Summer Season Essay | 100 Words | 150 Words | 250 Words | 500 Words

 Summer Season Essay

Summer Season Essay 10 Lines (100-150 Words)

1) India experiences the summer season from March to June.

2) Jyeshta and Aashaadha are the names of these months on the Hindu calendar.

3) Summer season is children’s favorite season.

4) The sun is bright with a hot breeze during this season.

5) This time of year, we should wear thin clothes so we don't get too hot.

6) Dehydration is the most common problem in summer.

7) We should go to hilly areas to beat the heat in summer.

8) People enjoy different fruits and juices in summer.

9) In the market, the demand for fans, coolers, and ACs are raised.

10) During this season, small ponds, rivers, and wells run dry.

Summer Season Essay (150 words)

Summer season covers the months March, April, May and June. It is the hottest season of the year as temperature reaches at its highest point. During this season, days get longer and hotter whereas nights shorter. In the middle of the day, sun rays are very hot. Hot wind runs all through the day which makes all around environment dry and rough. During peak summer season, small streams, wells, and ponds get dry up. People living in the rural areas suffer the lack of water, high heat, dryness, etc a lot because of the lack of electricity and other comfortable resources.

In spite of high heat, people enjoy eating summer season fruits like mangoes, cucumber, jackfruits, lichee, muskmelon, watermelon, etc in abundance. People in the urban areas enjoy a lot of activities in this season like swimming, tour to the hilly regions, Water Park, Fun Food Village, etc.

Summer Season Essay (250 words)

Summer season is one of the four seasons of the year. In spite of being a hottest season of the year, kids like it most as they get summer vacation to enjoy in many ways. Summer season is caused due to the tilt of Earth’s rotational axis towards the sun during year-long earth’s revolution around the sun. Summer season brings very hot and dry weather (in Mediterranean regions) and rainy weather (in Eastern Asia because of Monsoon). At some places, storms and thunderstorms (which produce hail, strong winds and tornadoes especially afternoon and evening) are very common in the spring through summer.

Most of the people living in the urban areas cannot bear too much summer heat that’s why they went to seaside resorts, hilly regions, beaches, camps or picnics at cool places in the summer vacations with their kids. They enjoy swimming, eating summer fruits and drinking cold drinks. For some people, summer season is good as they enjoy and entertain them at cool places; however, it really becomes intolerable for people living in the rural areas because of the lack of summer heat beating resources. At some places, people suffer a huge lack of water in their own areas and they have to carry drinking water from long distance.

It is all over good season for the children as they get one and half months long summer vacation, enjoy at home with family, go for touring at cool places, enjoy swimming, and eat ice-creams including summer fruits. Generally, people enjoy summer morning walk before sun rise as it gives cool, calm and happy feeling with fresh air.

Summer Season Essay (500 Words)

Summer season is the hottest season of the year. In this season the temperature became so high that water starts to evaporate very quickly. But this is the most entertaining season for kids who enjoy it to the fullest because their school gets off in the summer season. Usually, summers last from mid or later March to June but they can extend up to the first week of July due to a delay of monsoon.

Facts about the Summer Season

The season occurs when the earth tilts towards the sun and is a vice-versa phenomenon for winter. In the southern hemisphere, December to February are the summer months. The day becomes warmers and nights become cooler. Besides, the day is longer and nights are shorter.

This season, we get a lot of variety of fruits and vegetables. And this is the season in which farmers prepare their land for cultivation. The sky becomes clearer as there are no clouds to give shade. And the sun shines bright.

Effects of Summer Season

Summer is hot for many reasons these include some natural factors and some manmade factors. These factors also cause many changes in climate conditions. Although the season is quite dry the kids love it.

Moreover, too much hotness is very bad for certain things and results in many problems. One problem that it causes in humans which is very common is dehydration. It not only causes weakness and dizziness but also can lead to death. So, to keep the body hydrated we need to drink plenty of water.

Small ponds, rivers, and wells dry up in this season. The groundwater level declines and in some areas conditions like drought occur.

Who Enjoys Summer?

Although anyone can enjoy the summers the way they like the Children loves it the most. They love it because they have a long summer vacation ahead of them which they enjoy fully.

Besides, they can do whatever they want, be whomever they want, and spend their day playing and traveling with family. Most of the children visit their grandparents in summer or go to a hill station in a cold place to enjoy with family. For them, it’s the most relaxing time when they do not have to do any homework on a daily basis.

Moreover, they do all kinds of fun and naughty things they could. During this time they become the king of their dreamland.

Effects on Life

Whether humans, animals or birds all become very irritated of the season. The summer season causes them to stay indoors. And it makes condition pretty harsh to go out. During the day temperature rises to a level which causes difficulty.

What’s Good about Summer Season?

There are many good things about summer that includes the king of fruits and everyone’s favorite ‘Mango’. Apart from that, there is a large variety of fruits and vegetables in the market.


To conclude, we can say that the summer season is not as bad as it looks. It is just like any other season. We can also enjoy summer like any other season by finding the right ways like kids. Moreover, the season is rich in a variety of fruits and vegetables, especially the mango.

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