The Doctor's Word | Multiple Choice Question and Answer | MCQ | +2 2nd Year | CHSE Odisha

 The Doctor's Word

By R K Narayan

Multiple Choice Question and Answer

1. What does "on one's last legs" mean?

2. When did people come to Dr. Raman?

3. Why did Dr. Raman often burst out when he found the patient in his last breath?

4. What was Dr. Raman's visiting fee?

5. What fact did people like to avoid?

6. The patient's relatives always tried to avoid calling in Dr. Raman; for them there was something _____ in the very association.

7. So, when the big man came on the scene it was always _______.

8. What has long years of practice bred in the doctor?

9. Why was the doctor's opinion valued?

10. Dr. Raman was not a mere doctor expressing an opinion but a/an _______.

11. What did the patient's life hang on?

12. What did Dr. Raman never believe?

13. Why did Dr. Raman think that it was not any of his business to provide unnecessary hope to the patients and their family?

14. What would Dr. Raman do if he glimpsed the faintest sign of hope?

15. Why did Dr. Raman needed someone to tell him soothing lies?

16. How long had Dr. Raman and Gopal been friends?

17. How long have Dr. Raman and Gopal been associated?

18. Why couldn't Dr. Raman and Gopal meet often?

19. How was the friendship of Dr. Raman and Gopal?

20. What would the two friends do occasionally on Sundays?

21. How long have Gopal not been called in Dr. Raman?

22. How was Gopal's son?

23. Who had sent for Dr. Raman ?

24. Where did Gopal live?

25. How long has Gopal been in bed?

26. Who was attending Gopal?

27. The doctor who was attending Gopal came once in ____ and gave him medicines.

28. Why was the doctor upset with Gopal's family?

29. How were Gopal's family members?

30. Why hadn't they sent for Dr. Raman earlier?

31. Whom did Dr. Raman ask to sent away?

32. For how long the doctor gazed at his friend's face?

33. Why/How did the doctors face gleamed?

34. Why did Gopal's wife ask to make some coffee for the doctor?

35. Why did Dr. Raman feel hungry?

36. What did Dr. Raman ask Gopal's wife when he was leaving?

37. With whom did the doctor return?


38. Whom did Dr. raman want to stay to help them in the operation?

39. Where did Dr. Raman perform Gopal's operation?

40. When did the patient open his eyes?

41. Who was overjoyed when the patient opened his eyes and his pulse had improved?


42. Who was not very hopeful about the recovery of Gopal?

43. Why did the family members pour out their gratitude on the doctor?

44. What did the doctor ask Gopal's wife to give him every forty minutes?

45. Why was Gopal's wife terrified even after Gopal had shown slight improvement?

Click Here For "The Doctor's Word Question And Answer".

46. Why was gopal's pulse agitated?

47. What did Gopal ask Dr. Raman?

48. Why did Gopal want to know how much time he had?

49. What did Gopal want the doctor to do?

50. what would leaving his property unsettled mean for Gopal's wife and children?

51. Why did the doctor wish to run away?

52. Why couldn't the doctor ask his best friend to sign the will?

53. This was the first time Dr. Raman was going to ____ before a patient.

54. Why did Gopal say, "If it comes fromyour lips it must be true..."to the doctor?

55. What did Dr. Raman ask his attendant to expect in the Lawley extension case?

56. Whom did Dr. Raman ask to go to Gopal's house?

57. When was the doctor back at his friend's house the next morning?

58. How wss the patient when Dr. Raman arrived?

59. What did the assistant report?

60. What did Dr. Raman say to Gopal's wife?

61. What will the doctor bet on?


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