Our School Peon Essay | The School Peon Essay in 10 Lines, 100 Words, 200 Words and 400 Words

 Our School Peon Essay 

( The School Peon Essay )

10 Lines on our school peon essay in English

1)Mr. Ram Charan Sahu is our School Peon.

2) our school peon essay is very sincere in his duty.

3) Mr. Krushnachandra Bhandari our School Peon is about 35 years old.

4) He is quite short and thin.

5) He wears a blue and white uniform.

6) He sits outside the Pradhan Acharya’s office.

7) Pradhan Acharya rings the bell, our School Peon goes inside.

8) He takes Pradhan Acharya’s orders and acts accordingly in our school.

9) Our school peon takes the files from one room to another.

10) He takes the order-book to different teaches.

100 Words Essay on Our School Peon

He is married and has two children. His family, however, does not stay with him here. They are in his village in Uttar Pradesh. He stays alone in a small room in the school itself.

Besides being the peon during the day, he works as the watchman at night. Before school starts in the morning, he cleans the principal room and dusts the furniture. During school hours, he rings the bell between classes and carries papers, books, notebooks etc. from one class to another, for staff members.

The entire school staff likes him very much. He is always ready to help children at all times. Once, when I had fallen ill, he accompanied me home in the afternoon.

He is a happy, cheerful person and can be seen smiling all the time. Although his salary is not much, he saves a large part of it and sends it to his family.

200 Words Essay on Our School Peon

Our school Peon essay: Ratan Singh is the peon of our school. He is a part and parcel of the school. He is tall and strong. He is very active and smart. He belongs to the village. He wears a khaki uniform.

He is the first to come to the school and is the last to leave it, He opens the school in the morning. He dusts the desks and the chairs. He opens the rooms of the principal. He keeps spick and span. He decorates it with flowers. He dusts it to make it neat and tidy. He opens the office also. He arranges everything in a proper way.

He rings the bell and the school starts. He rings the bell after every period. His duty is very hard. He is to attend to the Principal, the teachers, and the clerks. He is very hard-working.

He is often seen going around the school. He is very honest in his work. He is very polite and gentle. Sometimes he is rude to the boys.

His income is very low. He lives from hand to mouth. He does not know reading, writing, and arithmetic but he does his work to the satisfaction of the Principal, the teacher, and the office staff.

Thus, he is an important person in the school. He does his work honestly. He is regular and punctual.

400 Words Essay on Our School Peon

Every office or institution has a peon. His service for office is necessary. His works have a different importance. I have seen many peons at different office. But I like my Principal’s office peon. His duties are limited but important. One who sits outside the Principal’s office is also called a school peon. He is an important person. Principal knows that school cannot do without him.

Shyam Sunder is our school peon. He is about forty years. He is a tall man. He possesses strong body. He is quite healthy. He has wheatish complexion. He belongs to a small village.

He is all the time in ‘Khaki’ uniform. He wears a white Gandhi cap. He gets uniform every year from the school. He lives in a small room in the school compound. He is a married person. His wife and children live in the village.

He has one hundred and one duties to do. He comes an hour before the opening of the school. He clean the Principal’s room. He dusts desks, tables and chairs in the class rooms. He then rings the bell. 

As long as the school goes on, he sits near the Principal’s office. He carries out his orders sometimes he goes to post letters. Sometimes he has to go to the bank to deposit or withdraw school money. Sometimes he circulates an order in the classes. At other times he shows the visitors in. he does all this and other duties also. He goes on ringing the bell at the end of each period. Sometime if he is irregular in his duties, everybody complains against him,  because the school work begins to suffer.

When it is time to close the school, he rings the close bell. He shuts all the doors and windows after the boys  have gone. He then puts the keys in his pocket and goes home.

He lives a hard life. He gets a small salary of two thousands rupees in a month. With the small income he cannot keep his family with him. In the town he cannot support his family. He has been in the service of this school for the last fifteen years.

Shyam Sunder’s motto is ‘Quick service with a smile’. His position is humble. But he has the qualities of a great man. He is prince among the peons.   

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