Countable and Uncountable Nouns (Activity-1 to Activity-10) Question Answer | Invitation to English 4


 Countable and Uncountable Nouns Question Answer 

(Activity-1 to Activity-10)

Activity 1 : Say whether the nouns in the list below are countable or uncountable. 

(If you are not sure of an answer, you can consult a dictionary.)

car       bottle       video   girl       traffic

music  chair        pot       water    leather

cloud   advice     fruit     weather furniture

loaf     hair          taxi     apple     information`


Countable nouns are:     Car, Bottle, Chair, Loaf, Pot, Girl, Taxi, Apple

Uncountable nouns are:     Music, Information, Advice, Water, Weather, Traffic, Leather, Furniture, 

Nouns can be used both as Countables and Uncountables: Cloud, Video, Fruit, Hair

Activity 2 : Choose the correct alternatives, in the sentences below :

1. There is usually a lot of traffic/traffics in the city during working hours.

Ans: a lot of traffic

2. The young man is looking for a work/job at the moment.

Ans: a job

3. I want to make a list of candidates attending the meeting. Have you got a paper/some paper?

Ans: a paper

4. I don't want to have a bread/bread for my breakfast.

Ans: bread

5. The girl with blonde hair/hairs lives next door.

Ans:  hair

6. Good accommodation/accommodations is not available in this city.

Ans: accommodation

7. We need some meat/meats for the dinner tonight.

Ans: some meat

8. The old man could not carry the luggage/luggages.

Ans: the luggage

Activity 3 : Use a, an, the, some, where required, in the blank spaces below. If no word is

required, leave the space blank.

1. --------- health is more precious than --------- wealth. To keep healthy, we need --------

good food, --------- sleep, and ---------- exercise.

2. -------- travel gives us --------- opportunity of seeing how ---------- other people live.

When we go on ---------- journey, we should take --------- notebook with us to make -------

--- note of --------- names of ----------- people we meet.


1.   X   health is more precious than   X   wealth. To keep healthy, we need some

good food, sleep, and exercise.

2.  X travel gives us  an  opportunity of seeing how  X  other people live. When we go on  a  journey,

 we should take  a  notebook with us to make  a  note of  the  names of  the  people we meet.

Activity 4 :  There are three countable nouns in the list below. Can you find them ?

gold     snow     fun     help     cheese     equipment     homework

jam     sand     wood     rubbish     food     happiness     knowledge

match    wind     money     love     bottle     cupboard     progress

Ans: The 3 countable nouns are: match, cupboard, bottle

Activity 5 : Match the items in Column A with suitable items in Column B.


1.     a slice of         sugar

2.     a loaf of          paper

3.     a sheet of        bread

4.     a pinch of       soap

5.     a jar of            cake

6.    a cup of            milk

7.    a bottle of        tea

8.    a cake of         salt


1. a slice of cake

2. a loaf of bread

3. a sheet of paper

4. a pinch of salt

5. a jar of sugar

6. a cup of tea

7. a bottle of milk

8. a cake of soap

Activity 6 : Imagine that you went with a friend on a week-long camping trip. You took some

                   supplies (food, matches, candles, etc.) with you, but you find that most of the things

                   have been used up by the third day. Ask your friend to tell you what supplies are left

                  with him/her, and then tell your friend what things are left with you.

The following is the list of supplies which you took on the trip. You will have to decide which of

these supplies have been completely used up and which are still left, and the quantities that still


Follow this pattern :

A : Is there any sugar left ?

B : Yes, we still have about a kilogram of sugar.

A : What about soap ?

B : I'm afraid there's no soap left. or Yes, we have four cakes of soap left.

List of supplies taken on the camping trip

rice     salt     match box     chewing-gum

bread     sugar     milk     condensed milk

soap     torch     chocolate     toothpaste

tea     bandages     batteries     antiseptic ointment


A: Is there any sugar left?

B: Yes, we still have about a kilogram of sugar.

A: What about soap?

B: I'm afraid there's no soap left.

A: What about rice and bread?

B: Yes, we have a bag of rice left but just a loaf of bread.

A: Is there any chewing-gum left?

B: Yes, there is only a piece of chewing-gum left.

A: What about salt?

B: We brought a packet of salt, and that has been completely used up.

A: What about milk and condensed milk?

B: A glass of milk if left, but there is no condensed milk.

A: Where is your torch?

B: I have lost it somewhere.

A: What about anti-septic ointment and toothpaste?

B: Anti-septic ointment has been used up as well as toothpaste.

A: Is there any chocolate?

B: Yes, we have a packet of chocolate left.

