The Portrait of A Lady | Multiple Choice Question | MCQ | +2 2nd Year | CHSE Odisha

 The Portrait of A Lady

By Kushwant Singh

Multiple Choice Question and Answer

1. For how long had the author known his grandmother?

2. What was hard for the author to believe?

3. What did people not say about the grandmother?

4. Where was the portrait of the author's grandfather placed??

5. How has the author's grandfather been portrayed?

6. How old did the author's grandfather appear?

7. Why did the author's grandfather look like only having lots of grandchildren?

8. Which thought was revolting for the author?

9. What seemed absurd and undignified on the part of the grandmother?

10. How did the author and other children treat it when the grandmother told them about her childhood?

11. How was the grandmother like?

12. Why was her face a crisscross of wrinkles?

13. According to the author, his grandmother could not have been pretty, but she was always _____.

14. Why did the grandmother always have one hand on her waist?

15. what was the grandmother doing with her other hand?

16. Why were the grandmother's lips moving in inaudible prayer?

17. How did the grandmother look dressed in spotless white saree and with her silver locks sccattered over her pale face?

18. How did the grandmother say her prayers while getting the author ready for school?

19. Why did the author listen to the grandmother's prayers?

20. What was the breakfast that the author had while going to school?

21. Why did the grandmother carry stale chapattis with her?

22. The author's school was ______ the temple.

23. What did the village priest teach the students?

24. What is the meaning of the word 'chorus'?

25. What was the grandmother doing inside the temple when the author was studying in the temple veranda?

26. Who would meet the author and his grandmother at the temple door?

27. What was the turning point in the relationship of the author and his grandmother?

28. What did the grandmother do in her leisure in the city?

29. what was/were not taught to the author at the English school?

30. Why was the grandmother distressed with the teachings in English school?

31. When was the common link of friendship between the author and his grandmother snapped?

32. What was the option of the grandmother about music?

33. What did the grandmother accept with resignation?

34. How did the grandmother relax in the afternoon?

35. Which was the happiest half-hour of the day for the grandmother?

36. What is the meaning of the sentence, 'at her age one could never tell'?

37. Choose an appropriate word for the word 'sentimental' from the following?

38. While going abroad what did the author cherish the most?

39. When did the author come back home?

40. What is the synonym of the word 'frivolous'?

41. What is the meaning of the word 'rebuke'?

42. What change came over the author's grandmother in the evening?

43. What did the grandmother sing collecting the women of the neighbourhood?

44. What happened the next morning?

45. What did grandmother tell all the family members?

46. Why did the grandmother say that she was not going to talk to anyone?

47. How did they know that she was dead?

48. What was the custom regarding dead people?

49. Why did the family members stop halfway in the courtyard?

50. Why did the sparrows not take notice of the bread crumbs lying on the floor?

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