Tiger In The House Question Answer | Class 10 | Odisha Board

 Tiger In The House

Question Answer

[ I ]

Comprehension check

1. Who was Timothy and where was it discovered?

Ans: Timothy was the tiger-cub and it was discovered by grandfather on a hunting expedition in the Terai jungle near Dehra.

2. Why did Grandfather accompany the party?

Ans: Grandfather knew the forest of the Siwalik hills better than most of the people at the party, so he was requested to accompany the party.

3. The writer says that the camp was very splendid. Why?

Ans: The camp had seven large tents and it was for each shikari, a dining tent, and a number of servants’ tents. The camp had good dinner and it had hot-waters plates, finger glasses and seven or eight courses. It also had some fifteen elephants, four of them with howdahs for the shikaris and others were specially trained for taking part in the beat. All these made the camp splendid.

4. Who discovered Timothy and when?

Ans: The grandfather discovered Timothy. When he was strolling down the forest path at some distance from the rest of the party, he discovered Timothy about eighteen inches long, hiding among the intricate roots of a banyan tree.

5. Do you think Grandfather was very bold? Why do you think so?

Ans: Yes, the grandfather was very bold and courageous. He not only discovered the tiger but also he picked him up and took him home after the camp had broken up.

6. What kind of special quality did Grandfather have? How was Grandfather different from other members of the party?

Ans: The grandfather was bold and courageous. He was the only member of the party who had bagged any game, dead or alive.

7. Do you think Grandfather will pet the tiger cub at home?

Ans: Yes, I think the grandfather will pet the tiger cub at home.

[ II ]

Comprehension check

1. Who are there in this part of the story?

Ans: In this part of the story, there are the author, grandfather, their cook Mahmoud, the tiger and a monkey.

2. Who named the tiger cub and who brought it up

Ans: Author’s grandfather named the tiger cub Timothy. A cook named Mahmoud brought it up.

3. What was the diet of the tiger cub?

Ans: Initially the tiger cub was brought by milk only. When the milk given to it proved too rich for it, the diet was changed and replaced by raw mutton and cod liver oil and then followed later by a tempting diet of pigeons and rabbits.

4. Who were Timothy’s companions at home?

Ans: Timothy’s companions were a monkey, Toto, a small mongrel puppy. Later the author became his companion.

5. What was Timothy’s favourite amusement? How did the writer become Timothy’s favourite?

Ans:  Timothy’s favourite amusement was to stalk anyone who would play with him and so. Timothy would suddenly make a dash for the author’s feet, rolling on his back and kicking with delight and pretending to bite his ankles, It would creep closer and closer to the author which made author Timothy’s favourite.

6. What kind of change came over Timothy, when he was six months old?

Ans: When Timothy was about six months, he grew steadily less friendly. Whenever he went out for a walk the author, he would try to steal away to stalk a cat or someone’s pet.

7. Grandfather decided to transfer Timothy to a zoo. Why?

Ans: Timothy would frenzied cackling from the poultry house and in the morning there would be feathers lying all over the veranda. He would try to be less friendly and create mess around so he had to be chained up more often. It was because of the mischievous act, grandfather decided to transfer Timothy to a zoo.

8. Where did Grandfather take him and how?

Ans: Grandfather took Timothy to the nearest zoo in Lucknow. He reserved a first-class compartment for himself and Timothy.

9. Do you think Timothy will be happy at the new place?

Ans: Yes, I think Timothy will be happy at the new place.

[ III ]

Comprehension check:

1. Read the last part of the story and say what it is about.

Ans: The last part of the story is about the visit of the grandfather to the zoo. It also reveals the shocking truth of the loss of his beloved pet.

2. When did Grandfather visit the zoo and why?

Ans: After six months of Timothy’s transfer to the zoo, grandfather visited it. He and his wife had been to Lucknow to visit relatives, so he decided to visit the zoo.

3. What did Grandfather do at the cage where Timothy was kept?

Ans: When grandfather went at the cage where Timothy was kept, he put his hands around Timothy and showed his love.

4. How did the tiger behave towards Grandfather?

Ans: The tiger behaved in a warm and friendly manner towards the grandfather. It behaved as if they knew each other for long. 

5. What did he suggest the Keeper?

Ans: Grandfather realized that the leopard was irritating the tiger so to keep his tiger safe and secure, he suggested the keeper to keep the tiger somewhere else.

