All Things Bright and Beautiful | Question-Answer | Class 10 | BSE Odisha

 All Things Bright and Beautiful

By Cecil Frances Alexander

Question Answer

Let’s read and understand:

1) What does the poet think of all things?

Ans: The poet thinks of all things as bright and beautiful.

2) Who has made all these things?

Ans: The almighty god has made all these things.

3) What are the little things mentioned in the poem?

Ans: The little things mentioned in the poem are colorful flowers and the tiny wings of birds.

4) How does the poet describe the beauty of flowers?

Ans: The poet says that when the flower is opened, it becomes more beautiful.

5.) How does the poet describe the little birds?

Ans: The poet describes that the little birds have tiny wings and sing in a beautiful manner. 

6.) How is the mountain described in the poem?

Ans: The mountain appears like purple-headed and it looks like sunset in the sky.

7.) Why does it appear so?

Ans: The mountain appears to be purple-headed because of the rays of the sunset falling on it.

8.) What brightens up the sky?

Ans: The morning brightens up the sky.

9.) How does the sky look during the sunset?

Ans: The sky looks bright during the sunset.

10.) Which are the two seasons mentioned in the poem?

Ans: Winter and summer are the two seasons mentioned in the poem. 

11.) Why does the poet consider the summer sun pleasant?

Ans: The poet considers the summer sun pleasant because it gives warmth to the people. 

12.) What do we enjoy in the green wood?

Ans: We enjoy the sight of tall trees in the green wood. 

13.) How are the meadows useful for us?

Ans: We play in the meadows so they are useful for us.

14.) Where do the rushes grow?

Ans: The rushes grow by the water.

15.) Why do people gather rushes?

Ans: The rushes are dried up so people gather there. 

16.) Why has God given us eyes?

Ans: God has given us eyes to see the beauty in all things. 

17.) What should our lips tell?

Ans: Our lips should praise beauty created by the almighty. 

18.) How does the poet describe God?

Ans:  The poet describes god as the creator of all the beautiful and wise things around us. We should praise the creation of the god who has blessed humans with beautiful things.

Let’s appreciate:

The poet describes many things in the poem. Make a list of the things described in the poem.

1.) Which of the things are bright and which of the things are small?

Ans: The purple-headed mountain and the sunset are the things which are bright. Flowers and the birds with their tiny wings are the things which are small. 

2.) Which are the lines in the poem where the poet expresses his gratitude to God?

Ans: The following are the lines in the poem where the poet expresses his gratitude to God-

He gave us eyes to see them,

And lips that we might tell 

3.) Is this poem a description or a prayer?

Ans: The poem is a description of god’s beautiful creation for the humans.

4.) Why do you think so?

Ans: The poet very aptly shows the beauty of the nature that the god has blessed us.


Each stanza of the poem is a unit. Mark the stanzas and the last word in each line. You will see that the last word of one line is similar in sound to the last word of another line. These are rhyming words.

Beautiful- wonderful

Small- all

Sings- wings







(a) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words given in brackets and read the lines.

1.) God has given it wings

2.) So it can fly, 

3.) And it beautifully sings 

4.) While going up in the sky.


(b) 1.) The meadows look green


2.) Where we run and play


3.) And the river is clean


4.) Where we bathe every day.


Activity - III

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

1.) He gave us ears to listen.

2.) He gave us eyes to see. 

3.) He gave us tongue to taste things.

4.) He gave us skin to touch things. 

5.) He gave us nose to smell. 

6.) We enjoy God’s creation through the five sensory organs mentioned above.


Activity - IV

Given below are some clues. Pick up the lines of the poem following the clues.

1.) Flower- Each little flower that opens 

2.) Color- He made their glowing colours 

3.) Bird- Each little bird that sings 

4.) Wings- He made their tiny wings.


Let us write:

Trees are one of the best creations of the nature. Trees are useful in many ways for the mankind. Man uses trees for his benefits. Wood of the trees is useful in furniture and for the construction of house. Beautiful wooden furniture can be seen now a days. Trees also catch the water of the rain and it gets in the soil. It helps in stabilizing the nature. If there is more number of trees, there is peaceful environment. There is less chance of global warming and thus it will keep the temperature balanced. We can see how there is problem of increased temperature which makes life of the humans difficult. It is our responsibility to plant more number of trees which in turn would keep the temperature balanced.

Trees catch the rain water and it pre locates in the soil. It helps from the soil from erosion. Deforestation has become a major issue everywhere. Due to growing population there is increase in industries for livelihood. It is because of cutting of trees on a large scale that is creating the problem of deforestation. Humans should not be so selfish that for their benefits, they would harm the nature.

It is our prime duty to plant more trees. Afforestation is the only solution to make our environment balanced. We should focus on planting maximum trees so that we would get maximum benefits from them.

Trees provide us one of the most important things, which is air, it is because of the trees we breathe and lead a beautiful life. It is our prime duty to protect the environment and take every possible effort to plant more trees.

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