On Examination | Multiple Choice Question | MCQ | +2 2nd Year | CHSE Odisha

 On Examination

By Winston S. Churchill

Multiple Choice Question and Answer

1. How old was Churchill when he took the entrance exam to Harrow?

2. How were the exams to the author?

3. The author didn't like ______.

4. Which subjecs, did the author say, were the dearest to the examiners?

5. Which subjects did Churchill liked?

6. Which subjects did Churchill like the least?

7. What would have Churchill liked to be asked?

8. What, did Churchill feel, the examiners always tried to ask?

9. How were the examination questions to the author?

10. what would have Churchill willingly displayed, if he were examined in his favourite subjects?

11. What did the examiners seek to expose?

12. Why didn't Churchill do well in examinations?

13. Who was the headmaster at Harrow?

14. The headmaster had taken a broadminded view of Churchill's _____.

15. What did the headmaster show in judging Churchill's general ability?

16. Why was the headmaster's judgement of Churchill's general ability in the Latin Paper remarkable?

17. What did Churchill write on his Latin paper?

18. What was the sad spectable for Churchill?

19. Why did Churchill keep on staring at his paper after writing down the number of the question "i"?

20. whom did Churchill give credit for his passing into Harrow?

21. Who did Churchill say was a man not dependent upon paper manifestations?

22. What did Churchill have for his headmaster?

23. where was Churchill placed in the Harrow?

24. How were the names of the boys printed in the schools list?

25. Churchill was in fact the _______ from the bottom of the whole school.

26.Why did the last two students leave the Harrow?

27. Where was Churchil studying before he got into Harrow?

28. Why did many visitors wait on the school steps to see Churchil?

29. Who was Lord Randolph Churchill?

30. Who was the leader of the House of Commons and Chancellor of the Exchequer?

31. What was the disrespectful remark that Churchill frequently heard from the visitors?

32. What was the advantage that Churchill had over the cleverer boys?

33. What was/were the weaker boys taught?

34. What was/were the cleverer boys taught?

35. Who was Churchill's English teacher?

36. What duty was Mr. Somervell charged with?

37. What did the boys learn thoroughly from Mr. Somervell?

38. How long did Churchill remain in the Third Fourth?

39.What did Churchill get into bones?

40. What had Churchill's school fellows who were good at Greek annd Latin come down to?

41. Why didn't Churchill feel himself any disadvantage?

42. In whose favour Churchill biased?

43. What would Churchill do, if he were to decide what the boys should learn?

44. Churchill will let the clever ones learn Latin as a/an _____.

45. Churchill will let the clever ones learn Greek as a/an ____.

46. What would be the only thing Churchill would whip the clever boys for?

47. When did Churchill first went to Harrow?

48. How was the swimming-bath at Harrow?

49. How many bridges did the awimming bath have across it?

50. The school possessed the biggest ____________ Churchill had ever seen.

51. It was a good joke for the boys to come behind some ______ friend or even enemy and ____.

52. Why did Churchill consider Amery fair game?

53. Why did Churchill hold on to Amery's towel?

54. What did Amery do with Churchill after he caught him?

55. By whom did find himself surrounded by on the other side?

56. Which form was Amery in?

57. Which of the following is not an achievement of Amery?

58. Churchill was convulsed not only with terror, but with the ______.

59. What did Churchill decide to do immediately?

60. What was the age diference between Amery and Churchill?

61. How were Churchill and Amery associated for a good many years afterwards?

62. Who had gained prize in school for reciting to the headmaster twelve hundred lines of Macaulay's "Lays of Ancient Rome" without making asingle mistake?

63. What was another achievement of Churchill while he was still at the bottom of the school?

64. was the first question in the preliminary examination for the Army?

65. What does "an en 'plein" mean?


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