School's Goodbye Question Answer | Class 10 | Odisha Board

 School's Goodbye

By Lord Eustace Percy

Question Answer

Let’s understand the text:

 1. Who is the speaker in the essay? Who are the audience?

 Ans: A former Minister of Education in Britain, Lord Eustace Percy is the speaker in the essay. School students are the audience.

 2.) What does the speaker speak about?

 Ans: The speaker speaks about how to inculcate good values in life and be a good human being.

 3.) What is the wrong notion pupils generally have when they say goodbye to their school?

 Ans: Pupils think that their education is finished when they say goodbye to their school.


 4.) Why is it necessary to continue your education even after leaving school?

 Ans: If you want to become successful in life then it is necessary to continue your education even after leaving school.


 5.) What care should be required for the choice of a profession?

 Ans: One should choose a profession with greatest care. One should avoid a profession that would take not yield any result. One should choose a profession that promises an interesting and happy future.


 6.) What should you do if you are forced to take up a job you do not like?

 Ans:  If you’re forced to take up a job you don’t like, then you should take it which suits your interests.


 7.) Who should you seek advice from if you are not able to decide on the right profession?

 Ans: You should always seek advice from one of your teachers if you are not able to decide on the right profession.


 8.) What are the things that prevent someone from achieving success?

 Ans: Bad habits like smoking, drinking and ill-health are the things that prevent someone from achieving success.


 9.) What is most essential for achieving success in life?

 Ans: Fit body, good habits, education, etc are most essential for achieving success in life.


 10.) How can you keep in good health?

 Ans: We can have good health by keeping our bodies fit, cleanliness, fresh air, regular habits and suitable recreations and playing the games.


 11.) What should we avoid to remain healthy?

 Ans: Bad things like smoking and drinking affects the human body in a negative way, these are things which we need to avoid to remain healthy.


 12.) What is the priceless possession of an individual?

 Ans: Character is the priceless possession of an individual.


 13.) How can one’s character be kept sound and strong?

 Ans: By being truthful in all things, considerate to everybody, being fair to rivals, being kind and helpful to all who are weak, by courageous to stand up for what is good and right. By having these qualities one can keep character sound and strong.


 14.) What should be avoided to safeguard one’s character?

 Ans: To safeguard one’s character, one must avoid gambling.


 15.) How should one spend one’s leisure hours?

 Ans: In leisure hours, one must inculcate good habits and hobbies like reading good books and having companionship with good people.


 16.) How can an individual prove himself an asset to the nation?

 Ans: One can be an asset to the nation by having sound mind in a sound body, having a good character, courteous manners and being loyal to the duties towards the nation.


Let’s understand the text better


 1.) Who are the real audience in the essay?

 Ans: School students are the real audience in the essay.


 2.) Why does the speaker advise the audience to continue their education after school?

 Ans: If one has the passion to be successful in life then it is important to continue the education even after the school. Further education helps shaping the future of the students.


 3.) Why do students seek advice from their teachers?

 Ans: Sometimes students get confused which profession to choose, at such time they seek advice from one of their teachers. In the time of confusion, teachers help the students to show them right and choose the right path.


 4.) How does good health help you?

 Ans: Good health ensures good habits and sound mind which results in productive results. Good health is one of the major contributing factors to become successful in life.


 5.) What is the harmful effect of smoking?

 Ans: There are many harmful effects of smoking. It takes a major toll on our body. It prevents the proper development of the body. It also makes one confused.


 6.) Why is drink called the deadly enemy of health and efficiency?

 Ans: Drinking alcohol damages the bodily and mind functioning. It damages the lungs and is responsible for many dangerous health issues. When there is too much of drinking, it leads to the death of the person so it is called the deadly enemy of the health and efficiency.


 7.) Why is character a priceless possession of a human being?

 Ans: A person is known by his character. If one has a good and humble character, one tends be successful. One’s character indicates how he/she is as a human being. Noble character is the sign of healthy body and good soul. A good character of a human being earns him/her respect so it is the most priceless possession.


 8.) Why should we help the weak and the suffering ?

 Ans: The weak and the suffering are the ones who need our help the most. They need support and affection from people. It is important to support those who need the help.


 9.) What do you mean by hard times?

 Ans: Hard times are the times where we suffer, when we are the weakest. These are the times which challenges our capabilities and checks if we are strong enough to face them. These are times of downs where many things seem to be against us.


