The Village Judge Question Answer | Summary | Class 10 | Odisha Board

The Village Judge

Question Answer




Jumman Sheikh and Algu Chaudhuri were intimate friends. Jumman had an old unt who had some property. She was treated with utmost care by Jumman as long as the property was with her. When she transferred the property to Jumman after being persuaded by him, she was treated very rudely. Both Jumman and his wife treated her harshly. It was tolerated by the old lady for some time, then she threatened to call a panchayat as Jumman refused to give her money for her living. 

            Although the lady ran from village to village with a stick in her hand to support her, no one paid any heed to her problem. Then she went to Algu and told him to tend her panchayat for a short while. Algu told that he could come but he would not open his mouth as Jumman was his old friend. Aunt told, "Son, will you hesitate to at ey the honest thing, because you fear a quarrel ?" Algu had no reply to the question of the old lady. But her words continued to echo in his heart. 

The panchayat met under a tree one evening and Algu was chosen by aunt as the chief Judge that brought extreme happiness for Jumman as he thought the judgement would be in his favour as Algu was his best friend. The aunt said that nobody can sell his conscience for friendship. God lives in the heart of the panch. Whatever the panch ays is spoken by God himself. Algu said at that moment aunt and Jumman were equal to him. He wanted both to state their case. Algu started asking questions to Jumman hich was difficult for him to answer. Then Algu gave the order that Jumman should give a monthly allowance to his aunt. If he did not agree to pay the monthly expenses, then e property should be returned back to aunt. 

               Jumman had never expected such a judgement. Friendship was broken up. They did talk to each other. Jumman thought of taking revenge. As bad luck would have it one of the bullocks of Algu died only a month after Jumman's panchayat. Jumman became happy at this tragedy. But Algu suspected that Jumman had poisoned his bullock. 

         Then Algu sold the other bullock to Samjhoo Sahu in the village who used to drive an ekka to the town. He was carrying ghee and sugar to the town and was bringing a lot of salt and oil to sell in the village. He was making three trips a day easily. He was making three to four trips per day without giving the bullock food and water. He worried about the trips only. Within a month the bullock became a bag of skin and bones. 

                One evening Sahuji put a double load on it during the fourth trip which was not tolerated by the animal as it was dead tired. It fell down on the ground and died. 

               When Algu asked for the price, both wife and husband denied to give money and told that it was a dead bullock. Algu was helpless as he had many enemies who helped Sahuji. But the good people advised him to take the matter to the panchayat. Both Sahuji and Algu agreed to this. 

          Three days after this the Panchayat again met under the same tree. Jumman was chosen by Sahuji as the Chief Judge in this panchayat; expecting a favourable decision for him as he was an enemy of Algu. The elders put many questions to both the parties Then Jumman gave the decision that Sahuji ought to pay the full price of the bullock. The bullock died only because it was driven too hard and no proper arrangement was made to feed it. Algu was overjoyed. Both the friends embraced each other. They came to know that God Himself speaks through the panch. 

[ I ]

Comprehension check

1. Who are the main characters here?

Ans: The main characters here are Jumaan Sheikh, his wife, his old aunt and Algu Chaudhari.


2. How did Jumman and his wife treat his aunt when she had her property?

Ans: When Jumman’s aunt transferred all of her property to Jumman and his wife then suddenly she was treated rudely by Jumman and his wife. They treated her harshly.


3. Why did their behaviour change?

Ans: Jumman and his wife were greedy and all they wanted was aunt’s property. They treated her well until she transferred her prorerty. Their behavior suddenly changed and they started to treat her rudely because their mission of having the property was accomplished.


4. What did the Aunt decide to do? Who did she finally go to?

Ans: The aunt could not stand the ill-treatment of her nephew and his wife. She decided to go to panchayat and resolve her problem. She finally went to Algu Chaudhari.


5. Algu was not ready to help Jumm’s aunt. How do you think he felt after she had left?

Ans: Jumm’s aunt’s word had deep effect on Algu’s heart. He felt sad and thought over her words.


[ II ]

Comprehension check


1. Who was selected as the main judge? Why?

Ans: Aglu Chaudhari was selected as the main judge. He knew the truth and also he was Jumman’s friend so he was selected.


2. Algu was not ready to join the Panch. Why did he change his mind?

Ans: Algu changed his mind after the aunt made him realize that the god speaks through the panch and his decision is considered to be just.


3. What was the judgement? Did you expect this judgement?

Ans: The judgment was made that there should be a monthly allowance to the aunt and if it is not agreed then the property should be returned to the aunt.

Yes, I did expect this kind of judgment.


4. Do you think Jumman and Algu will continue to be friends now? Read and find how far your answer is correct.

Ans: No, I don’t think that they will be friends after the decision against Jumman Sheikh.


[ III ]

Comprehension check


1. What happened to the relationship between Jumman and Algu after the judgement?

Ans: The judgement made Jumman angry as he never expected such thing from his close friend. Both Jumman and Algu stopped talking to each other and their friendship was broken.

