 3.00 p.m.

 Where? (Place) : Mahanadi riverbed from a bridge near Jagatpur on the outskirts of the Cuttack

 Who? ( Persons/characters present): Around 61 people were present at that place

 Why? (Causes) : The driver turned the bus aside to save the animal and thus the accident happened.

 What? ( Results) : The major accident happened. 12 people lost their lives and 49 were injured.

News Report

Tragic Accident in Cuttack

Ashok Kumar

21 November 2018


In a tragic accident yesterday around 12 people lost their lives and 49 were injured. This horror took place in the afternoon yesterday. A bus fell into the Mahanadi riverbed from a bridge near Jagatpur on the outskirts of the Cuttack city. The accident occurred after the private bus, on its way to Cuttack from Talcher,

There were around 61 people who were travelling in the bus. The accident took place when the bus was on its own to Cuttack from Talcher. It fell 30 feet down into the dry riverbed. The driver turned the bus aside to save the animal and thus the accident happened. The animal was also lost its life in the accident.

It has been reported that all the injured passengers were rescued and taken to Cuttack medical college hospital for treatment. The Government of Odisha has announced financial assistance of two lakh rupees each to the kin of the victims along with free treatment to the injured passengers and ordered an official inquiry into the incident.

Now the official inquiry will be started from tomorrow.

(c) Suppose you are Ashutosh studying in class-IX of R N High School, Odagoan.Your younger brother, Asmit is studying in Class-VII, U GM.E School, Adala in Nayagarh. Write a letter, in about 100 words, advising him to obey the road safety rules while riding his bicycle.



Asmit Yadav,

UGME School,



Dear Asmit,

How are you my dear brother? It has been long since I have written to you. I miss you so much. I hope you’re studying well. This time the reason of writing letter to you is bit different. Recently I was in a bit hurry and rode my bicycle at very fast pace. This made me fell on the ground so hard that it hurt my leg and bruised my skin. I was not able to walk properly for many days. From my previous incident I have learnt one thing is that to obey safety rules and this is why I am writing this letter to make you aware of the safety on the road.

Since you’re a good boy I know you won’t go anywhere in haste but I want you to remember to ride bicycle at medium pace. Always look on the either sides for the traffic. Make sure you wear a cycling helmet always when you ride your cycle. It is very important to follow all the basic traffic rules and never break them in life. Also make sure to give space for the people who are walking. It is okay sometimes even if we reach late but safety should always come first. I hope you follow all these things and take care of yourself.

I can’t wait to see you in the vacations. Keep focus on your study and keep writing to me.

Yours loving brother




R N High school,



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