 10.) How can we spend our leisure hours wisely?

 Ans: We can spend our leisure hours by forming good habits. We can read good books and spend time with those who tell us good things. We can learn new things.


 11.) How can we achieve real success?

 Ans: Achieving success is not just by taking education and getting job, it is beyond that. To achieve real success no doubt education is important but with that it is important to have a sound mind and sound mind, a good character, courteous manners, being loyal to the duties of the nation.


Let’s read between the lines: 

1- Even after school one should continue one's education. 
    Suggest various ways in which one can continue learning.

a.) Self – study

b.) Reading good books

c.) Pursuing higher education

d.) Learning new things every day


2- We should seek advice from our teachers.

Our teachers advise us to

a.) work hard our studies.

b.) Choose the right path

c.) Teach us good things

d.) Be a good human being


3- We must make provisions for hard times.

Hard times                                  Provisions

Monetary crisis                          Savings

Health issue                             Proper care

Loss of dear ones                   Accepting and having patience

Loss of job                              Keep searching


4- We should be loyal to our nation and be good citizens.

List the duties of a good citizen

1.) Sacrifice for the nation

2.) Being loyal to the nation

3.) Having moral and righteous thoughts

4.) Being a noble man


Let’s learn some words

(i) Match the words under ‘A’ with their meanings under ‘B’.


(ii) Express the following in a single word :


i.) the health and happiness of people- Welfare


ii.) having ambition- Ambitious


iii.) to obtain something- Achieve


iv.) profession or a job of a person- Occupation


v.) to prevent something or somebody from growing properly- Stunt


vi.) too valuable to have a price- Priceless


vii.) quality of being loyal- Loyalty


viii.) to weaken someone’s strength slowly- Sap


ix.) quality of being efficient- Efficiency


x.) be on your guard against something-Beware


(iii) Convert the following verbs to nouns and frame sentences :

calculate, associate, consider, educate, hesitate, profess, occupy


1.) Calculation- It was the calculation of her act that was insulting.

2.) Association- His family has long association with my family.

3.) Consideration- You should give some consideration on the given problem.

4.) Education- It is important to take higher education after schooling.

5.) Hesitation- After some hesitation Meera agreed.

6.) Profession- My mother is a fashion designer by profession.

7.) Occupation- Farming is one of the major occupations in the rural areas.


(iv) Write “the -ing” forms of the following verbs :

decide, make, occupy, part, begin, gamble, sap, promise, forget, study, provide.

 Ans: Decide- Deciding

Make- Making

Occupy- Occupying

Part- Parting

Begin- Beginning

Gamble- Gambling

Sap- Sapping

Promise- Promising

Forget- Forgetting


Provide- Providing


Let’s learn language

Combine the following sentences using though / although

i.) My bicycle is very old. It will run well.

 Ans: Although my bicycle is very old, it will run well.


ii.) It was raining heavily. I went out without a raincoat.

 Ans: Though it was raining heavily, I went out without a raincoat


iii.) The man is poor. He is happy.

 Ans: Although the man is poor, he is happy.


iv.) He went on running. He was tired.

 Ans: Though he was tired, he went on running.


v.) The bus was overloaded. We were able to find seats.

 Ans: Though the bus was overloaded, we were able to find seats.


vi.) My granny is eighty. She still likes singing devotional songs.

 Ans: Although my granny is eighty, she still likes singing devotional songs.


vii.) Bubli has a scooty. She often goes to school on foot.

 Ans: Though Bubli has a scooty, she often goes to school on foot.


viii.) They are sisters. They never talk to each other.

 Ans: Although they are sisters, they never talk to each other.


ix.) Jyotishree invited me cordially. I did not attend her birthday.

 Ans: Although Jyotishree invited me cordially, I did not attend her birthday.


x.) The boy looks weak. He is really very strong.

 Ans: Though he is really very strong, the boy looks weak.


Turn the following statements to imperatives.


1.) I want you to go ahead.

Ans: Go ahead


2.) I want you to get up early in the morning.

 Ans: Get up early in the morning.


3.) The commander ordered the soldiers to march forward.

 Ans: The soldiers are ordered to march forward.


4.) The doctor advised him to take this medicine after food.

 Ans: This medicine is to be taken after food.


5.) The watchman warned you to beware of the dog.

 Ans: Beware of the dog.

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