2. One of Algu’s bullocks’ died. What did Jummun say? What did Algu think?

Ans: Jummun said that it was punishment for his Algu’s deception that made his bullock die. Algu thought that it Jummun had poisoned his bullock.


3. A new character is introduced in this section. Who is he?

Ans: A new character introduced in this section isSamjhoo Sahu, who used to drive an ekka to the town.


4. Why did he want to buy the single bullock of Algu? Did he pay Algu for the bullock? What did he promise?

Ans: He bought the single bullock because with help of it, Samjhoo would make three trips a day easily and earn more money. He didn’t pay for the bullock. He promised Algu that he would pay off the price in a month’s time.


5. How did Sahuji treat the bullock? What happened to it?

Ans: Sahuji didn’t take proper care of the bullock. He overloaded it with lot of work. He didn’t even give it water or food. He wanted just to make money from the poor animal. On one day, he put a double load on it during the fourth trip which made the animal dead tired. He then whipped it so hard with cruelty that it fell down and died.


6. What do you think will happen now? Read and find how far your answer is right.

Ans: I think the matter will be taken to the panchayat.

[ IV ]

Comprehension check


1. Sahuji had not paid Algu for the bullock. When Algu asked for the money, did Sahuji pay him? Why? / Why not?

Ans: No, Sahuji didn’t pay him the money. He argued saying that Algu gave him the dying bullock.


2. A ‘Panch’ was called again. Who was the judge this time?

Ans: This time the judge was Jumman Sheikh.


3. What was the decision of the ‘panch’?

Ans: The decision taken by the panch was Samjhoo ought to pay the full price of the bullock.


4. Everyone hearing the judgement said” This is the work of God”. Why?

Ans: Through the panch, there is a just decision which makes people believe in justice. When the judgement was made in favor of Algu, everyone believed that God has done the right justice.


5. There were two unexpected judgements in the story. Which one surprised you more? Why?

Ans: The judgement made by Jumman was the most unexpected one because given the fact that he was not on the good terms with Algu, it was surprising that he took the decision in the favor of his old friend. Jumman’s aunt had rightly said that everyone was equal before the panch.


6. Which character did you like the best in the story? Why?

Ans: I liked the character of Jumman’s aunt. She is an honest woman and wished only for justice. She believed in the power of the panchayat and got justice.



Answer the following questions in about fifty words.

1. Why did Jumman’s aunt want a ‘panch’?

Ans: Jumman had an old aunt who had a small piece of property. Jumman and his wife eyed on her property. They were greedy and wanted her property. Jumman was so greedy that he and his wife treated her well until she transferred her property to them. After that, they started treated her rudely. She could not take the ill-treatment of their and got angry. She then decided to go to panch and get justice.


2. How did Jumman’s aunt win the case?

Ans: Jumman went to Algu Chaudhari who was Jumman’s friend. She wanted justice so she requested him to her help. She then decided that Algu be the chief judge in this matter. Algu initially didn’t want to be in their matter. But when she made him realized that panchyat’s decision is the god’s decision, he changed his mind and then the decision was taken. The decision was taken in favor of the aunt declaring that Jumman should give monthly allowance else all the property shall be again transferred to the aunt. Aunt had faith in the law and her side was right so she won the case.


3. How did Sahuji’s bullock die?

Ans: Sahuji had bought a bullock from Algu. He was greedy and wanted more money. Shauji bought that bullock thinking that it would useful for him to make three trips daily. He made the bullock so much that he didn’t even care to give it food or water. One day he made overloaded it and made it do the fourth round. The animal was so tired that it lost his energy. The Sahuji whipped it with cruelty and then it lost his life.


4. Why was the second panch called?

Ans: Sahuji’s irresponsible and careless attitude resulted in the death of the poor animal. Sahuji didn’t give the money to Algu rather he blamed Algu for giving him dying bullock. Algu wanted the justice and he knew that the panch would be the best option to give him the justice. To solve the issue of Sahuji and Algu’s case, the second panch was called.


5. People who heard the judgement said that it was the work of God. Why?

Ans: People believed that the judgement made was right. It was in the favor of the right person. Jumman’s aunt had once said that through panch god passes his judgment and god is always right. Everyone was equal in front of the god.



The following is the summary of the story. But it is jumbled. Put the sentences in order to get the summary. Pay special attention to the underlined words. These are the clues to help you to arrange the summary. The first and the last sentence are in order.


1. Jumman Shikh treated his old aunt badly after she gave her property to him.

9. So his aunt called for a Panch and finally Algu Choudhuri became the chief Judge.

2. Algu’s judgement was in favour of the old woman.

5. Jumma was very angry and decided to take revenge on Algu.

8. Soon after the judgement, one of Algu’s bullock’s died and he sold the other to Samjhoo Sahu.

3. Sahuji treated the bullock badly and it died.

6. Now that the bullock was dead, he refused to pay the money to Algu.

7. A Panch was called where Jummun was the chief judge.

4. He decided in favour of Algu. 

10. All the people praised the Panch.


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