6. Was the tiger really Timothy? How do you know this?

Ans: No, the tiger was not Timothy. The keeper who had been at the time of grandfather’s first visit to the zoo told him that Timothy had died of pneumonia.

7. What did the Keeper say to Grandfather about the tiger?

Ans: The keeper told grandfather that his tiger, Timothy had died of pneumonia two months ago.

8. What made Grandfather give a scornful look to the keeper?

Ans: The keeper had not informed grandfather about the death of his pet, Timothy. It was why grandfather gave a scornful look to the keeper.

9. Which character in this story do you like most and why?

Ans: I liked the character of the grandfather the most because not only he is courageous but also he is a sensitive man. He caught the tiger in a bold way and took good care of him.

10. Can you give another title to the story? Give reasons for your new title?

Ans: The bond of love. It is because of the unconditional bond of love between the tiger and grandfather.


Answer the following questions in about fifty words.

1. Who was Timothy? What made Grandfather to bring him home with him?

Ans: Timothy was a tiger cub which was discovered by the author’s grandfather. He found the cub on a hunting expedition in the Terai Jungle near Dehra. He found this eighteen inches long hiding among the intricate roots of a banyan tree. He was the only one in the party who was able to discover a tiger. It was when the camp had broken up, he took him home with him.

2. Who were Timothy’s companions and how was he brought up at home?

Ans: Timothy initially had two companions at home. Toto, the monkey and small mongrel puppy was his companion. Timothy was first brought by giving milk by home’s cook Mahmoud. Then it seemed like the milk was too rich for him, so he was given a diet of raw mutton and cod liver oil and followed later by a tempting diet of pigeons and rabbits.

3. Why did Grandfather decide to transfer Timothy to a zoo?

Ans: When Timothy became about six months old he grew more aggressive and less friendly. Whenever Timothy would go out for a walk with the author, he would try to steal away to stalk a cat or someone’s pet Pekinese. Sometimes at night, he would frighten chickens and in the morning all the feathers could be seen lying all over the veranda. Also, he would look at the cook with the angry look, all of his unfriendly and angry acts made grandfather to take the decision of transferring Timothy to a zoo.

4. What things did Grandfather do at the cage when he visited the zoo?

Ans: After six months of Timothy’s transfer to the zoo, grandfather visited it. When he went staright at the Timothy’s cage, Timothy went near the bars and let grandfather put both his hands around it. Then grandfather stroked the tiger’s forehead and ticked his ear, and, whenever he growled, smacked him across the mouth, which was his old way of keeping him quiet. He stroked and slapped Timothy for minutes.

5. How did the tiger react to Grandfather’s activities?

Ans: When grandfather was caressing and stroking him with his love, the tiger too reciprocated. Though it was not the grandfather’s tiger, it too seemed to love the grandfather. The tiger felt the warmth of grandfather’s love. It reacted in the same way as Timothy used to. It licked grandfather’s hands.

6. What made Grandfather become so sad and what happened to him in the end?

Ans: When grandfather was talking to Timothy, the keeper who was there for the first time when the grandfather visited the zoo recognized the grandfather. The keeper told grandfather that his tiger, Timothy died two months ago due to pneumonia. And the tiger he was caressing to, was a different one. The death of his beloved pet, made grandfather sad. 

7. Can you suggest some more lines to end the story in a different way?

Ans: In the end, grandfather tells the keeper to keep the tiger in another compartment. Though his heart is heavy with the loss of his Timothy, grandfather got the same love back from this another tiger. This made him overwhelmed and he decided to shift him in another compartment and promises the tiger to visit it again. 

Activity -1

Read the statements under column ‘A’ and write the names of the characters under ‘B’ (Who said. and the names under ‘C’ (To whom?.. The first one has been done for you.



Read the following jumbled sentences and arrange them in proper order to get the summary of the story, ‘The Tiger in The House’:


Proper order

3. Timothy was discovered by Grandfather on a hunting expedition and was brought home.

9. Timothy lived happily like one of the members of the writer’s family.

2. Timothy was brought up properly by attractive and good diet.

5. When Timothy was about six months old, a change came over him and he became less friendly and more furious.

1. Grandfather took Timothy to a zoo at Lucknow.

4. The zoo authorities were glad to receive the well-fed and fairly civilized tiger as a gift.

6. About six months later, Grandfather visited the zoo to see Timothy, the tiger.

8. The Keeper said that the tiger had died two months before.

7. Grandfather left the zoo very sadly.

Your Queries: 

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