A: What about tea?

B: Yes, we have two packets of tea.

A: What about batteries and bandages?

B: We have two pieces of batteries and two strips of bandages left.

Activity 7 : Use much, many, a lot of, lots of in the blank spaces, where required, in the sentences below. (In some blank spaces, more than one alternative is possible.)

a. I can't come with you. I've got _______ work to do.

Ans: a lot of

b. He's not got ________ money, so he can't buy that house.

Ans: much

c. He is a very quiet person. He doesn't speak _________.

Ans: much

d. I'm hoping to get a ticket for the match. But there aren't ________ seats left, I hear.

Ans: many

e. That car is very old. It uses _______ petrol.

Ans: a lot of

f. I haven't got ______ time for watching sport at the moment.

Ans: much

g. _________ people come to the public meeting addressed by the Chief Minister.

Ans: Lots of 

h. We didn't visit ________ places when we were on holiday.

Ans: many

i. We heard the cheapest washing machine costs 10,000 rupees. That's ______, in my opinion.

Ans: a lot

j. My father drinks _______ water - ten litres a day.

Ans: a lot of

k. The players haven't won _________ medals.

Ans: many

l. I take photographs but not as _______ as I used to.

Ans: much

Activity 8 : Complete these mini-dialogues with much, many, a lot of, and lots of.

a. A: Too _______ students fail in English every year.

    Ans: many

    B: Yes, and the schools aren't doing _______ about it.

    Ans: much

b. A: We didn't have ___________ time to spare at the railway station.

    Ans: a lot of

    B: We didn't have _________ either.

    Ans: much

c. A: There were ___________ people at the annual function, weren't there?

    Ans: lots of

    B: Yes, we weren't expecting so _____________ .

    Ans: many

d. A: We haven't had _________ rain this year, have we?

    Ans: much

    B: There haven't been ________ rainy days.

    Ans: many

e. A: I don't think my daughter knows _______ about people!

    Ans: much

B: I don't think _________ children know ______ about people!

    Ans: much

Activity 9 : Choose the correct alternative in the sentences below:

a. They could speak few/a few words of Assamese, but they weren't very fluent.

Ans: a few

b. This is a boring little town; there's little/a little to do here.

Ans: little

c. A: Would you like some pepper in your soup?

B: Yes, please, little/a little.

Ans: a little

d. The mud was quite deep. They had little/ a little hope of getting out.

Ans: a little

e. Would you like a little/little more tea? There's still a little/little left in the pot.

Ans: a little, little

f. I don't think Ranjan can become a scientist. He's got little/a little intelligence.

Ans: little

g. A: Have you ever been to Koraput?

   B: Yes, we've been there few/a few times.

Ans: a few

h. Father will be away for few/a few days next week.

Ans: a few

i. My brother has got a few/few friends in Delhi and he is very happy there.

Ans: a few

j. They won't take much time to reach the station. There's a little/little traffic on the road

at this time of the day.

Ans: a little

Activity 10 : Use a little, a lot of, few, a few, fewer, many, much where required, in thesentences below :

I moved to this neighbourhood two years ago. There seemed to be _____________ people

in this area who were without telephones, so I expected to get a new phone quickly. I applied

for one as soon as I moved into the new house. "We aren't supplying _____________ new

phones in your area, ''an engineer told me," ______________ people want new phones at

present and the company is employing __________ engineers than last year so as to save

money. A new phone won't cost _________ money, but it will take ___________ time. We

can't do anything for you before December. You need _________ patience if you are waiting

for a new phone and you should have __________ friends whose phones you can use when

necessary ’’. Fortunately, I had both. December came and went, but there was no sign of a

phone. I went to the office of the telephone company to protest. "They told me I would have a

phone by December," I protested. "Which year?" the clerk asked.


I moved to this neighbourhood two years ago. There seemed to be a lot of people

in this area who were without telephones, so I expected to get a new phone quickly. I applied

for one as soon as I moved into the new house. "We aren't supplying  many  new

phones in your area, ''an engineer told me,"  a lot of  people want new phones at

present and the company is employing  fewer  engineers than last year so as to save

money. A new phone won't cost  much  money, but it will take  a lot of  time. We

can't do anything for you before December. You need  a little  patience if you are waiting

for a new phone and you should have  a few  friends whose phones you can use when

necessary ’’. Fortunately, I had both. December came and went, but there was no sign of a

phone. I went to the office of the telephone company to protest. "They told me I would have a

phone by December," I protested. "Which year?" the clerk asked.

You can also check  Countable and Uncountable Nouns (Activity-11 to Activity-23) Question Answer.


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